“Using Web Assembly to speed up your Angular Application” and other Tweeted links…
Using Web Assembly to speed up your Angular Application [malcoded.com]#angular#javascript via @malcoded
Why another state management framework for Angular? by @amcdnl#ngxs#ngrx#angular[medium.com][twitter.com]
#RxJS 6.2.0 published - Finally added
operator, this was often asked for by people using NgRx or redux-observable. Also a bunch of bug fixes. Enjoy! (5.5.11 also released with a memory leak fix for delay
) [github.com]
Just published new article about how i prefer debugging new Angular Ivy engine. [medium.com][twitter.com]
Announcing Nrwl Extensions for Angular (aka Nrwl Nx) 6.0. It works with RxJS6, Angular 6, and CLI 6. #angular#nx[blog.nrwl.io]
Creating UIs with #Angular Material Design Components [sitepoint.com]
Managing #SVG Interaction With The Pointer Events Property [smashingmagazine.com]#CSS
In CSS, sometimes margins smash together. Sometimes they stay separate. This is called ‘margin collapsing’. It can be confusing. Some people wish the web never had such a thing. Well with CSS Grid, you can make margin collapsing go away. I’ll show you how. [youtu.be][twitter.com]
Jason does a great job explaining variable fonts, and why they matter so much for the future of web design: [medium.com] (You should totally talk with him. It will pay for itself.) [twitter.com]
JavaScript modules now work in all major browsers, and Node.js has experimental support! It’s now possible to run the exact same modules, in the exact same files, both on the web and on Node.js. 🤯 [twitter.com]
I'm extremely impressed by the elegance and compositionality of TypeScript's type system, especially because all the advanced dependent types features so naturally spring from the desire to support real-world patterns in JavaScript.
#WolframPresenter Tools is the first fully-interactive responsive technical presentation environment enabling you to include interactivity & live computation in your presentations. Learn how to stand out from the crowd: [wolfr.am][twitter.com]
✨ Ionicons v4 is here! ✨ 🔹 Updated icon form (iOS/MD) + website 🔹 Distributed as web components 🔹 ~700 custom SVG icons / add your own 🔹 Lazy loading + IntersectionObserver [blog.ionicframework.com][twitter.com]
New Blog: Continuous Integration & Delivery for Xamarin & .NET Libraries with VSTS [ift.tt]
Forest Trail Ground, by Andra Dogaru - [bit.ly] Created with #SubstanceDesigner#vfx#gameart[twitter.com]
It's all part of the no drama Appliance experience. AzureStack is for people that want to USE a cloud, not for people that want to BUILD one. [twitter.com]
[asp.net] Core SignalR happened at exactly the right time. The design is a culmination of things learnt building [asp.net] SignalR, Kestrel, pipelines, Memory and Span. #aspnetcore#dotnetcore#signalr
Download the 325-page eBook to learn #AzureFunctions best practices & dozens of step-by-step recipes to quickly build #serverless apps: [msft.social][twitter.com]
When you transfer a domain from GoDaddy, they nuke your nameserver connection after the transfer. It takes up to 24 hours for the NS change to be reflected in lookups. So for up to 24 hours your sites are off the air. GoDaddy sucks for yet another reason.
Creating, Deploying, and Debugging an [asp.net] Core Application on Azure @simple_talk[red-gate.com]
The source code last touched by @stevensanderson is showing me that this is redundant: app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseSpaStaticFiles(); [[github.com]] [twitter.com]
Azure Cloud Shell in Visual Studio Code [dailydotnettips.com] via @DailyDotNetTips
What it's like to be an active .NET Developer [channel9.msdn.com]@runfaster2000 interviewed me about my contributions to #fsharp#csharp#coreclr Thanks to @runfaster2000@sethjuarez@ch9
I think everyone underestimates the agility bonus startups get from not having to deal with the amassed technical debt from decisions made 5, 10, 15 years ago..
I built a ray tracer in C# that can run on both the CPU and the GPU. I wrote about it here: [mellinoe.github.io]#raytracing#graphics#dotnet
Following the rule to learn at least one programming language every year, this year I decided to learn #swift - it looks very familiar to #csharp :) Actually it feels like intersection of #csharp and #TypeScript[pietschsoft.com]
XML-RPC is 20 years old. It was the result of collaboration between Microsoft and my company Userland. Very simple but powerful protocol. Widely deployed, built into languages and OSes. There was even an O’Reilly book. [xmlrpc.com]
if you ever feel like a bad coder dont forget that the software engineers behind the bourne shell needed a way to end their
statement and one of them said "what about esac
" and another said "wtf is esac" and the first one said "case spelled backwards" and they shipped it
If you think timezones are problematic, try doing without them [spin.atomicobject.com][twitter.com]
Introducing signed package submissions to [nuget.org][blog.nuget.org]
pypercolate: Scientific Python package for Monte-Carlo simulation of percolation on graphs [github.com]
Valerie Landau [long-time collaborator with Doug Engelbart] interviewed by Martin Wasserman [youtube.com] [[en.wikipedia.org]]
I’m seeing that line 79 is redundant: [twitter.com]
First look of [ml.net]: Microsoft Machine Learning framework for .Net [neelbhatt.com] via @neelbhatt2015
The design of the iPhone X causes me to accidentally take a screenshot of my phone at least twice a week. How about you?
HP Elite x3 is back on the Microsoft Store - [mspoweruser.com]
The worst part of Slack outages isn't the downtime — it's the wave of centralized infrastructure thinkpieces we're going to have to deal with for the rest of the week.
You may laugh but it works better than Webex. [twitter.com]
The first peer-reviewed study of bitcoin’s energy consumption confirms our fears: Bitcoin’s energy consumption is growing at 20% per month and is effectively erasing decades of progress on renewable energy. [grist.org]
Everyone I’ve ever talked to who has been poor and is not anymore has the same story of the moment they realized they weren’t poor anymore: grocery shopping.
I really wish more people from "the enterprise" would blog. This entrepreneurial/startup blog bias is giving us a wrong picture of reality
“Look at the best engineers in your company and try to picture them going through your interview process. What type of interview would have selected these people? If your interview process would have filtered out your best engineers, then rethink it.” [erikbern.com]
You never know when you might have to put out a crotch fire. [twitter.com]