“Introduction to Using Storybook for Angular” and other Tweeted links…
Introduction to Using Storybook for Angular: [alligator.io]@alligatorio 🎉🐊
Did you know that CSS Grid makes it easy to overlap things? We can use this common-in-print graphic design touch on… [twitter.com]
25+ #CSS Animation Libraries [cssauthor.com]
Good to great #UI animation tips: Pablo Stanley gives some practical suggestions to improve your UI micro-interacti… [twitter.com]
Parallax scrolling with CSS variables Really clever thinking to use CSS Variables for parallax animations. [basicscroll.electerious.com]
How #RxJS
works under the hood [twitter.com]
Angular Playground V4 Just Released! Features: - No #Angular compiler dependency - Smaller build footprint - Optio… [twitter.com]
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities [joplin.cozic.net]
“Gretta on making a social media interface for podcasts.” by @realkimhansen[medium.com] <= @shanselman
We Write CSS Like We Did in the 90s, and Yes, It’s Silly · An A List Apart Article [alistapart.com]
#WolframCommunity: See how William Duhe used basic JSON REST services in #Mathematica to solve a complex… [twitter.com]
#ASPNET Core 2.1 Preview 1 now has HTTPClient factory for creating HttpClient instances to be used in your apps. Se… [twitter.com]
"An AWS outage caused our website to be unavailable. So far, so straightforward, but there's one wrinkle: we don't… [twitter.com]
Azure-Media-Services-Explorer [t.co]@mingfeiy@Azure[twitter.com]
Azure Storage for @code: “Classic Storage Accounts not supported.”😔 [marketplace.visualstudio.com][twitter.com]
Cache Tag Helper in [asp.net] Core MVC | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com]
“Instead of creating a new instance of HttpClient for each execution you should share a single instance of HttpClie… [twitter.com]
“Creating Custom HTTPClient Handlers” by Sam Nasr @VSMdev[visualstudiomagazine.com]
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. [flask.pocoo.org]
This is the most heartwarming picture of the Elm Architecture I've ever seen. 😍 h/t @unsoundscapes[twitter.com]
VSCode now supports folding #markdown by heading level. Try it out in the latest @code insiders [twitter.com]
#python tip: Usually, task specialized tools outperform their general purpose counterparts in some category. For… [twitter.com]
The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns [docs.quantifiedcode.com]
method chaining in python - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
Functional Programming in C#: Map, Filter, and Reduce Your Way to Clean Code [blog.submain.com] via @SubMain
Semaphore and SemaphoreSlim [docs.microsoft.com] <= @shanselman@csharpfritz
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] GOTO 2015 • Agile is Dead • Pragmatic Dave Thomas
Introduction: Build a .NET Bot [aws.amazon.com]@taraw@awscloud
Kelsey Hightower - Keynote - Pycon 2017 [youtube.com]@kelseyhightower@pycon
The Egg format was introduced by setuptools in 2004, whereas the Wheel format was introduced by PEP 427 in 2012. [packaging.python.org]
Tech Bytes | Getting Started Building a .NET Chatbot [youtu.be]@taraw
Start working with the Wolfram Knowledgebase to get computation-ready real-world #data. Find out how with… [twitter.com]
Machine Learning with Text in scikit-learn (PyData DC 2016) [youtu.be]@justmarkham
@taraw@PacktPub I had plans to do much of the work Jupyter can do in Mathematica notebooks. Really looking forward… [twitter.com]
ah, the Oracle-Microsoft relationship in the .NET space: the gift that keeps on giving => [stackoverflow.com][twitter.com]
Samsung Electronics UN49MU7500 Curved 49-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV (2017 Model) [amazon.com][twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Keynote: Calm Technology: Design for the Next 50 Billion Things - Amber Case
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V set review! 21309
looking at the stack overflow developer survey results, there is one thing I really don't understand - 81% code as… [twitter.com]
How do you know someone has turned from dev to manager? Their VS isn’t in dark mode. 😈😎 Oh hey @imjoshfree. Your VS looks...light. 😬
People always ask me what the best way to learn C# is.. It is simple all you need is Bob Tabor!… [twitter.com]
Join @shanselman and I in an hour for LIVE CODING and answering your questions at [mixer.com] and… [twitter.com]
[]( "A. Sharif [sharifsbeat]") Early warning signals when joining a new team or project: 1. No Documentation 2. No Documentation 3. No Documenta… [twitter.com]
Amazon Is Hiring More Developers For Alexa Than Google Is Hiring For Everything via @forbes[forbes.com]
Susan Tan Rants and Ruminations From A Job Applicant After 100 CS Job Interviews in Silicon Valley… [twitter.com]