
“Interactive SVG mask w/full screen image” and other tweeted links…

Veerle Pieters [vpieters] Interactive SVG mask w/full screen image Pretty fantastic SVG mask demo done by Craig Roblewsk. []

Brian Holt [holtbt] I feel like we as front end developers should be doing more static websites and server-side templating. Front end frameworks are marvels of engineering but shouldn't be the solution to every problem.

Immo Landwerth [terrajobst] Designing means to write things down. Whiteboard and talk to people all you want, but you’re not designing if you’re not writing. Unless you design something trivially, you’ll need to apply structure. And writing is structured thinking. []

Jon Skeet [jonskeet] I've seen @Felienne's "Programming is Writing" talk three times now. It gets better every time, and I'm still thoroughly engaged. (I doubt that anyone hearing any of my talks multiple times could say the same.) I am in awe. #joyofcoding

WΛSSIM CHΞGHΛM [manekinekko] Finally got some time today to work on xLayers for @angular. New features: 🔥 New built-in Monaco Code Editor (will be needed for the CodeGen feat.) 🔥 JS Parser for the Apple's Binary Property List format (font attr extractor) 🔥 New UI/UX 🔥 Landing Page (coming soon) []

Meligy 🅰️ ng-sydney [Meligy] I love #Angular, and I adore #AngularCLI especially, but this exploding number of packages is unjustifiable! Especially when most of them require using the same version of the others to work fine anyway. []

Apollo [apollographql] As more companies use @apollographql in production, we're stepping up repository maintenance efforts.🔥 Find out how in this post from #GraphQL aficionado @hughwillson! []

Jarrod Overson [jsoverson] 10 years ago today: • jQuery was battling Dojo, YUI, and mootools for dominance • node.js wasn't a thing • Firebug was the only real developer tool • Chrome wasn't released yet • nobody took JavaScript devs seriously Things change a lot in 10 years.

Meligy 🅰️ ng-sydney [Meligy] Very nice collection of small JSON storage options []

Mike Freeman [mf_viz] This is a great collection of 1,000+ datasets available through popular #rstats packages. Thanks for putting it together, @VincentAB! [][]

Filip W [filip_woj] Reducing memory allocations from 7.5GB to 32KB []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Differences between Cloud Services and Service Fabric | Microsoft Docs []

John Ferguson Smart [wakaleo] What to learn something different? The Screenplay pattern will revolutionise how you think about test automation. Come along to the Epsilon room at 10:30 to see how Serenity BDD, Cucumber and Screenplay can work with REST API testing. #nordictestingdays[]

David Fowler [davidfowl] Ok here's a version of the same csv parser that uses System.Memory and [] to reduce allocations even further and improve the throughput []#dotnet#dotnetcore

Joshua Brunhuber [jbrunhuber] I wrote some words about #ProtocolOrientedProgramming 🚀 It will make your Apps more performant and 🤯 Makes your code less complex []#swiftlang#iosdev

Cheng Lou [_chenglou] Swift: Apple's OCaml Reason: Facebook's OCaml F#: Microsoft's OCaml

Pratap Lakshman [pvlakshm] Excellent series of posts on MSTest V2! Read it, spread the word. [#MSTestV2] []

Pratap Lakshman [pvlakshm] If you have not done so already, then move to MSTest V2 v1.3.2 ([]) [#MSTestV2]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .@testtalks 205: .Net and Integration Testing Pitfalls with James Penning [] [maybe @KingJamesPenn can come on the @csharpfritz Twitch channel? ...encourage more C#-based testing discipline?]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@csharpfritz@KingJamesPenn@testtalks@csharpfritz at the very least, every controller method in your Wiki app should have integration coverage.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] "+=" applied to String operands can provoke side effects [] [@java bug marked “resolved”]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]#Haskell cast Episode 3 - Simon Peyton Jones on GHC []@ReinH@jekor

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] ah, by default $LASTEXITCODE is $null #PowerShell[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] i feel like @jsnover has a cooler way []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] i am not certain that invoke-command -scriptblock {iisreset} is the same as & {iisreset} ref: [] the official documentation [[]] fails to recognize this equivalency => @awright18@alexandair@DonovanBrown@poshinside[]

Jeffrey Snover [jsnover]@BryanWilhite@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside@StevenMurawski They should be exactly the same. I think @BrucePayette wrote this code so let's double check with the man!

Donovan Brown [DonovanBrown]@BryanWilhite@awright18@alexandair@poshinside@StevenMurawski might be able to help. And of course @jsnover

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside@StevenMurawski@jsnover Thx Donovan! Steve might be handy👍

Bruce Payette [BrucePayette]@StevenMurawski@BryanWilhite@jsnover@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside '&' executes in a child scope as does Invoke-Command. '.' executes in the current scope.

Steven Murawski [StevenMurawski]@BryanWilhite@jsnover@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside@BrucePayette It may be. I'm mobile and can't test, but I believe the & executes in current scope. Invoke-command should be a subscope or another runspace iirc but I'll defer to @BrucePayette

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@jsnover@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside@StevenMurawski@BrucePayette Wow, thx @jsnover —I saw some other stuff on ServerFault about variable-scope being different between the two statements🤠

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@BrucePayette@StevenMurawski@jsnover@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside so, to clarify: & == Invoke-Command but what does '.' map to (no cmdlet)? Additionally, the assumption here is that is the same operator used in dot-sourcing, right?

Jeffrey Snover [jsnover]@BryanWilhite@BrucePayette@StevenMurawski@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside "." maps to Invoke-Command -NoNewScope {} []

Donovan Brown [DonovanBrown]@Alan_Florance@jsnover@BryanWilhite@BrucePayette@StevenMurawski@awright18@alexandair@poshinside I found this in @docsmsft[]

Steven Murawski [StevenMurawski]@DonovanBrown@Alan_Florance@jsnover@BryanWilhite@BrucePayette@awright18@alexandair@poshinside@docsmsft I was going to suggest about_scopes :). It should also be in powershell's help.

Alan [Alan_Florance]@StevenMurawski@DonovanBrown@jsnover@BryanWilhite@BrucePayette@awright18@alexandair@poshinside@docsmsft Yes but this doesn't seem to cover things like module scope []

Alan [Alan_Florance]@jsnover@BryanWilhite@BrucePayette@StevenMurawski@DonovanBrown@awright18@alexandair@poshinside Is there any documentation that collects all the scoping rules for #PowerShell together in one place?

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] GitHut - A visualization of Programming Languages in Github []#dataviz via @littleark

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] How To Fix A Solar Keyboard

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] The Best DJI Mavic Pro Drone Photography and Video Settings [] via @terrylwhite => @megafunkmega

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Drone Photography Q&A | The Grid- (Episode 314) []@ScottKelby@KelbyOne

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Verifly On-Demand Drone Insurance []

Sarah Drasner [sarah_edo] Has anyone else noticed that we tend to praise/respect developers who work for big companies and not listen as much to people who work for small ones? I think that's weird. People who work for small companies often have to wear a lot of hats and manage their time really well.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .NET job locations often in my inbox (last 30 days): Irving, TX Raleigh, NC Salem, OR Rockville, MD Durham, NC Baton Rouge, LA Ashburn, VA Austin, TX Rockville, MD Miami, FL Pittsburgh,PA Cleveland, OH Newark, DE SoCal .NET, far fewer by comparison🤣✈️🚊🏊‍♀️

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Remembering Richard Feynman []@stephen_wolfram [had no idea Feynman heckled that much]

James Herring [itsjamesherring] The search is over - I've found the best/worst office stockphoto []