“Composite UIs for Microservices—Server Composition” and other Tweeted Links…
Composite UIs for Microservices - Server Composition [jimmybogard.com]
Ask HN: Why Isn't the Construction of CRUD Web UI's 90% Automated? [news.ycombinator.com]
How To Install Microsoft Fonts In Ubuntu Linux [linuxandubuntu.com]
The most important Firefox command line options [ghacks.net]
app.Use vs [app.run] in [asp.net] Core middleware [talkingdotnet.com]
An introduction to Azure Web Apps on Linux - Simple Talk [red-gate.com]
ApiController => Controller IHttpActionResult => IActionResult ResponseType !=> ProducesResponseType
Claims-Based Authorization | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com]
Working around the lack of dynamic DbProviderFactory loading in .NET Core - Rick Strahl's Web Log [weblog.west-wind.com]@RickStrahl
SQLite has an in-memory mode that allows you to use SQLite to write tests against a relational database [docs.microsoft.com]
Deprecation notice: Removing anonymous gist creation [github.com]@github
just digging into the FromSQL() extension method; i see that interpolation syntax for a SQL string is reserved for… [twitter.com]
The less your tests resemble the way your software is used, the less confidence they can give you.
That's why some people prefer more end to end tests over more unit tests [twitter.com]
[]( "Pratap Lakshman [pvlakshm]") Did you know that every element of a test in #MSTestV2 can be extended. [twitter.com]
NuGet Gallery | Microsoft.NETCore.TestHost 2.0.5 [nuget.org] [what is this used for?] <= @pvlakshm
[]( "Pratap Lakshman [pvlakshm]")@BryanWilhite Please see here: [github.com].
7 Hidden Gems in Visual Studio 2017 | The Visual Studio Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Why many developers still prefer Objective-C to Swift [hackingwithswift.com]
.@java 9 “jar hell” is not resolved by the introduction of Java Modules, there is no version concept for Modules in… [twitter.com]
Google Guava is a thing the speaker is mentioning frequently: [en.wikipedia.org]
A Comparison of Four Algorithms Textbooks (2016) [porgionesanke.wordpress.com]
Why won't .Any() return false for a null set? => @ericlippert, @raboof[twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@raboof Null is not an empty sequence, and code which treats null as an empty sequence is wrong. All… [twitter.com]
@ericlippert@raboof When you say "wrong" you are saying it wrong to define what null is not because null is suppos… [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@raboof I'm saying that it is wrong to represent an empty sequence with a null reference. I don't kno… [twitter.com]
@ericlippert@raboof Yes, I think we both would prefer to work with
rather than null. But I d… [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@ericlippert@raboof Could you write your own 'NullOrAny' extension method?
@mjwills@BryanWilhite@raboof A method "NullOrAny" would have a bizarre contract: true if the sequence is null or… [twitter.com]
@ericlippert@BryanWilhite@raboof You are correct @ericlippert I should have said 'NullOrEmpty' (kind of like stri… [twitter.com]
7 deadly sins of documentation | [opensource.com][opensource.com]
Connect To Wifi From The Linux Command Line [lxer.com]
python-hwinfo : Display Summary Of Hardware Information Using Standard Linux Utilities [2daygeek.com]
Linux Kernel LTS release is now for 6 years instead of 2 [arstechnica.com]
Microsoft Finally Documents the Limitations of Windows 10 on ARM[hardware.slashdot.org]
Beijing startup offers engineers $1M salary plus options in battle for talent [business.financialpost.com]
Creatives are Pressured to Deliver, Yet Constantly Interrupted [blogs.adobe.com] « @nazsharif, @o_jeo
Origins and History of Unix, 1969-1995 (2003) [catb.org]
Step aside, Windows! Open source and Linux are IT's new security headache [computerworld.com]
How Microsoft turns their incompetence into my problem [linkedin.com]