“The Difference and Relation Between #UI and #UX Design” and other Tweeted links…
[]( "Connie Bai [iCandySF]") The Difference and Relation Between #UI and #UX Design (In 30 Seconds) [apple.news]
As of a week ago, Ruby Sass was officially deprecated. Read about what that means for the project and for you here: [sass.logdown.com]
Flexbox and Grids, your layout’s best friends [aerolab.co]#webdesign#webdevelopment
Expanding Grid Item Animation: A grid item animation where the thumbnail scales up when the details view is opened.… [twitter.com]
Using #SVG to Create a Duotone Effect on Images [css-tricks.com]
Diagnostic.css – Super quick web accessibility testing [karlgroves.com] by groovy @karlgroves
. @uxpodcast#134 Material design with Richard Fulcher [uxpodcast.com] +RichardFulcher => @nazsharif… [twitter.com]
High Resolution #14: Google Material Design Lead, Rich Fulcher, shares origin story of Google's design vision [youtube.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] ngHouston - Intro to GraphQL & Angular Apollo w/ Ed Pelc
Angular — Using @ngrx/store as your Apollo Cache with GraphQL [medium.com]
Open-source and self-hosted backend-as-a-service to develop serverless GraphQL backends. The Graphcool Framework of… [twitter.com]
Bridging the server client gap: GraphQL, Typescript and Apollo codegen [medium.com]@crucialfelix
Securing Your GraphQL API from Malicious Queries [dev-blog.apollodata.com]
Protecting APIs from the DDoS attacks by signing the resource identifiers [medium.com]
apollo-server: This is the @Azure Functions integration for the Apollo community GraphQL Server. [github.com]
Just like Azure, month after month, #AzureStack gets better and better. [docs.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
. @SHanselman explores a lightweight tool that could give us a "complete" solution for automatic unit testing in… [twitter.com]
Analyzing IoT Data is a tough one ...have your tried #AWS#IoT Analytics? Check out my blog post to learn more:… [twitter.com]
Wow, this is a good one. Are you interested in learning about #Jupyter notebooks? There is #free#ebook available f… [twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Tech Bytes | Building the Flowers Bot
Voice interaction vocabulary: Intents > Utterances > Slots > Prompts > Fulfillment <= @taraw [is this flow unique t… [twitter.com]
ICSharp is an C# language kernel for Jupyter. [github.com]@zabirauf
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Welcome to Azure Notebooks
It's Time For an RSS Revival [wired.com] via @WIRED@davewiner
Just to say "Get Programming with F#" is a fantastic book. Highly practical, well balanced, nicely presented, thoug… [twitter.com]
[]( "Tornhoof [torn_hoof]") The new TryFormat methods for
in .NET Core App 2.1 are really fast, wrote my own JSON Serializer for tes… [twitter.com]
Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python [youtube.com] -Raymond Hettinger
18 Most Common Python List Questions [datacamp.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Symbolic math in Python
MongoDB Quickstart with Python and PyCharm [youtube.com]@mkennedy
“In general never remove the 'original' Python unless explicitly allowed by official sources. In many operating sys… [twitter.com]
so I have two .NET Standard 2.0 projects with different SDK references, probably causing System.Runtime version cla… [twitter.com]
ah, i see the error of my ways: i do NOT have two .NET Standard 2.0 projects; i need to do this:
Apple will reportedly ditch Intel chips in Macs as early as 2020 [theverge.com] via @Verge
[freightchick.com] is the fastest way to compare and book LTL rates. Instantly get rates from multiple carrier… [twitter.com]
Wow ..weird seeing my face on the screen showing my part of #IWD video during @Amazon All Hands at Key Arena kick o… [twitter.com]
Here are my top 3 tips for tech-bloggers: 1. Add a publication date near the title. 2. Add a publication date near… [twitter.com]
[]( "Threddy Threadzilla 🦖 [MrThreadzilla]") The secret to Chrome's speed is that it holds the entire internet in memory. None of those pesky network calls to s… [twitter.com]
“ #CultureFit is a recipe for group think — favoring similarilty. Hire for cultural contribution. Don’t ask whether… [twitter.com]
Wow, do I dare trust my finances to @Quicken when their math is like this? I select 1 year. Pop up ads save on 2 ye… [twitter.com]
They keep adding stuff to #Alexa, but, honestly, it's more useless to me now than when I got it. Alexa is unable to… [twitter.com]
A Microsoft not built around an operating system is like IBM not built around computers. They said it made sense, b… [twitter.com]
Demystifying start-up buzzwords: Fintech = electronic payment. E-commerce = online shopping. Big Data = freshly in… [twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Anna Wszeborowska - Processing music on the fly with Python
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Talking Tech with Neil deGrasse Tyson!
I do everything PHP kid posted on the left except: * "forgive others" (such that a dumb-ass knows i "forgave" them… [twitter.com]