
“Integrate shiny apps into regular webpages with responsive iframe resizing” and other Tweeted links…

Paul Campbell [PaulCampbell91] New blogpost: Integrate shiny apps into regular webpages with responsive iframe resizing #rstats#rshiny[]

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] Want to learn CSS Grid? Here’s a free full-length course: 14 interactive screencasts to take you from beginner to a… []

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] Using Gradients the right way []

Mara Averick [dataandme] Super cool 📝 (w/ #rstats code) 👁‍🗨 "Visualising Intersecting Sets Of Twitter Followers" [] by… []

Robert Kosara 👀 [eagereyes] Excellent use of animation and simulation in the NY Times to show distributions and how they change form one end to… []

Piotr Zgodziński [piotrzgodzinski][] Yes, there was something else before Blender, and this part of the story is never mentioned… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Introduction to Altair – A Declarative Visualization Library in Python []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Vega-Lite – A Grammar of Interactive Graphics [] [based on D3js]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Plotly's Python graphing library makes interactive, publication-quality graphs online. []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy form… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Jake VanderPlas The Python Visualization Landscape PyCon 2017

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Reactive Building Blocks Interactive Visualizations with Vega - Arvind Satyanarayan

Packt [PacktPub] Uncover the secrets of #FunctionalProgramming using C# and change the way you approach your applications forever -… []

Thomas Roth [StackSmashing] This is brilliant: Common algorithms explained in the style of IKEA instructions. [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Raymond Hettinger Modern Python Dictionaries A confluence of a dozen great ideas

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] c# - What is more efficient: Dictionary TryGetValue or ContainsKey+Item? - Stack Overflow []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Interview with Guido van Rossum [] via @mostlyerlang

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] 061 Idris [] via @mostlyerlang

[Matthew Whilden [WhildyBeast]]( "Matthew Whilden [WhildyBeast]") Maybe we should write our docs like this? This of the loc savings! @gotheap@mairacw@terrajobst[]

Jeremy Likness ⚡️ [jeremylikness] Managing your #Serverless@azureFunctions keys [][]

@rem [rem] Can't say I'm immediately impressed about the perf of "serverless" after a tonne of faffing just to get the damn th… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] IPython and Jupyter in Depth: High productivity, interactive Python - PyCon 2017

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .@Mbussonn I installed jupyter with pip just fine for some early version of Python 3 but I cannot find instructions… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Episode #117: Functional Python with Coconut []@TalkPython@EvanHub => @Bizmonger

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Coconut is a functional programming language that compiles to Python. Since all valid Python is valid Coconut, usin… []

Tara [taraw] Did I miss something? New? Maybe my going between different languages a lot is mixing things up in my head today bu… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@taraw The Spring framework was developed by Java people to save themselves from Java trying to connect to a database with "beans".

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@taraw Java did not have the concept of generics for, like, a super-large time.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@taraw Java people looking down on the work of Anders Hejlsberg is like some tech bro at a conference trying to l… []

Tony Sneed [tonysneed] EF Core 2.1 tutorial to reverse engineer database with context & entities in separate projects!… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Learn Jupyter Notebooks (Pt. 1) Plotting

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] The Ultimate Python Seaborn Tutorial: Gotta Catch ‘Em All []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] A Quick Introduction to the “Pandas” Python Library []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Missing JSON option at Data New query From File []@Office

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Eric J Ma Best Testing Practices for Data Science PyCon 2017 [] <= @techgirl1908

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] 194: The Reality of Testing in an Artificial World with Angie Jones []@techgirl1908 via @jcolantonio

HackerSpace Tech [HackerSpaceTech] RT arduino "RT kjarrett: Incredible 3D printed hexabot, Arduino Nano powered, fully open source, sophisticated and… []

HackerSpace Tech [HackerSpaceTech] RT sparkfun "Check out OpenCat – a programmable, lifelike and highly maneuverable, if very difficult to replicate,… []

Jon Skeet [jonskeet] Blogged: Stack Overflow Culture - [] - a 1-hour brain dump of my feelings about Stack Overflow… []

Sarah Jamie Lewis [SarahJamieLewis] Ah I see, Facebook wasn't "breached", the firm just exploited weak default account privacy protections by taking ad… []

Edward Snowden [Snowden] Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described… []

[Peter Lee [peteratmsr]]( "Peter Lee [peteratmsr]") The most important thing is to acknowledge that we have responsibility for the problem, confront it head on, learn,… []

Tiffany C. Li [tiffanycli] Here’s what people really want from tech: • Instagram – chronological timeline • Spotify – let us block artists •… []

TechnicallyRon [TechnicallyRon] How the seasons work in the UK: Jan - Cold Feb – Still Cold Mar – Still cold but snow now Apr - Rain May – More rai… []

Mormonger [Mormonger] Nobody talks about Jesus' miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s

Yonatan Zunger 🔥 [yonatanzunger] I didn't come up in computer science; I used to be a physicist. That transition gives me a rather specific perspect… []

Nige Willson [nigewillson] Really interesting article - and we definitely need diverse modesl ! Critics recognize the diverse cast of “Black… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] me: experience has caused me to expect to work with a BA person, QA person and an operations team. West-L.A. IT sh… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] i did not expect my generation of coders to be in the ~5% on @StackOverflow[][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this result reinforces the feeling that not going into management after 10 years of coding means something is "wron… []