“Introducing npx: an npm package runner” and other Tweeted links…
“Introducing npx: an npm package runner” by @maybekatz[medium.com]
“State of React Native 2018 · React Native” [htn.to]
Beautifully visualised selection of UX principles. [lawsofux.com]
The #UX of AI - An article about Google Clips and what it means in practice to take a human-centered approach to designing an AI-powered product [design.google]
Using Media Queries For Responsive Design [smashingmagazine.com]#CSS
Let’s make multi-colored icons with SVG symbols and #CSS variables [medium.freecodecamp.org]
Yesterday I made a PR that had, 50 unit test cases #jasmine#karma for of isteven multiselect. Nice thing is, this repo was inactive for last 3 yrs, I wasn't hoping for any activity, but fortunately it got merged. [github.com]#OpenSource#angularjs#feelingproud#oss
ICYMI, 💥 trove of resources! 📊 "Open Access VIS - collection of open access visualization papers, material, and data" [buff.ly] via @sharoz#dataviz#ieeevis [see same for #eurovis via @jamesscottbrown[buff.ly]] [twitter.com]
Useful VSCode extension for @Angular - quickly navigate modules, outline view, invoke Schematics. Well done @xiao_hanyu@angulardocio 🙏 ! [twitter.com][twitter.com]
“Angular — Simple In Memory Cache Service with RxJS” by @Sureshkumar_Ash[hackernoon.com]
Advanced caching with RxJS [blog.thoughtram.io]
How to use HttpClient and HttpInterceptor to Cache Requests in Angular 5 [nrempel.com]
ngx-cache [github.com]
An implementation of cache at Angular2 (4.0.0-rc.5 compatible). [github.com]
2015: Do Observables make sense for http? #5876[github.com] <= @BenLesh
HTTP Example with Promises • HTTP • Angular 5 [sumo.ly] via @jawache
always end with a catch [remysharp.com]@remysharp[twitter.com]
.catch is specified for built-in Javascript promises and is "sugar" for .then(null, function(){}). [github.com]
Answer: Jasmine JavaScript Testing - toBe vs toEqual [stackoverflow.com]
Press Ctrl+Shift+V to Paste Text Without Formatting in Google Chrome [lifehacker.com] via @lifehacker
at this moment in time i assume that @azure Web Apps enables CORS by default as i do not recall enabling it <= “App Service CORS vs. your CORS” [[docs.microsoft.com]] [twitter.com]
- Unhandled exception - An uncaught exception - Crash - Process exits due to to unhandled exception - High memory usage - Higher memory usage than expected memory usage - Memory leak - Unexpected memory/objects remaining after clean up/GC happens
🔥VS @code Tips 🔥 When you rename or move a file that's being imported VS Code will prompt you to update references to it. This allows you to automatically update your import paths for future changes as well. More details 👉[aka.ms] 📹👇 [twitter.com]
True but it would be more true to point out that PowerShell is a malware honeypot. Which is to say that if the bad guys use PS, it makes it easy to catch them. See [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com] … for details. [twitter.com]
Why China’s payment apps give U.S. bankers nightmares [bloom.bg][twitter.com]
Here are my slides for the First Engine One Meetup [slides.com]
Visual Studio 2017 Update 7 (15.7), includes new container tooling for Service Fabric. [bit.ly][twitter.com]
Wolfram Research goes for Software 2.0, releases neural net repository [wiredintel.bravehost.com][twitter.com]
Why Crystal is the most promising programming language of 2018 [medium.com]
A web server that powers 38% of the Internet has 1,766 stars on GitHub. A library that adds color to your Node console has 3,206. [twitter.com]
Lamar 1.0: Faster, modernized successor to StructureMap [jeremydmiller.com]
Embracing Push Forward Combat in DOOM [youtu.be]
The #5G standard is finally finished with new standalone specification — @verge[buff.ly]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid Minivan Review: Is This The Minivan To Get Soccer Parents
Software is not a craft. Nor is it an art. Nor is it engineering, or architecture, or anything we've ever before. I now have words for what development is: the practice of symmathesy. [medium.com]
I just wrote a post with thoughts on my own self-imposed responsibilities, and burnout. TL;DR: I've taken on too much, and am asking the community to step up and help so I can better focus my time and attention as a Redux maintainer [blog.isquaredsoftware.com]
Only a few vendor-paid developers do almost all open-source work [infoworld.com]
The most effective leaders I’ve worked with: Clearly communicate Set realistic expectations Provide autonomy Anticipate needs Teach and coach Give real-time, actionable feedback Share broader context Are present and engaged Have self-awareness Embrace continuous improvement
1. Hire awesome people. 2. Teach them your stack. It boggles my mind when I hear of companies that dismiss amazing candidates because they don’t have an exact recipe of knowledge and experience.
@reverentgeek welcome to the 1990s MSFT shop with its 19th-century view of human intelligence—also, i daresay that teaching stacks is byproduct of open-source, academic culture transformed into a corporate setting—most IT shops (especially MSFT ones) do not have the cultural heritage
Something I have learned over many jobs: there’s no perfect job. No one joins a company, looks around at the team, the management, the infrastructure, the business, and says, “This is perfect. Everything is fine.” (Why would a company that is perfect have a need to hire anyone?)
@rachelnabors When a company culture directs you to practice behaviors on a daily basis that one is not allowed to reveal in a public, professional setting, that company may have an embarrassing definition of “perfection.”
UPS’s $20 Billion Problem: Operations Stuck in the 20th Century [cmun.it]
“Learning style is about how you like to learn, not how you learn best. Although you might enjoy listening or doing, there's no compelling evidence you learn better that way. Sometimes we learn more when we’re out of our comfort zone.” — @AdamMGrant [theatlantic.com]
I have more admiration for people in tech who visibly demonstrate interest in social issues than for those whose sole interest seems to be tech itself. The latter group's singular focus indicates a lack of understanding that tech exists to serve humans, not the other way around.
@soniagupta504 deeper still, the tech contains theories that reflect toxic traditions in society: the lowest hanging fruit is the “beauty” of imperative programming (which is about the aesthetics of central control, debilitating not-invented-here sickness: imperative => imperial)💂
Twelve years. Still happy. [twitter.com]