“JavaScript is like leaded gasoline; toxic, bad for everyone” and other Tweeted links…
JavaScript is like leaded gasoline; toxic, bad for everyone, but readily available and with few alternatives. Like in the 60’s - people will go to great lengths to justify it. [twitter.com]
> "" == [] true
wat Haskell > "" == [] True
Well, that makes sense.
In case you're wondering why JS suddenly seems to give weird results for historical dates (e.g. pre-1880 in Los Angeles), here's why: [crbug.com]. Prior to the definition of standard timezones, timezone offsets are based on longitude. [twitter.com]
"People think that web browsers are elegant, and web pages are light, fluffy things you can edit in Notepad as you trade ironic comments with your friends in the coffee shop. Nothing could be further from the truth. A modern web page is a catastrophe." [scholar.harvard.edu][twitter.com]
Check out #Aurelia expert and fellow MVP (and fellow Nole) @ashleymgrant on the @6figuredev podcast with @matsubonsai@ClaytonHunt_104[twitter.com]
🔓 freeing the data ⇨ 📊 "Getting data from pdfs using the pdftools package" ✍️ @brodriguesco[buff.ly]#rstats#pdftools[twitter.com]
Bogus : Simple fake data tool [sachabarbs.wordpress.com]
Bogus: A simple and sane fake data generator for C#, F#, and [vb.net]. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js. [github.com]
“Today I’m happy to announce the beta release of The GraphQL Guide” [blog.graphql.guide]@jeresig
“CORS Your Dev Environment For Node.Js And React.Js” [elegantcode.com]
In the early internet, content moderation was an artisanal affair. Today, as social media platforms have scaled to millions, even billions, of users, it’s become an industrial process. [logicmag.io]
okay, as i'm a @mozilla Thunderbird user, @Google made me an offer i could not refuse: move from POP to IMAP; it took me a few hours but i see that IMAP is two-way-binding while POP was one-way.
Microsoft “buries” UWP, ports Skype to React Native [mspoweruser.com]
C# Console UWP Applications [blogs.windows.com]
[asp.net] Core Architect David Fowler's hidden gems in 2.1 [hanselman.com]@shanselman => @davidfowl
.@chocolateynuget => github-desktop [[chocolatey.org]]: This essentially replaces [chocolatey.org] but is a different application. <= @haacked[twitter.com]
Open Sourcing Uno with Francois Tanguay and Jerome Laban [dotnetrocks.com]@carlfranklin
Markdown Editor with GitHub Style [devpen.io][twitter.com]
Yes, design systems will replace design jobs No, design systems will not replace design jobs [designsystems.com]
Use #Azure KeyVault to store the secrets needed to connect to a database from @AzureFunctions[jlik.me][twitter.com]
“Titus, the Netflix container management platform, is now open source” by Netflix Technology Blog [medium.com]
Did you know the Invoke-VSTeamRequest in the VSTeam @VSTS#PowerShell module lets you call any VSTS/TFS API! No need to wait for it to be wrapped. Call any API today! All the hard parts are taken care of for you. [powershellgallery.com][twitter.com]
i was tempted to use a generic list,
, in PowerShell to add items from an array but this article [[jonathanmedd.net]] leads me to a pattern featuring {}.Invoke() then, i assume that this ‘invoked’ collection might need to be turned back into an array for cmdlets [twitter.com]
hey @chocolateynuget folks, I assume this is a @symantec-based false positive [Trojan.Gen.NPE.2]😬 [[chocolatey.org]] [twitter.com]
@gep13@chocolateynuget@symantec I'm a bit relieved because autohotkey is on all of my machines and Microsoft defenses would have failed like it's 1998. However this does mean that choco will not work properly on many, many machines still entrusted to @symantec (nice co. that's right down the street from me)🔬
@gep13@BryanWilhite@chocolateynuget@symantec Very few of them actually - best way to tell is to run a script we have to reverse dependencies (I want to say we have) - we should get that into choco itself once we own more of the NuGet codebase.
@BryanWilhite@chocolateynuget@symantec To be clear, Chocolatey doesn’t have any dependency on AutoHotKey. However, some packages do use it as a mechanism to ensure silent installation, but not all of them require an AHK script.
@BryanWilhite@chocolateynuget@symantec Yes, we believe that it is. If you scroll down on that page, and look at the pinned disqus message: [chocolatey.org] you will see some additional information.
Massive security hole lets attackers use Cortana to run Powershell scripts from above the lock screen - [mspoweruser.com]
The Nokia 3.1 is now available to preorder in the US for $159 [theverge.com] via @Verge
This Test Shows Why Tesla Autopilot Crashes Keep Happening [jalopnik.com] via @jalopnik
I've been trying a new format for keynotes: one on one interviews. So far I've found this format far less stressful in terms of prep and more intimate in terms of sharing my thoughts and making a connection with the audience.
Thanks to @ID_AA_Carmack and @idSoftware for continually releasing their code for everyone’s benefit and embodying the Hacker Ethic [github.com]
@fchollet Not everyone can afford to take the time off for education. This is a bigger problem for most than motivation alone.
Mother: can you please fix my computer Me: leans back in chair well... well ... well ... if it isn’t Miss ‘Get Off That Computer’ Years 1994 to 2006
It’s amazing how much bad managers can really screw up your career + your trust + self-worth. If you’re a marginalized individual, you probably know this all too well.
@amelielamont Yes, he’s not a real manager; he just plays one on TeeVee👺
@amelielamont In the “tech” world (which is really for anybody), we have an offering like @github which encourages people to practice without regard for current/future “managers,” developing an identity free from any particular corporate-sponsored social situation🔬👽
@amelielamont Bad managers become managers to have a social life. It the most toxic result of networking. A “marginalized” or traditionally oppressed person can be forced into “friendship” by a condescending liberal trying to “help” the “less fortunate,” insisting we are all the “same.”
@amelielamont I will continue to assume that great managers speak first to their teammates in terms of the work which implies management of the work not of the people. I ignorantly assume this why the term “project/program manager” was coined.
@amelielamont Thanks. The politics-free version of my career-long “issues” with management is my choice to be Microsoft-centric developer. Before the rise Linux, MSFT was rightly/wrongly considered cheap and orgs looking for cheap are not known for excellence in management.
@amelielamont At the very least, the subconscious from of the racism demands that you be treated like an exploitable natural resource without a voice or a human brain so any dude with a lumberjack shirt on can take credit for chopping you down.
@amelielamont Yes, my IT experience in entertainment (which might be mistaken as similar to the airs of design shoppes) has been pretty much an incredibly miserable managerial experience; for less misery I switched over to healthcare and currently, finance💸
Microsoft Women Confront Company’s Worker-Friendly Image [itprotoday.com]
@ScribblingOn Toxic team trick: a team-identified rock-star insider fails to complete tasks because buddy-buddy management is not watching him—then the new guy gets assigned a task that depends on tasks the rock-star failed to complete---the new guy is not getting things done on time🤬
@ScribblingOn poor-management trick: manager tries to jump gun to keep developer “busy” by assigning task with spec out of his ass and actual JIRA tickets from biz stakeholders are withheld then manager reveals/assigns JIRA tickets to dev—and dev finds out she has to rebuild everything🏊♀️
Net Neutrality Repeal Is Official @slashdot - [rpx.me]
How did hacker Adrian Lamo die? Medical examiner couldn’t figure it out [arstechnica.com]