“Why GraphQL: Advantages, Disadvantages and Alternatives” and other tweeted links…
Why GraphQL: Advantages, Disadvantages and Alternatives - [robinwieruch.de]
Created an Example: Dynamic Dashboard with @Angular Elements and Web Components: 📦 Dynamically adding Custom Elements 🚂 Lazy Loading Custom Elements ➡️ Loading external Custom Elements 📃 Blog Post 🇬🇧 and Article 🇩🇪 are coming soon [github.com][twitter.com]
In the latest Xamarin Podcast, @PierceBoggan & @JamesMontemagno discuss the latest updates to mobile #dotNET dev; Xamarin.Forms 3.0 & 3.1, #VS2017 v15.7 & 15.8 as well as updates to the Android designer: [msft.social][twitter.com]
Just published a @code extension that lets you add embedded language syntax highlighting to #javascript or #typescript tagged template strings with a /language/ comment [marketplace.visualstudio.com][twitter.com]
A standard for documenting TypeScript by @Microsoft 👷♀️ Designed for TypeScript 🔓 Open standard 📝 Markdown integration 💪 Extensible It's definitely worth checking out at [github.com][twitter.com]
The div that looks different in every browser [codepen.io][twitter.com]
An inside look at design legend Paula Scher’s influential career The @dribbble team managed to get one of the most influential graphic designers in the world on their podcast. 50min you'll like. [dribbble.com]
How to make reactive type as seen on the Airbnb Cereal site This tutorial will show how to achieve this effect (and more) using a few lines of Javascript and a little math. Well explained and even understandable for a designer with some effort. [superhi.com]
The Layouts of Tomorrow [mxb.at]#Design
How and Why We Unit Test Our Sass [seesparkbox.com]
Answer: How to generate .angular-cli.json file in Angular Cli? [stackoverflow.com]
[asp.net] Core quirk: “TimeoutException: The Angular CLI process did not start listening for requests within the timeout period of 50 seconds. Check the log output for error information.” [twitter.com]
spa.Options.StartupTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 80); [github.com][twitter.com]
Is where any way to fix the position of the md-toolbar to the top of the screen so that content scrolling doesn't hide the toolbar? [github.com]
surprised this is not built into .mat-toolbar [twitter.com]
Pipelines is the design pattern that made .NET one of the fastest web servers in the world, @davidfowl explains [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Blogged [t.co]: High performance IO in .NET [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]#dotnet#dotnetcore#aspnetcore
IdentityModel v3.8 ✳ HttpClientFactory-friendly OAuth and OIDC client libs & discovery document cache ✳ SourceLink support ✳ Updated protocol constants Blog post: [leastprivilege.com] Readme: [github.com] Samples: [github.com]#identityserver
“you need to use just '/' in [asp.net] Core” to bypass route prefixes (the tilde, ~, is not used) [github.com][twitter.com]
“Why you should not use Google Cloud.” by @serverpunch[medium.com]
Microsoft Azure launches tamper-proof Azure Immutable Blob Storage for financial services [azure.microsoft.com]
.NET Core Microservices – DShop [piotrgankiewicz.com]
Oh well this was a fun adventure. Recommendation: Don't use
+= await
or -= await
, they store the initial value eagerly, and if that value gets updated while await-ing, it will get overwritten. [twitter.com]
Super useful tool! "dotnet outdated" keeps your project references up to date! [hanselman.com]
Related: We were all taught that global variables are bad. Environment variables are more global than global variables. Therefore environment variables are terrible. [twitter.com]
Need a handy way to display OS, software and hardware information for your machine? Neofetch can help. [github.com][twitter.com]
Deep Dive into Microsoft Configuration: [bit.ly]
Great webcast on key Sysinternals tools for use for red teams: [blackhillsinfosec.com]
My 30 min talk: Thriving Through the Transition is now up on YouTube. I cover: 1) Transitions are career opportunities 2) The role transitions have played in my career 3) The biggest transition we'll see in our careers is happening now [youtube.com]
Tune in to @VisualStudio's Twitch channel now - @_clarkio is streaming and teaching about updates to Visual Studio @code[twitch.tv]
.NET Core Test Explorer by Jun Han [github.com][twitter.com]
There are few things more pathetic than the state of the Android tablet market. Even psychotic android superfans will all but tell you to get an iPad. Current least-worst option is the ASUS ZenPad 3S [thewirecutter.com]
Metro Vacuum ED500P DataVac 500-Watt, .75-HP Electric Duster [amazon.com] [recommended by @robertheron via [youtu.be]] [twitter.com]
Microsoft’s Azure powers self-driving bus in Germany - [mspoweruser.com]
[frame.io] recommended by @alexlindsay => @megafunkmega[twitter.com]
Why is this a novel idea? The government is consistently at least 10 years behind in process, design and technology... How tech workers in the government could make everyone’s life easier: ‘Get rid of the paper’ - Recode [recode.net]
Woke up remembering a conversation I had 20 years ago on IRC in which I was really condescending to someone who felt OCaml was a better language than Java, and now I'm going to feel terrible all day long.
White folks need to default to trusting the experiences of POC. Full stop. No saying we're exaggerating. No defensiveness. No dismissiveness. No equivocating. POC, especially Black Americans, have had to accept your distorted version of reality as truth for centuries. Enough.
@soniagupta504 When employees are pushed by a bored, “friendly,” and nosey manager to share our life experiences, in an impromptu group session, I said once that police chief Daryl Gates tried to kill me in my teen years. This statement caused laughter but never a second thought about accuracy.
@BryanWilhite@soniagupta504 but that's not even a little bit funny...
Ada Lovelace devised the first program. Grace Hopper wrote the first complier. Margaret Hamilton started the field of software engineering. Women have always been and will always be essential to the advance of computing. [twitter.com]
Love this story! Seasoned #engineers & #developers in the industry need to make it easier for others take the plunge in #tech. Lots more build & innovate-> “How I went from mopping floors at a tanning salon to becoming a Software Developer” by @nnennahacks[codeburst.io][twitter.com]
"I bought my boss two copies of The Mythical Man Month so that he could read it twice as fast." - @rkoutnik[twitter.com]
The Radiation Printer at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, at the time the world's fastest printer. "To keep burnt paint debris from contaminating the styli, pulverized walnut shells were blown against them. It was claimed that other nuts would not work." [computer-history.info][twitter.com]
...and a special shout out to Mona Millings, the operator pictured. "Mona could keep up with mounting tapes, changing paper, and separating printouts. When Mona was absent, not one, not two, but three other operators were required to stand in for her." [cap-lore.com]
How Silicon Valley Fuels an Informal Caste System [wired.com] via @WIRED
This heat wave's so bad it's even slowing down U.S. stock trades [bloomberg.com] via @markets