“Polygonal Map Generation, HTML5 Version” and other Tweeted Links…
Polygonal Map Generation, HTML5 Version [simblob.blogspot.com]
Upterm – A terminal emulator and interactive shell based on Electron [github.com]
Does ES6 Mean The End Of Underscore / Lodash? - [derickbailey.com][derickbailey.com]
The Smithsonian Design Museum Digitizes 200,000 Objects, Giving You Access to 3,000 Years of Design History [openculture.com]
tonistiigi/audiosprite: Jukebox/Howler/CreateJS compatible audio sprite generator [github.com]
Microsoft rolls out new user interface for OneNote Online [mspoweruser.com]
5 simple steps for converting Markdown documents into HTML and adding Python syntax highlighting… [twitter.com]
.@Office for Mac Update - Macbrained Twin Cities Meetup - November 16, 2017 [youtu.be] <= @maryjofoley, @windowsweekly
Microsoft aligns its different Office code bases as of the latest Mac Office release [zd.net] via @ZDNet & @maryjofoley
Azure Tips and Tricks Part 17 - Use PowerShell with Azure Cloud Shell - Michael Crump [michaelcrump.net]
Azure Tips and Tricks Part 19 - Deploy an Azure Web App using only the CLI - Michael Crump [michaelcrump.net]
Introducing Azure Event Grid – an event service for modern applications | Blog | Microsoft Azure [azure.microsoft.com]
Protect your Queryable API with the validation feature in Web API OData [FilterQueryValidator] [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Running Rendering Workloads on AWS with Deadline - 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks
Understanding Graphs and Their Application on Software Systems - Tugberk Ugurlu's Blog [tugberkugurlu.com]
Current scourge in social media - a constant barrage of birthday notifications. Outlook, Skype, LinkedIn, all throw… [twitter.com]
Skype is particularly annoying. I can turn off Outlook's birthday calendar. But Skype doesn't respect that when syn… [twitter.com]
A few lines of #code and you have an interactive #UserInterface. Try it with @stephen_wolfram's Elementary Introduc… [twitter.com]
blogged - Containers, what is it good for? [jimmybogard.com] tracking my journey of experimenting with containers
Data Lake vs Data Warehouse: Key Differences [kdnuggets.com]
In memory Entity Framework testing via Effort library, in practice. - CodeProject [codeproject.com]
Entity Framework Core Generic Repository - Coding Blast [codingblast.com]
We now have over 10,000 public datasets shared on Kaggle! This is a key milestone in our mission to help the world… [twitter.com]
wow. @code supports PlantUML [[plantuml.com]] [Java] <= okazuki PlantUML - Visual Studio Marketplace… [twitter.com]
PlantUML requires Java so consider the yUML plugin [[marketplace.visualstudio.com]] based on the yUML Syntax [… [twitter.com]
How to find latest version of MsBuild in powershell [alastaircrabtree.com]
Bash on Windows as Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code | WinCoder Blog [pjdecarlo.com]
The competitors: Node.js vs. Bash [blog.alexellis.io]
tj/commander.js: node.js command-line interfaces made easy [github.com]
Answer: “How to install an npm package from GitHub directly?” [stackoverflow.com]
The .NET Portability Analyzer - .NET | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com]
pick from Gavin: scripts/Get-NetFrameworkVersions.ps1 [github.com]
ssh-audit is a tool for checking the security of SSH servers (think of it as like SSL Labs for your SSH server), wh… [twitter.com]
“Imagine you're trying to start an executable, but it's failing silently. You don't have the source code. How do yo… [twitter.com]
"I bought my boss two copies of The Mythical Man Month so that he could read it twice as fast." - @rkoutnik[twitter.com]
A reminder for those of us who dig markdown [daringfireball.net] => @migueldeicaza@nigewillson@BWiTLA… [twitter.com]
Computer Science Degrees Aren't Returning On Investment For Coders, Research Finds [developers.slashdot.org] [UK survey]
Best view of the @Intel drone swarm performance at the Olympics [twitter.com]
“slack empowers your worst people to overwhelm your best” [abe-winter.github.io]
Diversity/Inclusion has become an industry in itself with little to show by way of progress, IMO... Too Many Medioc… [twitter.com]