“Using Color Psychology for Better Website Results” and other Tweeted links…
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") Using Color Psychology for Better Website Results [speckyboy.com]
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") Creating smooth sequential animations with Sass [glennmccomb.com]#webdevelopment
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") “How we designed page previews for Wikipedia — and what could be done with them in the future” [medium.com]
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") Are You Approaching Prototyping All Wrong? [uxbooth.com]
Tips on how to choose fonts for complex data display (via @magalhini) [typography.com]#typography#dataisbeautiful
UX tip: An experience can not be designed, because designers don't own it, users do. But it can be enhanced through… [twitter.com]
A project that stands up a #GraphQL front end that orchestrates back-end #serverless@azureFunctions to deliver ans… [twitter.com]
New example #ngUpgrade starter kit called "ordersystem-evergreen" to supplement the course: AngularJS 1.6 + Angula… [twitter.com]
" [badssl.com] is meant for manual testing of security UI in web clients." For example, to check that you… [twitter.com]
It is online already! RXJS Observables in Angular - Ward Bell & Sander Ellis [youtu.be] via @YouTube
When an observable errors out it stops the "whole" chain, so use a pipe to create an isolated chain so only that st… [twitter.com]
@lindhartsen I counted 11 different styles across some of Microsoft's core apps. 😬 (Screenshots of latest app versi… [twitter.com]
Today at @ngconf I officially announced the launch of [vscodecandothat.com]. A project from myself and @sarah_edo… [twitter.com]
Great resource; code, 🗺s, and more: "Spatial data in R" 👨🏫 @edrubin[buff.ly]#rstats#dataviz#maps[twitter.com]
Today’s sneak peak at what the Mozilla Developer Tools team is cooking for Variable Fonts. [twitter.com]
i lost my TypeScript
compiler squigglies probably through an update. i think i resolved the issue with these:… [twitter.com]
On @Azure Friday w/ @donovanbrown & @rickspencer_3 on @ch9 see how to deploy @Bitnami#Nodejs HA cluster w/… [twitter.com]
The SignalR team has got a crazy amount of work done in the last month [github.com][twitter.com]
Check out our quarterly, April refreshed training content for #MicrosoftGraph on Building Apps, Authentication, Web… [twitter.com]
Announcing HTTP/2 support in Azure App Service [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Episode #16: Python at Netflix [talkpython.fm]@TalkPython@royrapoport
“Python at Netflix” by Netflix Technology Blog [medium.com]
. @royrapoport points out that @netflix has thousands of microservices and quickly reveals that redundancy is expe… [twitter.com]
ICYM them, we just released 2 new previews that we'd <3 your feedback on: - #dotNET Core 2.1,… [twitter.com]
a must read for .NET developers Performance Improvements in .NET Core 2.1 [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Warning: a stray comma buried in a bunch of someone else's code at the end of a line will wrap your Python objects… [twitter.com]
@dataclass class MyClass: var_a: str var_b: str [blog.jetbrains.com]
Michael James - Developer: An unexpected exception which resulted in a gentle... [blog.mjjames.co.uk]
Answer: Observable.of is not a function [stackoverflow.com]
VS Code's workspace symbol search now includes headings from all #markdown files in your workspace. Try it out in t… [twitter.com]
I disagree with @BrucePayette - I love PipelineVariable -pv. It let's you do stuff like this: [twitter.com]
Automatic Provisioning with Visual Studio 2017 [blog.xamarin.com]
“Design Better Data Tables” by @ilikescience[medium.com]
Viewing PLSQL Compilation Errors in Oracle SQL Developer [thatjeffsmith.com] via @thatjeffsmith
“You can't do data science in a GUI” -- by Hadley Wickham @hadleywickham[youtube.com]
kudos to @pagerduty for releasing excellent open source security training! [sudo.pagerduty.com]
Spoke too soon... Dammit @intel and your shitty patch. I paid 1,500$ for a 6900K when it got out! So happy… [twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Apple REFUSED to Fix our iMac Pro
“Security Security Security..” by Fuze Card [medium.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Tearing Into Tesla's Model 3 - AAH #417 LIVE
Sandy Munro [[leandesign.com]] is the elder expert trying to reach out to the @Tesla youth about what is *ob… [twitter.com]
I think I should just do my best to avoid meetings where people refer to jira as if it is a person.
The web works precisely because there is no big company to screw things up. [this.how]
[]( "Louise Timlin [LouiseTimlin]") Reading median gender pay gap 13%. 82% of companies have pay gap in favour of men #GenderPayGap[twitter.com]
I once asked an American who moved to Mexico City the reason she moved. She said — with a totally straight face —… [twitter.com]
Not once in my 20 year career have I seen a sales person held accountable for selling something that doesn’t exist.… [twitter.com]
@trcull I spent the beginning of my career maintaining poorly designed legacy system while a green-field project fu… [twitter.com]
@emlyn@blackpixel Ah, so this is what devs helping devs with social media looks like 👍
‘I Fundamentally Believe That My Time at Reddit Made the World a Worse Place’ — former Reddit product head Dan McC… [twitter.com]
Microsoft engineer facing ransomware-related money laundering and conspiracy charges - [mspoweruser.com]