“SVG can do that?” and other Tweeted Links…
SVG can do that? [slides.com]
Nrwl Extensions for @Angular[nrwl.io]
my first production-intended @angular application with its first, feature-complete view 🎁☂️💄🧐 <= @Meligy… [twitter.com]
WordPress is not [wordpress.com][wpisnotwp.com]
Why Personalization Projects Fail – Erica Smith – Medium [medium.com]
Hello WebAssembly | Mono [mono-project.com]
Is it better to include web fonts in CSS or in HTML? Go.
@timothyachumba HTML. Also if you care about performance (you should :D) google fontfaceobserver to prevent FOIT. Good luck!
Finally got a simple website up and running for Creative Black, my consulting company. I’m available part-time in t… [twitter.com]
“Everything you need to know about debugging Angular applications” by @maxim_koretskyi[blog.angularindepth.com]
[]( "Tobias Hertkorn [dun3]") Home screen on iOS is truly a mess. Ugly, no true information at a glance and just bad UX. Why would I want everyth… [twitter.com]
[]( "NG Tutorial 🔥 [NG_Tutorial]") Angular in Docker with Nginx, supporting environments, using Docker multi-stage builds. By Sebastián Ramírez [bit.ly]
Exploring refit, an automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Standard - Scott Hanselman [hanselman.com]@shanselman
Cloud storage now more affordable: Announcing general availability of @Azure Archive Storage | Blog | Microsoft Azu… [twitter.com]
c# - Class Diagrams in VS 2017 - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
and instanceof
: simplifying dynamic type checks [2ality.com]
F# and .NET Core Roadmap Update | .NET Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
The Problem with F# Evangelism [thomasbandt.com]
After having been asked this a few times I decided to write up how I got started with #fsharp. It seemed like a goo… [twitter.com]
Like-operator in Entity Framework Core 2.0 [gunnarpeipman.com]
EF Core 2.0: DbContext Pooling [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com] [
Global query filters in Entity Framework Core 2.0 | Gunnar Peipman - Programming Blog [gunnarpeipman.com]
Migrating 1200 databases from MySQL to Postgres [psyenix.blogspot.com]
The Fundamental Limits of Machine Learning - Facts So Romantic [nautil.us]
A Google Visualization of the Machine Learning Landscape[youtube.com] <= @taraw[twitter.com]
Must-read breakthrough research papers about Image Classification [blog.paralleldots.com]
unity container - Register the same type to multiple interfaces - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] HowTo: set a GUI in a Ubuntu AWS EC2 instance
A high school kid in Nigeria coded and launched two popular apps using nothing more than his Nokia feature phone. H… [twitter.com]
Mixer | Xbox [xbox.com]
We're Not Walking Away From Continuum, Says HP [hardware.slashdot.org]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] The New Always Connected PCs
For 8 days Windows bundled a password manager with a critical flaw | Ars Technica [arstechnica.com]
Stepping into year 2018 with my own company, Black Koi Consulting. I am very excited. Many things will be similar t… [twitter.com]
Ask HN: Where does one find true entry level development jobs? [news.ycombinator.com]
I’m an Ex-Google Woman Tech Leader and I’m Sick of Our Approach to Diversity [medium.com]
I am very, very confident had @satyanadella led MSFT ten years ago my finances would be far the more better [cnbc.com]