“Glide.js: A Dependency-Free ES6 Slider and Carousel” and other Tweeted links…
[]( "JavaScript Daily [JavaScriptDaily]") Glide.js: A Dependency-Free ES6 Slider and Carousel - [glidejs.com] ("Designed to slide. No less, no more" says the creator.)
[]( "Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke]") A Responsive Accessible Table [adrianroselli.com]
Since their “redesign” @HSBC_UK online banking is now barely usable. Just spent 30 minutes failing to make a paymen… [twitter.com]
Native consumer desktop apps are in decline in the U.S., but thriving in China. When users are critical of subpar e… [twitter.com]
"Make sure to check Artigo, a fantastic old-style typeface developed by the very talented Portuguese type designer… [twitter.com]
Made this chart last year as a Kickstarter award but am now making the image available as a free download. Just rig… [twitter.com]
Blogged: Using C# await on JS Promises in Blazor: [joonasw.net] cc: @jongalloway@stevensanderson@shanselman@aspnet
Wrote a pretty nice summary of how to 7x our inc build speeds (can someone merge my PR to WDS?) @TheLarkInn,… [twitter.com]
🚨 Heads up: Due to Apple guidelines, the PhoneGap Developer App has been removed from the iOS App Store. New users… [twitter.com]
Apple’s total number of apps in the App Store declined for the first time last year [theverge.com] via @Verge
mocking a dependent @angular service with a spy immediately makes sense to me but am wondering whether mocking an e… [twitter.com]
Testing Asynchronous Code • Unit Testing • Angular 5 [sumo.ly] via @jawache
Jasmine 2 Spy Cheat Sheet [daveceddia.com] via @dceddia
I am seeing Angular call ngOnInit from Jasmine (with spy) not sure that manually calling ngOnInit is needed. [twitter.com]
compileComponents() of the @angular TestBed returns a Promise which eliminates the need to state TestBed twice (in… [twitter.com]
mocking async service methods with a spy can turn them synchronous, avoiding the need for, say, fakeAsync patterns… [twitter.com]
The answer is yes and no---the no answer is the second documented technique, featuring the NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA: [angular.io]
The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays,… [twitter.com]
"Angular doesn't know that you set the input element's value property. It won't read that property until you raise… [twitter.com]
the fakeAsync-tick() pattern is reminds me of async-await in C# [angular.io][twitter.com]
"The fixture.whenStable() returns a promise that resolves when the JavaScript engine's task queue becomes empty." [angular.io]
"The ComponentFixtureAutoDetect service responds to asynchronous activities such as promise resolution, timers, and… [twitter.com]
"RxJS marble testing is a great way to test observable scenarios, both simple and complex. You've likely seen the m… [twitter.com]
What Are TypeScript’s Any, Void, Never, Undefined And Null Types [nechai.net]@OleksandrNechai[twitter.com]
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[asp.net] Core 2.1 preview2 is out! [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]#dotnetcore#aspnetcore
Chose this pic with @dsyme to perfectly summarise #fsharpX 2018: one massive, 2day long SMILE. The #fsharp Communit… [twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Naïve Type Theory by Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham, UK)
comparing Type and Set theories [twitter.com]
It's been about ten years since @codinghorror and I started building @StackOverflow so I decided to write a series… [twitter.com]
✨ Little known fact - Docs made a cameo appearance in Windows 3.1 (see below) Happy 26th, Windows 3.1! [twitter.com]
sockets [twitter.com]
“Professional success is hard, but it’s not complicated. The foundation to achievement and fulfillment, almost with… [twitter.com]
[]( "J.T. Grimes [JT_Grimes]") So many things I was wrong about when I was younger: a) tech is a meritocracy b) there is a Right Way (tm) to sol… [twitter.com]
How I Find Six Figure Remote Software Developer Jobs | Full Bit [fullbit.ca] => @bizmonger
Wall Street’s big banks are waging an all-out technological arms race [bloomberg.com] via @markets