“A collection of some of the best data visualisation related content discovered during March 2018” and other tweeted links…
NEW POST: A collection of some of the best data visualisation related content discovered during March 2018 [visualisingdata.com][twitter.com]
ICYMI, 📊short-course & 📽s! "Data Visualization Pitfalls to Avoid" 👩💻 @tamaramunzner[buff.ly]#dataviz#infovis#SoDS18[twitter.com]
What to consider when choosing colors for data visualization [blog.datawrapper.de]
TypeScript 2.9 is out today! Tons of handy features like import() types, pretty output by default, JSON imports, and some slick editor support for renaming files & moving declarations to new files! [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
✨Building a Shiny web application to visualize spatial and spatio-temporal data✨Slides + step-by-step tutorial: [paula-moraga.github.io]#rshiny#rstats#rspatial#RINLA 🌍 [twitter.com]
If you want to write an [asp.net] Core @SignalR client for another platform, the protocol spec is now fully documented [github.com]#aspnetcore#dotnetcore#signalr
I wonder how many JS libraries would have never been born if we had the ability to properly style
and <input type="checkbox" />
Introducing [fuget.org] - I built a new nuget package browser that lets you explore APIs and really get to know your libraries. I hope you like it! [praeclarum.org]
If you fear for the future of @electronjs in a world where Microsoft owns GitHub, know that Microsoft is already one of its top contributors. In fact, I'm on my way to the Electron Maintainers Summit, hosted kindly by Microsoft's Electron team. It'll be fine 💖
Why is Front-End Development So Unstable? [breck-mckye.com] via @jbreckmckye
@brianlagunas, @briannoyes upgrading to Unity/Prism latest and
is looking for old stuff -have you seen this before?🧐 [related?] => [github.com][twitter.com]
2018: I totally forgot about this—and I also forgot that Prism.Unity is confined to version 1.x of CommonServiceLocator—must be great for devs with a photographic memory (or those that only work in one technology playing field).🤠 [twitter.com]
Correction: it is not 1.x of CommonServiceLocator: Prism.Unity specifically calls out version Silly me. [twitter.com]
“Reactive Extension 4.0 released” by @bnaya_eshet[medium.com]
wow, i have never seen @YouTube like this [twitter.com]
Walk through: analyzing images using #Azure#Microsoft Cognitive Services Computer Vision API [jlik.me][twitter.com]
[asp.net] Core 2.1 released, along with .NET Core 2.1 and Entity Framework Core 2.1 [kunal-chowdhury.com]#dotnet#dotnetcore#aspnetcore#dev#msdev[twitter.com]
This IS very cool: "This is SO cool! Use Azure AD to login to Azure Linux virtual machines" [cloudblogs.microsoft.com]
@skamille Gdrive search is a placebo. The only part I dislike about Gdocs. Been using Dropbox paper, the search is incredible and the editing experience is very pleasant to use.
it's not great that the [asp.net] Core Docker image used for 2.1 RC1 (2.1-aspnetcore-runtime) was now replaced by the one for 2.1 RTM. causes all kinds of caching issues on deployment infrastructure, apps getting build with wrong runtime
Securing an Azure App Service Website under SSL in minutes with Let's Encrypt [hanselman.com]@shanselman => “What's the catch? The SSL Certificates only last 90 days…you’ll want to have some scripts … to automatically renew and install the certificates.”
Dealing with Unsafe Methods in RESTful Services -- Visual Studio Magazine [visualstudiomagazine.com] “I had failed to consider idempotency: Is it safe for a client to send a request multiple times?”
.@SHanselman has been experimenting using LazyCache to simplify #dotNET Core in-memory caching. See what he's been working on: [msft.social][twitter.com]
Don't forget, upgrade to #dotnetcore 2.1 and get these intelligible async stack traces for free! [ageofascent.com]
Just went through the entire course. Highly recommended! [#MSTestV2] [twitter.com]
Developed by #Microsoft’s Research in #Software Engineering, Code Contracts provide a way to convey code assumptions in your #DotNet apps. They can take the form of #preconditions, #postconditions, and state #invariants. Read more here: [bit.ly]
Code Contracts from Microsoft is now Open Source. [github.com]
Recording a podcast with the Microsoft Code Contracts team members right now. It'll be up on http://devjourney.com tomorrow.
Hmmm, the json module in #python silently converts int keys into str: >>> d = {10: 'ten', 20: 'twenty'} >>> json.loads(json.dumps(d)) {'10': 'ten', '20': 'twenty'} Since the JSON spec only allows string keys, I had hoped this example would have raised a ValueError.
To me, the order of arguments of #python's format() builtin function seem backwards. We call format() with a particular format in mind and that is the first thought. The default format of '' isn't almost never used.
#Python sets are partially ordered because a>=b means a.issubset(b).>>> a = {2, 4} >>> b = {4, 6} >>> a < b False>>> b < a False Some functions like min(), max(), and sorted() rely require total ordering, so they get confused by sets:>>> min(a, b) == min(b, a) False
Concurrent programming in Python by Jim Small [youtube.com]
Adventures with concurrent programming in Java: A quest for predictable latency by Martin Thompson [youtube.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Laws of Concurrent Programming
Erlang Master Class 2: Concurrent Programming [youtube.com]
Current status: trying to isolate an error of "[t.co]: Operation could destabilize the runtime" when running Noda Time 3.0 (very prerelease) code in .NET full framework. Efforts to reproduce in a smaller library are failing so far :(
Just killed a rogue skype process on my computer. This also killed a database connection and open visual studio code tabs. Skype, what the hell are you doing?
I dont want to brag but this hotel has iOS and Android power. [twitter.com]
New Windows Weekly is out. We talk about Microsoft's push to upgrade users to 1803/April update, Redstone 5's progress, To-Doers (vs. non-list makers) & more: [twit.tv]?
Microsoft is buying GitHub for $7.5 billion. Nat Friedman (CEO of Xamarin) will be GitHub CEO: [zdnet.com]
Satya looked at Microsoft’s bill from all the code we host on GitHub and figured it would be cheaper to buy the company.
I recall when M$ purchased Xamarin which was quite expensive to users at the time and made it free to use. I could imagine this happening for non-enterprise GitHub accounts. Im guessing that would turn some people's frowns upside down.
Most of the great programmers that walk the face of the earth are never known. No social media. No code on Github to show. No speaking events. No CV. And they spend their weekends doing things totally unrelated to coding. [twitter.com]
@unicodeveloper My look at the latest @StackOverflow survey showed me that IT folks who are obligated to deal with multiple team members on a daily basis get paid the most---that's DevOps gatekeepers and straight up managers---one can’t maintain tech skills while servicing all these teammates.
Can now only access Gmail account on Thunderbird if Google secure apps is switched off [support.mozilla.org]
The financial scandal no one is talking about [theguardian.com]