“Maybe just use Vanilla Javascript” and other Tweeted Links…
Maybe just use Vanilla Javascript with Chris Ferdinandi [hanselminutes.com] « @tmrDevelops
TypeScript vs. JavaScript: Should You Migrate Your Project to TypeScript? [stackify.com]
Basscss, Lightning Fast Modular CSS with No Side Effects [basscss.com] [used by @lambdacartel]
I really like this design. Fun CSS Grid experiment recreating a printed menu. See how it was done:… [twitter.com]
Typography for complex data: things I’ve learned working with clients over the past 30 years. —JH… [twitter.com]
I just published “Tiny Types in TypeScript” [medium.com]
“Node.js leadership is a toxic mess” [medium.com]
Getting Started with [asp.net] Core Giraffe @Odytrice[youtube.com]
Support for blob storage lease management from the Azure portal [azure.microsoft.com]
EntityFramework Core - Add an implementation of IDesignTimeDbContextFactory - Multiple DbContext's - Coding Blast [codingblast.com]
Simple EF6-style Logging for EF Core – David Browne's Web Log [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Why SQL is beating NoSQL, and what this means for the future of data [blog.timescale.com]
How a #DeepLearning technique based on decision trees (Deep Forests) outperforms CNNs and RNNs:… [twitter.com]
Visualizing a day in the life of 1000 Americans. [flowingdata.com][twitter.com]
3 New C# 8 Features We Are Excited About [stackify.com]
.NET Framework 4.7.1 Accessibility and WPF Improvements | .NET Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Announcing .NET Framework 4.6.2 | .NET Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com] [reminder: 4.6.2 added long file name support]
.NET version 4.6.2 and 4.7 option missing from Visual Studio » Iris Classon [irisclasson.com]
Class-less Coding - Minimalist C# and Why F# and Function Programming Has Some Advantages - CodeProject [codeproject.com]
NuGet.Config File Reference | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com] [packageSources]
How to Make Windows 10 Accept File Paths Over 260 Characters [howtogeek.com]
Running Linux desktop apps on the Windows Subsystem for Linux – Ctrl blog [ctrl.blog]
Running Graphical Programs on Windows Subsystem on Linux -- Virtualization Review [virtualizationreview.com]
Windows 10's Bash shell can run graphical Linux applications with this trick | PCWorld [pcworld.com]
Spend less time CD'ing around directories with the PowerShell Z shortcut [hanselman.com] [Install-Module z -AllowClobber]
cmus – A Small, Fast And Powerful Console Music Player For Linux [2daygeek.com]
[addressof.com] : SUCCESS!–VB on Linux! [addressof.com]
Reload .profile in bash shell script (in unix)? [stackoverflow.com]
The Scourge of Design-Time Builds | Panopticon Central [panopticoncentral.net]
First DotNetRocks in over a year for me. Topics include: how people focus too much on minutia and the bad side effe… [twitter.com]
[]( "Dan M [devuxer]")@billyhollis I just listened to this episode and thoroughly enjoyed it. Whenever you are on the show, I find myself… [twitter.com]
Storing Light Waves as Sound for Energy-Saving Acoustic Memory [spectrum.ieee.org]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Inwin Freeform Mars Fans and A Crazy Globe Case
Has the tripling of memory prices deter you from building a new PC? - Hardware Hangout - Neowin [neowin.net]
Remembering Lotfi Zadeh, the Inventor of Fuzzy Logic [newyorker.com]
A Coloring Book about Group Theory (free) [coloring-book.co]
Netflix, Microsoft, and Google just quietly changed how the web works [theoutline.com]
yo, @donasarkar, these are CREEPY survey questions: never seen anything like from Microsoft in decades of interacti… [twitter.com]
General purpose quantum computing closer to reality with Microsoft breakthroughs [news.microsoft.com]
via @Forbes As an individual, you’re a CEO of one, and you have a duty to maximize your profits. Staying employed a… [twitter.com]
Sure, but some of the worst engineers are blocking the use of capable tools, equating complexity with unfamiliarity… [twitter.com]