“Hexi Flexi: A #CSS Grid powered SCSS component that creates a hexagonal lattice” and other tweeted links…
Hexi Flexi: A #CSS Grid powered SCSS component that creates a hexagonal lattice [vmcreative.github.io]
Did I tell you yesterday my slides for my talk at @ampersandconf are up at [noti.st]? Well, they are. A video was recorded and will be posted sometime in the future.
ICYM, Here's [kunal-chowdhury.com] how to bring back the “View Source” and “Inspect Element” in Microsoft Edge. #Windows#Windows10#MicrosoftEdge#WindowsInsiders#WIMVP#HowTo[twitter.com]
Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets. [vanityfair.com]
Staggeringly beautiful… "200 Years of U.S. Immigration As the Rings on a Tree" 🖌 @pmcruz & @wihbey[buff.ly]#dataviz#infovis[twitter.com]
💥 cool gallery of ggplot-related pkgs: 📈 "All Your Figure Are Belong to Us" 👾 @yutannihilat_en[buff.ly]#rstats#dataviz[twitter.com]
is also already marked deprecated, but there is no replacement available yet” [stackoverflow.com] [without this deep concept for styling on the component level, @angular will translate CSS with attribute selectors all the way down [w3.org]]
when using SASS with @angular components, i'm using: & ::ngdeep [twitter.com]
2018: Angular :host, :host-context, ::ng-deep - The Complete Guide [blog.angular-university.io]
CSS style not applying on dynamic injected html elements #7845[github.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] The Web That Never Was - Dylan Beattie
Linux Security and How Web Browser Sandboxes Really Work - Patricia Aas [youtube.com]
C++ and Browser Monoculture with Vivaldi's Patricia Aas [hanselminutes.com] <= @shanselman
Read the latest teaser from Microservices Patterns about the API Gateway pattern. [goo.gl]@crichardson#microservices#Java[twitter.com]
Hundreds of millions of emails are being scanned every day by the developers of email apps. [wsj.com] via @WSJ
Node js Elastic Search Tutorial Example From Scratch by KrunalDLathiya [javascriptkicks.com]#javascript#nodejs via JavaScriptKicks
Totally agree with the post. XML had many flaws, but it works better for larger documents: Closing tags establishes context Native support for comments That's not to say XML is perfect but I find both JSON and YAML much worse. [twitter.com]
Francisco R. built his own #FIFAWorldCup simulation using #WolfLang. Find out the probability of your supporting country winning it all: [wolfr.am][twitter.com]
@dpiessens@Azure let's imagine how many ways you will prompted to pay for AD functionality around this blade: [portal.azure.com] i think you are telling me that you got Azure Key Vault working by using roles only and not getting prompted to pay for anything [twitter.com]
Daniel Piessens openly admits that it's turtles all the way down with @Azure Key Vault without the vital role of Azure AD (which is not free of charge) and i quite appreciate the honesty🐢🐢🐢💸
.@DotNetRocksShow 1558 Developer Security in Azure with Daniel Piessens [dotnetrocks.com]@dpiessens <= @carlfranklin@richcampbell
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Let's Be Realistic: A Deep Dive into How Games Are Selling on Steam
the “visual novel” genre does “quite well” on Steam [youtu.be] => @megafunkmega@EdGreerDestroys[twitter.com]
wow: “Roughly 82% of those games didn’t even make minimum wage” @RaveofRavendale[youtu.be][twitter.com]
Hey, #VSCode Users! We've got a terrific tutorial that'll walk you through everything you need to know to work #Java w/ #Docker in #VisualStudio@Code. [msft.social][twitter.com]
#VSCodeTip: Using the @code CLI is often faster than opening folders manually:
code .
: Open the current folder in a new window code -r .
: Open the current folder in the current window code -a .
: Add the current folder to the current window [twitter.com]
#dotnetcore .NET Core and #Docker ✅ get up and running fast with a sample ✅ fastest and cheapest way to run #containers on #azure#Cloud ✅ breakdown of available image repos It's all here: [jlik.me][twitter.com]
Latest release of the @code lit-html plugin adds tag folding for html strings in #typescript and #javascript Grab it from the marketplace: [marketplace.visualstudio.com][twitter.com]
#Python news: Guido accepted PEP 572. Python now has assignment expressions. if (match := [pattern.search](data)) is not None: print([mo.group](1)) filtered_data = [y for x in data if (y := f(x)) is not None] [python.org]
Great blog post by @marcgravell on System_IO_Pipelines. [blog.marcgravell.com]
Big change: Bash and PowerShell are 2 entry points to the same Linux container in CloudShell. That means you'll always have a consistent set of tools to manage Azure. [twitter.com]
Dongbo gave an incredibly concise and precise explanation of the internal workings of PowerShell. It was a shockingly good talk (and his first talk ever). Wow. Well worth a watch! [twitter.com]
Midnight Commander is now 24 years old, a tool that I have used almost every day since then. This is the oldest announcement I can find: [groups.google.com][twitter.com]
[asp.net] Core roadmap [github.com]
Patricia Aas - C++ for Java Developers [youtube.com]
my guess is that a new @ubuntu kernel image is coming out and this never-seen-before issue will vanish [twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Audio Dev Interview, Ep6: How to Learn Audio Programming & VST Development w/ Josh
Amazing. Fully functional LEGO Technic bridge girder. [twitter.com]
Plot messages on a beautiful beach with @adnarimnavi's sand drawing robot: [bit.ly][twitter.com]
Tokyo unveils a stunning new digital art museum [bloom.bg] via @TicToc[twitter.com]
Dude, Dell is going public again [houstonchronicle.com] via @HoustonChron
the great disappointment of my professional career is the discovery that the structures of science careers reward people for violating the principles by which science is supposed to operate
Hosted a roundtable on #scale and #technology in #education in #Africa. Incredible insights from: @EnezaEducation@Shortlisthires@BridgeIntlAcads#Metis@MicrosoftEDU@dignitasproject@EducateOrg@moringaschool@onebillion#Arifu and @eLimuKenya[twitter.com]
You know what I think is dumbest thing ever? People who tell you you shouldn't compare your salary with your peers and that you should know how much you are worth. I don't know how much I'm worth, most people don't 👇
I think I figured out why coding interviews stress me out so much my natural mode of problem-solving is very exploratory & experimental, testing ideas & building up but interviews feel like you have to KNOW the right approach right away & execute perfectly on the first try
@mariechatfield It’s a 19th-century test of “intelligence” dressed up in 21st-century skinny jeans. It’s a way for comp-sci majors to weed out non-comp-sci majors. It is more of a ritual of obedience than an exploration of another person.
Patricia Aas: Reading other peoples code | Web Rebels 2018 [youtube.com]