“Gestalt Theory for #UX #Design” and other Tweeted links…
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") Gestalt Theory for #UX#Design: Principle of Proximity [tubikstudio.com]
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") Tabbed Interfaces [inclusive-components.design]
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") Simple Icon Generator [prefinem.com]#UI
[]( "JavaScript Daily [JavaScriptDaily]") ⚛️ Preact, a fast 3KB React alternative with the same API, has just had its first release of 2018 and now has signi… [twitter.com]
Not enough of you know about this, yet, so I’m reposting Variable Fonts (beta), a new site by @NickSherman for find… [twitter.com]
A typical job for a variable font is changing weight/width/slant... but it really can be anything. Foreday is a… [twitter.com]
@JamesNK Have you thought about using something like mdoc to generate all this for you so the code isn't cluttered.… [twitter.com]
Nrwl Nx — An open source toolkit for enterprise Angular applications. [blog.nrwl.io]
The New Dialog Element of HTML 5.2 [noupe.com] via @NoupeMag
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Introducing RxJS6! - Ben Lesh
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Day 3 Keynote - Rob Wormald & Stephen Fluin
use [gitter.im] and [angular.io] 🤓
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Protractor: A New Hope - Michael Giambalvo, Craig Nishina
blue-harvest [e2e demo] [github.com]
SourceMap mapping webpack to wrong file location in VSCode Debug #2453[github.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Strategies for Server Side Rendering Angular Applications - Vikram Subramanian
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] 5 must-dos to make your JS app search engine friendly ( #7 will shock you!)
@chadfowler It was shocking for me to find Google using TypeScript simply because it came from Microsoft. It was th… [twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Interview with Ross Tran, on artistic growth
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Let’s Build A Form Around It - Sani Yusuf
. @saniyusuf reminds me that FormControl [[angular.io]] inherits an invalid property that can be used to… [twitter.com]
asycnc-validation, sign-up-form, twitter-form-control etc. [stackblitz.com]
. @thurrott patiently and explicitly points out the #UX dumpster fire of chaos that is the Windows 10 user experienc… [twitter.com]
“I counted 11 different styles across some of Microsoft's core apps. 😬 (Screenshots of latest app versions on 1803.… [twitter.com]
How Microsoft Made Me Love .NET Core And C# Again #aspnetcore[kaushalsubedi.com]
What's the difference between ViewData and ViewBag? [stackoverflow.com]
. @DamianEdwards really cool stuff: i see that we can chain
2017: Sample EF Core provider for Oracle databases #9442[github.com]
[]( "Kendra Havens [gotheap]") Test runs now have responsive icons showing executing and pending tests! @VisualStudio#testing Read more:… [twitter.com]
Watching this talk on the GraalVM by Oracle and the speaker is using @code to write java. The world has changed. [twitter.com]
[]( "Fatih Hamurcu [FatihHamurcu6]") What and where are the stack and heap? [stackoverflow.com]
Okay @taraw you are probably the only CS graduate that will answer my stupid questions about data structures—“stupi… [twitter.com]
I am motivated to unify the study of the history of algorithms and data structures with the classic hardware lore (… [twitter.com]
so @taraw is it completely cray-cray (as my daughter says) to see the stack as the first and most primal data struc… [twitter.com]
@taraw Okay then. 🤠It's a grand unification thing.🤓
Algorithms (4th Edition) by Robert Sedgewick [recommended by @taraw] [amazon.com][twitter.com]
Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions [amazon.com] <= @taraw[twitter.com]
Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4: Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching, Third Edition by Robert Sedgewick [… [twitter.com]
Depth-first search [en.wikipedia.org]
An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms (2nd Edition) by Robert Sedgewick and Philippe Flajolet [recommended… [twitter.com]
Hacker's Delight (2nd Edition) by Henry S. Warren [recommended by @taraw] [amazon.com][twitter.com]
. @AlyssaNicoll and @unicodeveloper are talking about the same problem from "different worlds"… [twitter.com]
The U.K. is set to investigate around 1,500 companies that failed to report their gender pay gap… [twitter.com]
The Woman Who Created Netflix’s Enviable Company Culture [fastcompany.com]
This is one of the best GDPR articles I've seen yet [techblog.bozho.net]
I urge everyone at @Microsoft reading this to please speak to the highest ranking VPs and SVPs you know, and ask th… [twitter.com]
CTO’s Prayer: God, grant me engineers to build the things I can’t buy, budget to buy the things I can’t build, and… [twitter.com]
In #Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, one can say that time is (abstractly) defined in terms of light. Einst… [twitter.com]
@SamuelGWalters More of a relationship than a definition in this particular gedanken💭