“Science proves Flat Design was a mistake” and other Tweeted Links…
Science proves Flat Design was a mistake [mspoweruser.com] » @nazsharif
Hisham's Blog - Razor Pages Conventions [hishambinateya.com] [PageConventionCollection]
Stockio: Free Photos, Videos, Icons, Illustrations, and Fonts For Your Projects [noupe.com]
A great blog post about #RxJs by my friend @Sureshkumar_Ash, well done (again) dude. [hackernoon.com]
Blogged: A Software Architect's Approach towards using Angular (and SPAs in general) for Microservices aka Microfro… [twitter.com]
TIL: Be careful with JSON.stringify(), not just because of performance.#JavaScript#RXJS#Angular#TypeScript… [twitter.com]
Very excited to announce: For the next 2 years, Don Syme @dsyme from Microsoft Research will be with the Xamarin te… [twitter.com]
The 4 Types of UX Mapping: Empathy mapping, Customer journey mapping, Experience mapping & Service blueprinting -… [twitter.com]
Switching Your Site to HTTPS on a Shoestring Budget [css-tricks.com]
Creating a rolling file logging provider for [asp.net] Core 2.0 [andrewlock.net]
Introducing the Azure CLI [markheath.net]
Overview on Web App for Containers and Azure App Service on Linux | Blog | Microsoft Azure [azure.microsoft.com]
Show HN: [page.rest] – An API to fetch details from a web page as JSON [page.rest]
.NET Core DLL Hell Is Here. Can .NET Core 2.0 Save Us? [stackify.com]
C# 7.1 - Everything You Need To Know [danielcrabtree.com]
Tips for developing templates for dotnet new - Jerrie Pelser [jerriepelser.com]
System.Console Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - Mavnn's blog [blog.mavnn.co.uk]
TypeScript: Organizing your code with AMD modules and require.js | blorkfish_blog [blorkfish.wordpress.com]
What’s new in Typescript 2.5 – [izabelawlodarska.com][izabelawlodarska.com]
Project Snowflake: Non-blocking safe manual memory management in .NET [twitter.com]
Database connection string when swapping between App Servers slots – benjamin perkins [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
A programmer's cleaning guide for messy sensor data [opensource.com] [Pandas and Python]
Serilog — simple .NET logging with fully-structured events [serilog.net][twitter.com]
serilog-trace-listener/SerilogTraceListener: A System.Diagnostics.TraceListener that writes trace data into Serilog [github.com]
What it's like to be a small business owner in America right now. This is exactly what my family and I are going th… [twitter.com]
10 most popular coding fonts [blog.checkio.org]
Sonic Pi - The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone [sonic-pi.net] » @carlfranklin
Install Addons for Kodi – Get Started with SuperRepo [superrepo.org]
The New Screen Savers 61: [@leolaporte => FreeNas distro, Synology or Drobo] [youtube.com]
EXOGEAR Exomount Touch CD Mount Review [youtube.com] [recommended by @reneritchie]
Products – Purism [puri.sm] [The Librem phone]
Logitech launches its first updated trackball mouse in nearly a decade | iMore [imore.com]
PureOS [pureos.net]
What we learned from analyzing 225 million hours of work time - [blog.rescuetime.com]#productivity#trackingtime#work 📊
Speculative execution considered harmful in 1995: "Prefetching may fetch otherwise inaccesible instructions in Virt… [twitter.com]
ICYMI: Microsoft has paused nine operating system security updates after complaints that they rendered some AMD PCs… [twitter.com]
There's more guidance from MS about expected impacts of Meltdown/Spectre patches on Windows Server in their blog po… [twitter.com]
Hackers Can Take Control of Siri and Alexa By Whispering To Them in Frequencies Humans Can't Hear [apple.slashdot.org]
Spectre and Meltdown: What you need to know going forward [csoonline.com] via @csoonline
from @b0rk via @shanselman[drawings.jvns.ca]
Why 16% of the code on the average site belongs to Facebook, and what that means [medium.com]
One of the World's Most Influential Math Texts is Getting a Beautiful, Minimalist Edition [science.slashdot.org]
My computer can’t work without talking to 21 different countries [theverge.com]
[]( "Stig Ørskov [orskov]") LED bulbs contributed to a reduction of 570 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2017—equivalent to closing… [twitter.com]
If your first instinct when you encounter a deficiency in an OSS project is to tear it down rather than build it up… [twitter.com]