“Downplaying Empty States in Design” and other tweeted links…
Downplaying Empty States in Design [shakuro.com]
New CSS Features That Are Changing Web Design Zell Liew takes a closer look at new CSS features such as CSS Grid. The article has code examples so you can see how it was achieved. [smashingmagazine.com][twitter.com]
An extremely interesting discussion on the vagueness of Google Font's compliance to GDPR [github.com]
There’s a rumor React Native was abandoned in the main Facebook app. Anyone heard similar/different?
Reminder: when using React, NEVER use random values for keys in a list! Prefer unique IDs from the data itself if possible. Array indices can be used if the data is simple and not being updated much. I wrote some further advice and examples here: [reddit.com]
"It was Microsoft who threw down the gauntlet and refused to proceed without addressing the needs of io.js." This is news to me. I didn't know that Microsoft pioneered the effort for Node to address and eventually merge io.js [twitter.com]
CSS Is Now So Overpowered It Can Deanonymize Facebook Users @slashdot - [rpx.me]
.NET Core 2.1 and AWS [aws.amazon.com] via @awscloud
WAMP - an open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns: RPC and PubSub. [wamp-proto.ws]#websocket
Defensive programming in .NET with Code Contracts. Part 1 [youtube.com]
Announcing Entity Framework Core 2.1 [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
type is coming to #typescript! [github.com] I've been looking for this for ages. Any-typing things because you don't know what they are is a sneaky antipattern that I've seen catch a few TS beginners, but this gives a nice clear answer for those cases.
Use the new "move to file" refactoring for #javascript and #typescript to quickly split classes and functions out into their own files Try it in the latest @code insiders [twitter.com]
Another neat new @code feature - and one great for folks like me who do not lint enough - automatic color coding for unused variables: [twitter.com]
Ryan Dahl, the original creator of Node, recently introduced his newest project: deno, a secure #TypeScript runtime on V8: [github.com]
Things I Regret About Node.js – Ryan Dahl [bit.ly]
With .NET Core, you can now roll your own command-line tools. Check out @gshackles blog for more information! [gregshackles.com][twitter.com]
“Enumeration in .NET” by @AntaoAlmada[medium.com]
This was by far the best introduction to deep learning and AI I’ve ever seen. There probably won’t be a better use of 30 minutes today. [twitter.com]
What’s Next for Visual Studio? Visual Studio 2019 ...faster, more reliable, easier to get started & use, w/ increased productivity for individuals & teams. See what's coming. [msft.social]#VS2019
Microsoft starts outlining its Visual Studio 2019 plans: [zdnet.com]
How easy is it to correct misspellings in @docsmsft? Super easy. Less than 90 seconds easy. [twitter.com]
Are you a C# or F# enthousiast and would like to help others become more proficient? @exercism_io is looking for mentors! Find out more at [mentoring.exercism.io] CC @_cartermp@jongalloway
“printf() is an idea that the folks at Bell Labs believed in as early as 1972: A programmer should be able to produce output using various formats without understanding exactly what's going on under the hood.” So let's pop the hood and see, shall we? [maizure.org][twitter.com]
Focus on machine learning experiments and not on managing it [modelchimp.com]
Announcing TypeScript 2.9 [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Announcing .NET Core 2.1 [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
C# 8.0 Expected Features Part – IV : Something new for Indexes and ranges [neelbhatt.com] via @neelbhatt2015
MySQL without the MySQL: An introduction to the MySQL Document Store [red.ht] via @opensourceway by @Stoker
Uncle Sam wants you to join the United States Digital Service [arstechnica.com]
Microsoft’s Newest Data Center Is a Giant Metal Can at the Bottom of the Sea [gizmodo.com]
ICYMI: Qualcomm announced Snapdragon 850, which will be in Windows 10 PCs by holiday 2018: [zdnet.com] (by ZDNet's @SecurityCharlie)
Apple has't been a good platform for 3D creatives for many years. It's not a real surprise they drop OpenGL support. We don't know yet how to solve this for Blender. But as you know, we're really good in keep supporting crippled old platforms! #b3d
Apple Deprecates OpenGL and OpenCL in macOS 10.14 Mojave [apple.slashdot.org]
ASUS takes on Surface Laptop with the new ZenBook S - [mspoweruser.com]
Asus Precog is a stunning dual-screen foldable Windows PC - [mspoweruser.com]
Microsoft is investing in Git, VSCode, Electron, Github, Bash-on-Windows. Things that decentralize and help prevent lock-in. Apple is taking away the only universal cross platform graphics system (OpenGL), locking developers into Metal, and taking away our escape keys.
GitHub was also talking to Google about a deal, but went with Microsoft instead [cnbc.com]
Microsoft: We’re buying GitHub. Apple: Yeah, but have you tried animated poop emojis in augmented reality?
So I was at Xamarin then leave Xamarin and Microsoft buys Xamarin, I go to GitHub and Microsoft buys GitHub... I feel followed :P Seriously though, excited for this new future together! So many friends that I'll be working alongside of (again!)!
Hot take: 1. Github is possibly the most important service in open source right now. 2. Microsoft has changed a lot to become friendly to open source. 3. Github was bleeding VC capital. 4. Microsoft, somehow, made Bing profitable. Ergo, I'm a fan.
GitHub's annual revenue was reportedly $300m. If correct then GitHub’s annual revenue is the same as Fortnite’s monthly revenue. 🤔
And they say: "I don't get why all developers have so unconventional sleep patterns" [twitter.com]
Just flushed half an hour down the toilet trying to deal with an error at Microsoft's end while renewing an Xbox Live account. Support rep on chat wasted >$100 of my time over a card I bought for $25, with no resolution. This is the sort of thing that makes people diss Microsoft. [twitter.com]
Saddened that users think tech makes them peons, not gods. And they complain about my generation. We wanted tech to set us free, not enslave us to Zucks business model
The Cost of Developers [stratechery.com] via @stratechery
“Comparing dates of commits, it looked like Rush [from Microsoft] kept copying changes from Lerna days after they were made. Rewritten using this weird event system they added.” [threadreaderapp.com]