“Ready for more details about #Angular new engine Ivy?” and other Tweeted links…
Ready for more details about #Angular new engine Ivy? I just published an article that dives deep into Ivy implementation and provides a comparison with the existing engine. Read it to find out if what you've learnt about Angular internals applies to Ivy [blog.angularindepth.com]
Like what you can do with Angular Elements? Maybe help the whole ecosystem by up-voting support in Edge so you wouldn't have to use the polyfill on this modern browser. I used all three of my votes. 😀 [wpdev.uservoice.com][twitter.com]
🚨🔥Check out NEW blog post 🔥🚨 📐 about #responsive layouts with #Angular 6 and #Bootstrap 4 ✔️ Angular CLI ✔️ step by step guide ✔️ StackBlitz example [medium.com]
Happy to announce that Compodoc—The missing documentation tool for your @Angular application— now has a shiny new domain: ✨✨✨[compodoc.app]✨✨✨ [twitter.com]
The 6 Most Desirable #WebDesign Skills In 2018 [spyrestudios.com]
The Top 3D #JavaScript Libraries For Web Developers [1stwebdesigner.com]
How to be a mediocre #UI/#UX Designer — [Case Study] [uxdesign.cc]
How to Build a Real-Time Editable Datagrid: [dev.to] (.. using react-table and Hamoni Sync, a realtime state synchronization service.)
I'm still amazed that [gist.github.com] , on reactive programming, is one of the most popular articles I ever wrote. Here's the key: I was an RxJS beginner, and that's how it reached other beginners well.
Calculator written using Elmish.XamarinForms (full Elmish, no XAML) Model = 20 lines, Update = 35 lines, View = 40 lines. [github.com][twitter.com]
This is crazy - a Windows.Forms backend for Xamarin.Forms: [github.com] the author previously did a Unity backend for Xamarin.Forms [twitter.com]
Twitter is going to make third-party apps worse starting in August [theverge.com] via @Verge
Often I've already read up on a tech featured on @azurefriday when I watch a video, but not this time. I was just as amazed as @shanselman when Mike Emard demoed Azure Files w/ backup & recovery. Been using blobs and FTP when I could be using Files. [channel9.msdn.com]
Your lifehack for the day - if you want to share specific lines from @GitHub files, click on a line number to highlight it. Hold SHIFT and click on another line number and it will highlight everything until that line. [twitter.com]
hey @chriswilcox47, congrats on your move to @Google! Will you still contribute to [github.com]? Were there any plans for more kernels? Is there another online notebook offering with more kernels?
okay @chriswilcox47 you answer roadmap questions here: [youtu.be]
Add C# support to Azure Notebooks #28[github.com] hey @shanselman ever wanted to use Mathematica and C# out of the box? The next best thing is C# on @azure notebooks🤠 Give your thumbs up on GitHub! => @csharpfritz@filip_woj@headinthebox@lorentzframe[twitter.com]
@Odytrice@Azure In the meantime, check out [notebooks.azure.com] you will find #fsharp firmly in place there, largely because an army of F# people was invited by the notebooks team to go hog wild all over the place👯 => @AzureSupport
@filip_woj@shanselman@Azure@csharpfritz@headinthebox@lorentzframe The Jupyter kernel for C# not running on @Azure notebooks is based on scriptcs: [github.com] I would rather see dotnetscript there🧐
2016: “A Primer on Using LaTeX in Jupyter Notebooks” [data-blog.udacity.com]
@taraw@coursera Does this (from 2017) still apply? “Jupyter Notebooks on AWS EC2 in 15 (mostly easy) steps” [medium.com] [when you say yes that means you have to fly over and set this up for me 🤠]
Great session taking a deep dive on #Azure#CosmosDB at #msbuild. Some highlights: ✅ Partitioning at 16:45 ✅ Performance tuning at 43:42 ✅ Managing availability at 1:06:54 Check it out on @ch9[jlik.me][twitter.com]
Traditional RDMS like #SQL#MySQL don't require consistency models, and many #NoSQL platforms have just 1 or 2 options. #Azure#CosmosDB comes with 5 and this is a huge benefit that gives you more power. Want to understand why? I wrote this article: [jlik.me][twitter.com]
This single slide by @mjskay at #openvisconf is probably the most clear description of frequentist vs Bayesian approaches I have heard. [twitter.com]
Ever wonder why older R code tends to use camelCase instead of snake_case? In ancient R, an underscore could be used as the assignment operator. However, in modern times, 🐍 > 🐫. [twitter.com]
This Man Is the Godfather the AI Community Wants to Forget [bloom.bg]#AI#Singularity[twitter.com]
script needs to be translated into PowerShell by someone who knows PowerShell and @anacondainc[github.com] => @jsnover@john_lam@shanselman@TalkPython[twitter.com]
Where does Anaconda Python install on Windows? [stackoverflow.com][twitter.com]
What!? In @code, simply type '##' to autogenerate a PowerShell comment based help, even including params!?awesome tip Via @EphingPosh@mmsmoa[twitter.com]
WIN + R Type your command CTRL + SHIFT+ ENTER Runs that command admin-elevated 😲
On this day five years ago I launched "Railway Oriented Programming" into the world. I wasn't sure whether people would think it a silly analogy, but it seems to have caught on quite a bit. In fact, I may have created a monster :) [twitter.com]
Out of their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great Computer Scientists [amazon.com][twitter.com]
.@TalkPython: Episode #74: Past, Present, and Future of IronPython [talkpython.fm]@alexcearl [[github.com]] <= @john_lam[twitter.com]
.@TalkPython: Episode #44: Project Jupyter and IPython [talkpython.fm]@minrk@mbussonn [[mybinder.org], [jupyter.org] ] [twitter.com]
.@TalkPython Episode #18: Python Anti-patterns and other mistakes [talkpython.fm] [see [docs.quantifiedcode.com]] [twitter.com]
“The detailed plan for the transition of NumPy to a Python–3-only package looks quite reasonable… The disappearance of Python 2 will leave much scientific software orphaned, and many published results irreproducible.” [blog.khinsen.net]
From Set Theory to Type Theory [golem.ph.utexas.edu] 1.1 Type theory versus set theory [planetmath.org] Type Theory, Set Theory and Domain Theory [cs.cornell.edu]
crappy note to self: set theory is more for mathematicians taking out dependencies on classical studies of logic; type theory is for computer scientists, taking out zero dependencies
Lately, the statistician Donald Richards has taken up a powerful new tool for finding hidden patterns in data. [buff.ly]
Microsoft's Surface Hub 2 is a bold attempt at changing how we work [engt.co]
Detectives would make the best software developers. Their ability to find missing documentation would serve them well.
@kelseyhightower Yup: in the Microsoft world it helped quite a lot to understand the motives of murderous .NET programmers, as many were C++ people angrily condescending to a “toy” language, coming from a “real” language with OOP Frankenstein-grafted on it👹👺
Hey conference attendees: NOT COOL when you rate a session with the lowest ratings and then report "hated it because I couldn't attend this session"
Doing One Thing a Day; or, a Calendar Plan That’s Actually Productive Nice article on productivity by @elliotjaystocks, one half of Lagom magazine. [medium.com]
Fourth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming [shift-society.org]
I just published “Working remotely from Lagos, Nigeria as a software developer.” [medium.com]
Are we surprised that a key phrase in Uber's job description is "whatever it takes"? [twitter.com]