
“How to recreate Medium’s article layout with CSS Grid” and other Tweeted Links…

Veerle Pieters [vpieters] How to recreate Medium’s article layout with CSS Grid Per Harald Borgen explains how to recreate the famous Medium… []

Rachel Andrew [rachelandrew] Flexbox confusion that I see is usually one of two things. 1. Confusion over how Box Alignment works in Flexbox.… []

Rachel Andrew [rachelandrew] 2. Thinking flexbox is designed to make a grid system. It isn't. You have to work almost as hard as you do with f… []

Minko Gechev [mgechev] Conditional types in TypeScript ❤[]

Visual Studio [VisualStudio] .@TypeScriptLang 2.4 added support for dynamic import() expressions, allowing you to asynchronously load & execute… []

Andy Kirk [visualisingdata] NEW POST: 10 significant visualisation developments, July to December 2017 [][]

[Mara Averick [dataandme]]( "Mara Averick [dataandme]") 👍 round-up by @sauer_sebastian: "Great dataviz examples in #rstats" []#dataviz (feat.… []

[Mara Averick [dataandme]]( "Mara Averick [dataandme]") ICYMI, great 📝 w/ code: "Quantitative Story Telling with Shiny: Gender Bias in Syllabi" by @gokhan_ciflikli[]

[Mara Averick [dataandme]]( "Mara Averick [dataandme]") ICYMI, great guide to 🤷‍♂️: "Visualizing the Uncertainty in Data" by @FlowingData[]#dataviz[]

[Mara Averick [dataandme]]( "Mara Averick [dataandme]") ICYMI,😻! "pmap: Process Map Visualization in R" by Tao Wang []#rstats#visualization[]

Timothy ッ [timothyachumba] Experimenting with morphing one svg path into another and then binding the transition to the scroll position. []

Stephanie Hobson [stephaniehobson] Firefox is going to start underlining which font is being used in a font-family list! This would have been so incr… []

zeldman [zeldman] ♛ A fantastic article with a simple premise: Can learning chess make you a better designer? Watch and enjoy as… []

Mary Jo Foley [maryjofoley] Azure Event Grid service is now generally available: [] What is Event Grid: []

George Spyrou [gspyrou] - Microsoft owns LinkedIn - Microsoft has ~124K employees - Microsoft decides to create a Windows 10 app for Linked… []

ProgrammableWeb [programmableweb] The jsonbin #API is a store-as-a-service solution for #JSON -formatted data [][]

@DynamicWebPaige [DynamicWebPaige] Okay, that's cool: If you right click and select "Generate @Azure CLI script", every button click you make in the… []

null [Scionwest] Writing Swift code has made me appreciate the C# language and .Net Framework so much more. Swifts concurrency model… []

K. Scott Allen [OdeToCode] MS SQL Server has a cross platform CLI with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. [][]

Jeremy Likness ⚡️ [jeremylikness] Keep it simple: load an object from #SQL using #Dapper in #dotNET Core 2.0 [][]

Angie Jones [techgirl1908] More than likely, the metrics your boss wants in regards to test automaton are worthless. Here's what actually mat… []

Stefan Scherer [stefscherer] It’s true, #WindowsServer Insider 17074 has curl and tar pre-installed. Amazing! []

Mary Branscombe [marypcbuk] PowerShell is going where .NET Core goes; I think it will be Microsoft's next big open source success. Talking to… []

John Arundel [bitfield] Carbon is a nice tool for making quick, pretty code screenshots. Just paste and save [][]

John Arundel [bitfield] “Just like Linux became the standard server-side operating system for a single node, Kubernetes has become the stan… []

☭🚀🐕 Bodil 🐕🚀☭ [bodil] Hi group, my name is Bodil and 24 years ago this year I bought a new CPU for my trusty Amiga 1200 which enabled me… []

Kunal Chowdhury 👉 [kunal2383]#Adobe rolls out #Photoshop Surface Dial support for everyone [][]

Miguel de Icaza [migueldeicaza] This is simply amazing. []

Kelsey Hightower [kelseyhightower] "There's no reason you should be doing DevOps for 40 years. Once we get the practice right, it should turn into tec… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] PowerShell: determining the EXACT 4.x version of .NET [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] pick from Gavin: scripts/Get-NetFrameworkVersions.ps1 []

Jeff Sandquist [jeffsand] Join us. Come as you are, do what you ❤️ We are hiring globally for bad ass Developer Advocates and Technical Writ… []

Jacqueline [JackieMJensen] Community-owned broadband services are cheaper than the cheapest commercial alternative in 23 of the 27 markets inc… []

NYT [NYT] Anthony Noto Leaves Twitter to Become SoFi C.E.O.. []

Den [DennisCode] "Never memorize something that you can look up" - Albert Einstein, on trying to exit vim