“ES2018 was just approved!” and other tweeted links…
ES2018 was just approved! This is a list of its features: [exploringjs.com][twitter.com]
I wrote a book about layout for @abookapart[buff.ly]#aeabos
"Again. The web is boring. Everything looks the same. Let's start having fun with CSS and make the Web amazing and beautiful like we do with print design." @Mandy_Kerr 👉👉👉 yes yes and YES !!! 💜💜💜 #ampersandconf
Animate to Different End States Using One Set of #CSS Keyframes [css-tricks.com]
A Responsive Accessible Table [adrianroselli.com]
Thanks, @yelena_sufieva, for a great article on using @typescriptlang in an @reactjs application! Record, Partial and Required, Pick and Omit and Extending type/interface. [bit.ly][twitter.com]
Wrap your console.log arguments in an object literal to print the variable name along with its value. console.log(isLoggedIn) console.log({ isLoggedIn }) Still one of my favorite tips from @wesbos. So simple but effective 💪 [twitter.com]
Learn some awesome optimization techniques that can use to implement custom *ngIf and *ngFor that don't destroy and re-create DOM nodes. Read [blog.angularindepth.com] by @maxim_koretskyi[twitter.com]
Gorgeous forest scene! Made with Blender, Graswald addon, CMV and some Poliigon textures. By Arnaud Imobersteg [artstation.com]#b3d[twitter.com]
CC_Hair - Custom Hair Shader [blendernation.com]#b3d[twitter.com]
Blogged: Building ASP.NET Core apps on both Windows and Linux using AppVeyor [buff.ly]#AspNetCore#dotnetcore@appveyor
Ever think about using @AzureEventGrid for the messaging between @AzureFunctions based microservices? Check out this new sample: Content Reactor - Serverless Microservice Sample for Azure [github.com] - great work by @jdwns and @priyaponders!
Add auto-complete to your search box using #AzureSearch[docs.microsoft.com]#SearchAsAService#ElasticSearch#azure
Static website hosting for Azure Storage now in public preview [azure.microsoft.com]
Why GitLab Is Moving From Azure to Google Cloud Platform [itprotoday.com]
"We think the whole world is going to move from virtual machines to containers with Kubernetes. We're moving [gitlab.com] to a setup like that."
Pagely: Managed WordPress Hosting on Amazon Web Services | NOUPE [noupe.com] via @NoupeMag
Best SQL databases 15. you 14. can't 13. rank 12. them 11. because 10. they're 9. all 8. unique 7. and 6. individually 5. great 4. in 3. their 2. own way 1. Oracle
Azure Elastic Database jobs is now in public preview [azure.microsoft.com]
And here's the dedicated "HTTPS Is Easy" website - share generously! [httpsiseasy.com]
DevTube - A collection of all developer and technical videos in one place [dev.tube]
Introducing .NET Core 2.1 Flagship Types:
and Memory<T>
The next version of Newtonsoft.Json has SourceLink enabled! SourceLink started in the community, joined the @dotnetfdn and is now the modern way to debug into .NET third party library source code. Read more about SourceLink // @cmr0n[blog.ctaggart.com]
#Python 3.7 was just released. If you want a short tutorial on dataclasses, my Pycon talk will give you quick start: [youtube.com]
#python tip: When replacing one exception with another, use "from None" to suppress exception chaining only when the underlying exception is wrong or misleading in some way. try: f(x) except MisleadingError: raise CorrectError from None
How about a conference called "In Retrospect" in which presenters revisit talks they've given years prior -- and describe how their thinking has evolved since?
@bcantrill the @angular team did that all the time and any current employee from @Apple would be fired for being so un-Greek-god-like; @Microsoft folk will continue to do this even better on @github; “regular” tech folk are often too young to realize the value of this😿
git under @code: fatal: TypeLoadException encountered. Method 'DeleteCredentials' in type 'Atlassian.Bitbucket.Authentication.Authentication' from assembly 'Bitbucket.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.
git config --global credential.helper cache [git-scm.com]
.@StackOverflow: [stackoverflow.com][twitter.com]
“Why touchscreens in cars don’t work” by @jackylikin[uxdesign.cc]
You could say I'm a sucker for failed Microsoft technology. Not pictured is the Lumia 950 XL that's my current device that took this photo. [twitter.com]
I'm about to pay $150 to ship a HP monitor from the US to Australia because it's significantly cheaper than buying it in Australia from HP at employee purchase pricing.
Does this imply that fragmentation does not really exist on an SSD? —or wear-leveling and fragmentation have a constructive relationship in SSDs?
“In other words, SSDs do not use any physically indexable locations, and software cannot specifically target sectors on the disk. Basically, your computer has no way of telling “where” that information was just copied to.” [makeuseof.com]
BBC News - “The Manchester Baby, known formally as the Small-Scale Experimental Machine, was the world's first stored-program computer.” [bbc.com]
Apple and Samsung Settle 7-Year Court Battle Over 'Blatantly Copied' iPhone Features [thewrap.com]
BREAKING: Seattle DSA members and Microsoft employees are demonstrating and handing out flyers outside of Microsoft HQ calling on the company to drop it's $19.4 million contract with ICE. #AbolishICE#KeepFamilesTogether#OccupyICE[twitter.com]
“Microsoft Corp. women engineers who claim discrimination in pay and promotions won’t be allowed to pursue their lawsuit as a class action, in a major blow to the leading case attacking the male-dominated tech industry.” [buff.ly]
If you're hiring, or talking about someone on the team you manage, it's always better to say Come work with me They work with me They're on my team as opposed to Come work for me They work for me I'm their boss/manager Work is about collaboration, not command and control
Passion, Determination and Commitment got me here. The #100DaysOfCode has finally paid off. Landed a job as a Front-end developer for one of the best Bank in Nigeria with a good salary . Thank you @freeCodeCamp. [twitter.com]
did.. did this Gary Larson strip actually.. come true? (Twitch, etc videogame streamers making a good living at literally playing videogames?) [twitter.com]
Among younger generations, ghosting has “almost become a new vocabulary” in which “no response is a response,” says Amanda Bradford, CEO and founder of The League, a dating app. Now, “that same behavior is happening in the job market,” says Bradford… [linkedin.com]
@ScribblingOn Okay, I’m an idiot but taking the phrase “surround yourself with people” for granted is the hallmark of an attractive person from a relatively large and relatively functional family👮
@bitfield In a gate-keeping interview situation, my answer to this question can always be made wrong. Do I answer in .net framework-based terms or in algorithms-and-data-structures speak? ---or in all of these terms which might take too long😤 suggesting I am stalling.
@hhariri I have a recording of Noam Chomsky trying to explain to IV-league students the basic French-Enlightenment principles around what you are talking about—the “best and the brightest” of Americans have trouble here by design.
Why We Need To Talk About Burnout In The Tech Industry via @forbes[forbes.com]
The best employees are not the agreeable ones, according to Adam Grant [work.qz.com] via @QuartzAtWork