“Yes!! Finally here! Architecting NG Apps with Redux, RxJS, and NhRx” and other Tweeted links…
[]( "Alex [Alex51482]") Yes!! Finally here! Architecting NG Apps with Redux, RxJS, and NhRx by @chris_noring forward by @josepheames[twitter.com]
There's been a lot of confusion and misinformation about Redux going around lately. I just posted "Redux - Not Dea… [twitter.com]
Do you maintain a JS library that uses GraphQL? I need your help preparing for the next major release! [medium.com]
Radar which lets you trace the frame rate of your JavaScript application [github.com][twitter.com]
How to, w/ code: "Index starting points & dataviz" by @lenkiefer (👍 write up, too) [buff.ly]#rstats… [twitter.com]
Dear developers, please stop assuming that everyone has amazing internet and it's cheap.
Mermaid. Generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown. [github.com]@code
Project bedrock update [github.com]#aspnetcore#signalr
read this update from @davidfowl if you are interested in the latest cutting-edge stuff related to Kestrel and… [twitter.com]
We just pushed a minor update to the Azure Durable Functions extension. This update is compatible with the recently… [twitter.com]
Final release of 2.0.0 is on [nuget.org] Huge kudos to the community for helping navigate this major re… [twitter.com]
Soft delete for Azure Storage Blobs now in public preview. Check out the blog post for more details. [azure.microsoft.com]
Announcing the fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service - [cfl.re][twitter.com]
The PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync() experience on .NET Core is not yet implemented (login prompt baked… [twitter.com]
Microsoft.Identity.Client: [github.com]
excited to see how @jm_prieur and co. implement a cross-platform authentication login prompt for @azure AD => @JamesMontemagno
@JamesMontemagno@jm_prieur@Azure hey @JamesMontemagno when, say, PowerShell running on Linux needs a login prompt… [twitter.com]
How to recognize differences between delegated and application permissions | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com]
“This post compares package management systems for JavaScript, including npm, Yarn, Bower and jpsm.” [telerik.com]
when my current 1990s-era-Microsoft-IT-shop thought leader says, "We need to be cloud-ready," i am almost certain o… [twitter.com]
Azure #CosmosDB customers, we'd love your feedback on the organizational changes we're testing out on the Cosmos DB… [twitter.com]
This #VSTS feature brings balance to the force. Case-insensitive #Git repositories are really awesome. I've seen lo… [twitter.com]
Heresy in the Battle Between OOP and FP [cs.uni.edu]
Don't Fear the Monoids! Yes, Monoids. I wrote this about 15 years ago for SQL Server and forgot about it. Cleani… [twitter.com]
CloudShell has just been updated and look what you can now do after you start a Bash session! [twitter.com]
hey, Bryan, it's me, Bryan... you are hitting this line of code: [github.com][twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] 09 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Lenses for Business Applications
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] LambdaConf 2015 - How to Learn Haskell in Less Than 5 Years Chris Allen
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Fun never stops. Introduction to Haskell Programming language by Paul Szulc
Fellow speakers, can I humbly make a suggestion? If you’re doing a live demo, do a screen recording of what it look… [twitter.com]
why are some Microsoft NuGet packages still actively developed as "WindowsAzure"? [nuget.org]… [twitter.com]
Duplicati 2.0: Free backup software to store encrypted backups online For Windows, macOS and Linux [duplicati.com] <= @TekThing
26 Women of Color Diversifying Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, Media, and Beyond [vanityfair.com]… [twitter.com]
Big shakeup at MSFT today, especially in Windows. Terry Myerson is leaving the company: [zdnet.com]
More details on Microsoft's reorg and how/why Microsoft is splitting up Windows and Devices: [zdnet.com]
It was 8 years ago that then MSFT Chief Software Architect @rozzie wrote a memo on the post-PC world looming:… [twitter.com]
What are you going to learn today (or what have you already learned)?
We've accepted as an industry/society a very low bar for what constitutes "education". I don't think documentation… [twitter.com]
Here you go, proof that 1 + 1 = 2 [twitter.com]
@Odytrice It looks like it is based on set theory? I haven't seen stuff like this since c. 1989.
@Odytrice But with my newfound discovery of Jupyter notebooks I can study this stuff again (eventually).
@raelyard Why is it common for a doctor or lawyer to make $500K / yr and not for a developer? Why are those profes… [twitter.com]
@Bizmonger@raelyard Developers can't pass (immigration) laws. Period. And, hell no, I am not a white nationalist.
@Bizmonger@raelyard Also tech giants have been known to collude with each other to prevent salaries from rising😈 h… [twitter.com]
In this thread: ➡️Burnout seems common in tech ➡️Recorry time varies, can take years ➡️Some report never recoverin… [twitter.com]
@jesslynnrose I have not burned out for whatever sense of self awareness I have had as one who tries to practice me… [twitter.com]
@jesslynnrose I think burn out in tech comes from forcing one's self to take a ridiculous IT enterprise seriously t… [twitter.com]
Tech workers are fleeing the United States to work in Canada [read.bi] via @businessinsider
The Undersea Network (Sign, Storage, Transmission) [amazon.com] by @n_str[twitter.com]
1532 Falcon Heavy Geek Out [dotnetrocks.com] [@richcampbell schools me on toxic perchlorate dust that would h… [twitter.com]