“SVG Polygon Generator” and other Tweeted links…
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") SVG Polygon Generator [codepen.io]
Design—and designers—seem perpetually threatened by democratization. - [subtraction.com] - [twitter.com]
"...among the eight most important qualities of Google’s top employees, STEM expertise comes in dead last." -… [twitter.com]
With all modern browsers now supporting Service Workers, it’s important to learn how to use this tool to improve UX… [twitter.com]
[]( "JavaScript Daily [JavaScriptDaily]") Using ES6 Collections: Map, Set, WeakMap, and WeakSet - [sitepoint.com]
Introducing Logpoints for Node.js in @code — a way to inject console.log's into your runnning app without changing… [twitter.com]
Debug your Node app in less than 10 secs — @code can now automatically attach it's debugger to your app if you star… [twitter.com]
[react.express] by @dvnabbott is an excellent way to see not just @reactjs but the entire JavaScript ecosystem in historical context
@dvnabbott@reactjs There are two omissions that jump out at me that I assume are by design: typescript and testing.
@dvnabbott@reactjs Also the latest official docs introduce the Component as a single function while… [twitter.com]
“JavaScript Factory Functions with ES6+” by @_ericelliott[medium.com]
Microsoft confirms PWAs won’t be fully functional on Windows 10 Mobile - [mspoweruser.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] ngHouston - Be Lazy, But w/ Strategy - Martin Sonnenholzer
would it not be cool (for me) to write an app the collects all of the @wasbuxton references made in lectures worldw… [twitter.com]
a lazy-loading strategy can start with an app.module hosting RouterModule, stating routes pointing to other modules… [twitter.com]
The answer is yes and no---the no answer is the second documented technique, featuring the NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA: [angular.io]
But I must remind myself that ES2016 has async and await outright: [react.express]
“Understand promises before you start using async/await” by @bluepnume[medium.com]
“Angular 2 / Ionic 2: The Why and How of Typescript / ES6 Getters and Setters.” by @leetheguy[medium.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] D3 Expo 2018 Keynote Address by Terry White
The first ever rugged #AzureStack from Microsoft, Dell and Tracewell: [twitter.com]
Yaaaawn... [asp.net] Core @SignalR got 236,000 concurrent connections in 9.5GB. Get rekt. [twitter.com]
Keynote: Inter-dependence of IOT & Network - Sarah Cooper, Amazon Web Services [youtube.com] <= @taraw
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Building a .NET Serverless Application on AWS
🔥 You know how we start our week? By releasing a new Docs Markdown @code extension [aka.ms][twitter.com]
blogged: dotnet-script now available as .NET Core SDK 2.1 global tool [strathweb.com]#aspnetcore#netcore
Finished it and can highly recommend it! I learned a bunch of new things (like I should use Parallel.ForEach a lot… [twitter.com]
My experience as well. That being said, @jetbrains do deserve a lot of credit for how their tools model and promote… [twitter.com]
StyleCop: A Detailed Guide to Starting and Using It [blog.submain.com][twitter.com]
And also wrote an article for @SubMain on #stylecop[blog.submain.com]
@k_cieslak I personally think that #fsharp should move in the direction of being as pragmatic as possible. I actual… [twitter.com]
Looking for an inspiration? We'll talk with @Odytrice about his amazing journey from learning #fsharp to contributi… [twitter.com]
PowerShell tip of the day: PowerShell Core has a built-in Get-Uptime cmdlet [twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Chocolatey: A Windows Package Manager?
rShetty/awesome-podcasts: Collection of awesome podcasts [github.com]
"what's it like to be a woman in tech?" > write message to coworker > stare at it before sending > remove smiley >… [twitter.com]
Microsoft employs fewer women, as a portion of its U.S. workforce, than it did in back in 2001. How, after years,… [twitter.com]