“I just published ‘RxJS: Avoiding takeUntil Leaks’” and other tweeted links…
I just published “RxJS: Avoiding takeUntil Leaks” [medium.com]
I was looking for a color picker component made for @angular, thanks god [ngx.tools] is here to help me find one 😅 [ngx.tools][twitter.com]
10 essential #typescript tips and tricks for #angular developers. ✅ module definitions ✅ enum vs. const enum ✅ type expressions ... and 7 more: [jlik.me][twitter.com]
🎉 Announcing Saber.js 🎉 A minimalistic framework for building static website using Vue.js - Zero-config - File-system based API, like @zeithq 's Next.js and @nuxt_js - PWA by default - Simple but pluggable - Prefetch data using custom block [github.com][twitter.com]
As of version 5.3.x react-spring is now universal/platform independent. It can animate anything on any target, from react-native, react-blessed (see screen-cap), to your fridges touchscreen if it had a react-renderer. 🙀 For anything other than dom point it to dist/universal [twitter.com]
A year ago, I started feeling the limitations the web imposed on my apps, so I decided I would focus on fixing that. After learning that it would cost me ~$8k to participate in w3c, I moved focus to fixing it in userland. React Native DOM is my first realization of those efforts.
ICYMI, Here's [kunal-chowdhury.com] how to create a responsive Wrap Panel in HTML using the CSS Flexbox Layout. #html#html5#css#css3#flexbox#webdesign#webdevelopment#webdev[twitter.com]
Build a Style Guide Straight from Sass - Benjamin Robertson shows how to use Node-KSS for a comment generated style guide. [css-tricks.com]
11 things I learned reading the flexbox spec [hackernoon.com]
Flexbox playground and code generator [the-echoplex.net]
✨ Been writing pure #javascript animation spaghetti #code today... 🦇 Looks like nightmare but works flawlessly! 🤫 It's for upcoming release of Medium Enhanced Stats Chrome extension 🔗 Get it [goo.gl]#confession#medium#mediumenhancedstats#stats#chrome[twitter.com]
Duotone Effect Generator Don't know how to create a duotone effect? Create them quickly with this online generator webapp. [duotones.co]
A new Static Websites service is coming native to @azure Storage Account (in June). Should be really useful! [twitter.com]
[2 mins] Setup to Execution - Optical Character Recognition in #Azure#Cloud Shell [youtu.be]
interesting post about "Azure confidential computing [azure.microsoft.com] of course it begs the question, why isn't all "Azure computing" a "confidential computing". I hope it's because it is early preview and it will just become default for all customers 😀
blogged: Dependency injection into actions in [asp.net] Core MVC 2.1 - [strathweb.com]#aspnetcore
And [asp.net] core moves to the #4 slot in TechEmpower plaintext. [buff.ly]
It would be neat if browsers could send a
Theme: Dark
header and sites with with dark themes would automatically enable them.
Sharp Machine Learning Aficionados, I could use some testers for the TensorFlow 1.8.0 bindings, check them out here: [nuget.org] file bugs here: [github.com]
Just started using [marketplace.visualstudio.com] intellisense for msbuild project files! #dotnetcore
The data is in; large solutions load in 20% less time in 15.7 when compared to 15.6, and 60% less time when compared to 15.5. If you have not upgraded to VS 15.7, do so today.
Azure Logic Apps with Visual Studio Cloud Explorer [dailydotnettips.com] via @DailyDotNetTips
Did you know that the #fsharp community has an official mentorship program? 100% free, community-driven, and has led to people being able to adopt F# in their workplace. CHECK IT OUT! [fsharp.org]
🖌 Brush up your computer science skills with dozens of algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript: 🏠 Common data structures 🔎 Searching & sorting 🥅 Graphs & trees 🏢 Advanced data structures 💬 More! [github.com][twitter.com]
~”Object graph deserialization is brittle.” That is why I banned .NET serialization from PowerShell and rolled our own. It is based upon a safe-type pool for properties and has been very robust. [twitter.com]
The proper title for this talk should have been: Software development in an age of social responsibility [channel9.msdn.com]
Shld be mandatory reading before group projs 🖤: "Naming Things" by @JennyBryan[buff.ly]#rstats#SoDS18#commonDecency[twitter.com]
The unsung heros of tech are those who write beautiful and indispensable documentation. So hard to do right, so taken for granted.
since folks keep asking — I’m going to collect all these unix command line tools comics into a new zine :). just 8 more left to write!
Oh how I love spending time helping someone on Stack Overflow by exploring their question in comments, then spending time writing an answer, only to have them delete the question :(
it is with a heavy heart that we mourn the final, definite demise of [].smoosh() rip
.@TalkPython Episode #162: Python in Building and Architecture [talkpython.fm]@Evolve_LAB
my enchantment with my own ForEachInEnumerable() extension method [[github.com]] can produce an anti-pattern that I warned myself about in 2017; I'm almost certain that ForEach() in MoreLinq has the same issue <= @jonskeet[twitter.com]
Ah, this article from 2 days ago shows me that raw
is not free of this anti-pattern: [rubikscode.net][twitter.com]
It looks C# 8, its
foreach await
pattern will address this issue: [youtu.be][twitter.com]
Oracle Calls Java Serialization 'A Horrible Mistake', Plans to Dump It @slashdot - [rpx.me]
Another blow for Windows 10 on ARM as HP Envy x2 with LTE and Intel Core-Y processor becomes available - [mspoweruser.com]
Eric Heutchy on Backward Compatibility, Xbox One X Enhanced Games, and The Heutchy Method [player.fm]
I appreciate the EU's GDPR initiative. What I don't appreciate are companies like @nest emailing notices on privacy & control updates, higlighting "Transparency & Control" and "Rights & Choices", yet do the opposite & make exercising control & rights anything but transparent.
Pretty happy about this- GDPR rights for everyone, not just Europeans. [twitter.com]
Because of #GDPR, USA Today decided to run a separate version of their website for EU users, which has all the tracking scripts and ads removed. The site seemed very fast, so I did a performance audit. How fast the internet could be without all the junk! 🙄 5.2MB → 500KB [twitter.com]
Hackers infect 500,000 consumer routers all over the world with malware [arstechnica.com]
Admins Aren't Patching Open Source, Says Black Duck Security Report [itprotoday.com]
Microsoft accused of illegal data collection, spying and data theft - [mspoweruser.com]
How to hear (and delete) every conversation your Amazon Alexa has recorded [theverge.com] via @Verge
Fun fact: “racist” is not a self-imposed title. You do not get to decide if you are racist or not racist. Much like “annoying” - it’s a description of other peoples’ experience of you, not your image of yourself.
@ErynnBrook Cute kid: “racist” is like the word “awful”: it is originally designed by white dudes to mean something “positive”--like when Mein Kampf first dropped. It's in the Dutch East India Company mission statement👻👻👿👼👺👻
“The latest battleground in programming is the Code of Conduct: requiring people to behave respectfully to each other and warning that harassment won't be tolerated.” The fact that CoCs are even remotely controversial shows how much they’re needed [uk.businessinsider.com]
An unusual galaxy 65 million light years away has astronomers questioning everything they thought they knew about outer space #tictocnews[twitter.com]