“Swipe, Tap, Pinch - HammerJS + Angular Animations” and other Tweeted Links…
Swipe, Tap, Pinch - HammerJS + Angular Animations - YouTube [youtube.com]
Three Ways to Test Angular Components – Angular [vsavkin.com]
Testing Components • Unit Testing • Angular 5 [codecraft.tv]@jawache
Composite UIs for Microservices - Client Composition [jimmybogard.com]
“Why I hate your Single Page App” [medium.freecodecamp.org]
YouTube gets material design [youtube.googleblog.com]
Interview with Ryan Dahl, Creator of Node.js [mappingthejourney.com]
Let’s talk about Javascript string encoding | Kevin Burke [kev.inburke.com]
nameof operator · TypeScript Cookbook [schneidenbach.gitbooks.io] [“The TypeScript language doesn't include a nameof operator like in C#”]
TypeScript 2.1: keyof and Lookup Types | Marius Schulz [blog.mariusschulz.com]
JavaScript ES6+: var, let, or const? – JavaScript Scene – Medium [medium.com]
Tip for @npmjs users: More often than not, white listing files in your
is much convenient than maint… [twitter.com]
Have you noticed how Safari's link underlines default to skip-ink style nowadays? There's finally a CSS property co… [twitter.com]
I just spent 20 minutes creating an event at eventsmart dot com. It has no save button. I clicked a different tab a… [twitter.com]
I eventually, with diligent searching, found a "Save draft" button that probably does what I wanted - in a washed o… [twitter.com]
@billyhollis don't blow a gasket, but this button comes equipped with a horizontal scrollbar. From a bank website.… [twitter.com]
{sigh} I was just talking about "never time to do it right, but always time to do it over" on .NET Rocks couple wee… [twitter.com]
Azure Content Spotlight – Reactive event programming with Azure Event Grid – Azure Development Community [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
[asp.net] Core 2.0 Secret Manager - CodeProject [codeproject.com]
“Building an [asp.net] Core Website with Xamarin.Forms, XAML, and Ooui” and other Tweeted Links… - New Blog:… [twitter.com]
Here's what MS is doing to try to secure Azure from the CPU vulnerability [azure.microsoft.com]
A Gentle Introduction to Graph Theory [dev.to]
The Grave Accent and XSS [davidmurdoch.com]
[asp.net] Monsters #105: SQL Injection attacks in Entity Framework Core 2.0 [channel9.msdn.com]
Upgrade PCL to .NET Standard Class Library - Xamarin Help [xamarinhelp.com]
.NET Code Documentation So Easy It's an Afterthought - DaedTech [daedtech.com]
It is faster & much more fun to develop your own deep learning framework from first principles that trying to build… [twitter.com]
[]( "Dina Bass [dinabass]") So for those keeping score, AMD says they are not impacted. Google, which discovered the issue, says they are. And… [twitter.com]
GE discovers that industrial IoT doesn't scale [mailchi.mp]
Oracle laid off all Solaris tech staff in a classic silent EOL of the product [twitter.com]
The Next Big Blue-Collar Job Is Coding [wired.com]
What do people mean when they say “transpiler”? [composition.al]
The art of over-engineering your side projects – Liam Symonds [elsyms.com]
Founder Stories: A Hacker’s Hacker – OpenOcean [blog.openocean.vc]
“A.I. ‘Bias’ Doesn’t Mean What Journalists Say It Means” [jacobitemag.com]
my first serious year of @github activity was 2017🧐 [twitter.com]
Diversity and inclusion: Stop talking and do your homework [opensource.com]
Tech Twitter: Can you tell me a time where a failure/setback eventually turned into a positive thing for you? RT f… [twitter.com]
After 2 years of trying, I had spent all my savings and retirement to pay rent while becoming an independent iOS de… [twitter.com]
Brilliantly written and chillingly convincing. A pretty persuasive argument for site owners to sort out their CSPs… [twitter.com]