“Putting People First: Tips and Advice from UX Pioneer Don Norman” and other Tweeted Links…
Putting People First: Tips and Advice from UX Pioneer Don Norman [blogs.adobe.com]
A Five Minutes Guide to Better Typography [pierrickcalvez.com]
Minimalistic Design With Large Impact: Functional Minimalism For Web Design [blogs.adobe.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Sex, Drugs and Infinite Scroll
Semantic UI In 60 Minutes [youtube.com]
Xamarin.Forms Stable Comes to .NET Standard 2.0 | Xamarin Blog [blog.xamarin.com]
Stripe Elements: Pre-built UI components to help you create checkout flows [stripe.com]
What the hell is Zone.js and why is it in my Angular 2? [medium.com]
TypeScript Turns 5 | TypeScript [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Intro to Webpack – Kimberley Cook @KimberleyCook91 – Medium [medium.com]
Workspaces are a new way to setup your package architecture that’s available by default starting from Yarn 1.0. [yarnpkg.com]
From @aspnet: Five RESTFul Web Design Patterns Implemented in [asp.net] Core 2.0 Bonus: Swagger [bit.ly]
[]( "Manika P. Chowdhury [ManikaChowdhury]") Starting with the release of Google Chrome version 68, in July 2018, it will mark the unencrypted sites as "Not Sec… [twitter.com]
Download 240+ Free eBooks on Design, Data, Software, Web Development & Business from O’Reilly Media | Open Culture [openculture.com]
Cloud SOLID Part II: Cloud Architecture and the Open/Closed Principle – AzureCAT Guidance [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
[asp.net] Core Web API help pages using Swagger | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com]
Jeremy Bytes: Using the Built-In Dependency Injection in [asp.net] Core 2.0 [jeremybytes.blogspot.co.uk]
Announcing the preview of Java support for Azure Functions [azure.microsoft.com]
REST versus GraphQL [blog.pusher.com]
Creating and trusting a self-signed certificate on Linux for use in Kestrel and [asp.net] Core [andrewlock.net]
GitHub Shouldn't Allow Username Reuse — Donat Studios [donatstudios.com]
Approvals in VSTS and TFS | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com]
An overview of TLS 1.3 [https next?] and Q&A [blog.cloudflare.com]
You're using HttpClient wrong and it is destabilizing your software | [asp.net] Monsters… [twitter.com]
Answer: “…use the supported OData functions toupper or tolower to work out the case sensitivity issues…” [stackoverflow.com]
Using EF Core and SQLite to persist SignalR Group messages in [asp.net] Core | Software Engineering [damienbod.com]
EF Core: “Many-to-many relationships without an entity class to represent the join table are not yet supported.”… [twitter.com]
Why it's time to think seriously about SQL Server 2017 - Redgate Software [red-gate.com]
Announcing new Azure VM images: SQL Server 2017 on Linux and Windows | Blog | Microsoft Azure [azure.microsoft.com]
Connect to a JSON file - @msexcel[support.office.com]
Complete with new features & bug fixes that address your feedback, we're announcing #VS2017 version 15.6 feature pr… [twitter.com]
Visual Studio @code is now the official coding environment (IDE) recommended by the French administration in its op… [twitter.com]
ignored by @VisualStudio docs?: “Bower is in maintenance mode and not actively developed anymore.“ [docs.microsoft.com]
Git and Visual Studio 2017 part 6 : Rebasing | Ken’s Tech Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Log Aggregation 101: Methods, Tools, Tutorials & More [stackify.com]
Dissecting the local functions in C# 7 – Dissecting the code [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Behold Pharo: The Modern Smalltalk [medium.com]
Roslyn Primer – Part I: Anatomy of a Compiler | The Visual Basic Team [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Three Historical Definitions of the Open/Closed Principle and a Claim that it’s Pointless | Chris F Carroll [cafe-encounter.net]
2015: What’s New with Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool 2016 – Microsoft Secure [cloudblogs.microsoft.com]
Hoarding, lying, price gouging...for a computer part? [wsj.com] via @WSJ
Elgato Stream Deck - Live Content Creation Controller with 15 customizable LCD keys, adjustable stand, for Windows… [twitter.com]
hello market correction, i now get the basics: when interest rates go up bonds suffer---and just look at all of the… [twitter.com]
Volatile Markets: Here’s What You Should Know [cs1.schwab.com]@CharlesSchwab
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Quicken 2018 Review - Deluxe, Premier, Home, Business & Rental Property
51 Percent of Financial Services Companies Believe Existing Tech is Holding Them Back - Slashdot [tech.slashdot.org]
“Use of open source software has been declining rapidly in the private sector” [github.com]