“The guide to integrating and styling icon systems — SVG sprites” and other tweeted links…
The guide to integrating and styling icon systems — SVG sprites, #SVG symbols and icon fonts [blog.nucleoapp.com]
Still boggled by the beauty that is CSS Grid. This responsive (or intrinsic, 🙌 @jensimmons) nested layout is less than 20 lines of code. Flexbox or float would require so any more lines, not to mention media queries. [codepen.io]#css#cssgrid#blessed #🐢
Good news everyone! I've released a new video module of updates to @UpgradingAJS (the best ngUpgrade resource on the planet)! ✨🎊🎉 Learn how to : ⬆️ Update to Angular 5 🌐 Switch to HttpClient 🎥 Update our production AOT build 🔥 And more! [buff.ly]
Upgrading Your Application to Angular 2 with ng-upgrade [blog.rangle.io]
Optimizing ng-upgrade by lazy loading Angular 1.x using new Angular router [syntaxsuccess.com]#angular#angularjs#webperf@angular
Discovered [upgradingangularjs.com] today. For anyone who has heard my ngUpgrade talk, you should totally check this out if you're trying to upgrade your legacy angular app still! cc @samjulien
Xaml Islands in Win32 Desktop applications are alive in Win10 insider preview 17713 / insider preview SDK 17709. C++/WinRT sample is here: [github.com]#fluentdesign#fluentfriday#msdev@WindowsUI[twitter.com]
v8n: A JavaScript Fluent Validation Library - [github.com]
wow. this is an excellent blog post on the amount of work that goes in to a polished user interface, a la Google Photos. [medium.com]
Loving this guide on replacing REST with GraphQL for your backends and frontends: [graphql.guide]
“With GraphQL we just send them to the official docs with our schema with is our single source of truth for the API and they come back a day later ready to go.” [news.ycombinator.com]
Angular 5 – How to access Window, Document and other browser types in Angular Universal [ryadel.com]
Never worry about WordPress hacks again. Create a static site that’s hack-proof and lightning fast with Simply Static. [simplystatic.co][twitter.com]
Migrating From Wordpress to Hugo [gomakethings.com]
CSS Keylogger [css-tricks.com][twitter.com]
Estimate the ages of individuals in images using award-winning pre-trained #NeuralNetworks available through our newly launched Neural Net Repository. Learn more: [wolfr.am][twitter.com]
The software to create the black hole in the movie 'Interstellar' is a full implementation of Einstein's equations in 40,000 lines of C++, and rendered thousands of 23-megapixel IMAX frames on a 32,000-core render farm at about 20 core-hours per frame [arxiv.org][twitter.com]
Finally, Apollo Server 2.0 is out of beta 🚀💯 - Advanced Caching 😍 - Built-in metrics reporting 🔊 - Data Sources 💼 - Great Error Handling 💪 - CDN Integration 🌠 - File Uploads 📁 [blog.apollographql.com]
Announcing the Azure Cloud Shell editor in collaboration with Visual Studio Code [azure.microsoft.com]
When you want to teach the SQL basics, showing variants on the major commercial and open source RDBMS, @sqlfiddle with its 'Text to DDL' is awesome 👍 [twitter.com]
#python tip: prefer str.index() over str.find(). The latter returns -1 for missing values. Unfortunately, -1 is also a value index value for non-empty strings.
We're working to make Python development better, starting today with the Python language server release for @visualstudio@code[bit.ly] (@thepsf, FYI) [twitter.com]
Some great progress being made with ligatures in @code's terminal thanks to an ongoing community contribution. It's great to finally see them working for the first time! [github.com][twitter.com]
Unit tests for #Docker images [blog.florianlopes.io]
For those folks following along with my #fsharp series of essays, there's a sneak peek available for the second in the series, 'Failure Is Not An Option, The Sequel" Smart Constructors, Total Programming, Type Extensions, and unicorns* [tiny-giant-books.com]
Few tools which I'm using constantly in my dev 👨🏼💻 process: ‣ VSCode - works perfectly with TypeScript & Go ‣ tmux - quick bootstrap & multiplexing ‣ fkill - kill of processes ‣ iTerm2 - amazing terminal emulator ‣ bash - scripts for automation
There is a Comic Sans monospace font. Sort of [github.com][t.co]
I think blockchain is a distributed database. Not without applications. So I think perhaps @vcerf is wrong about this one. [twitter.com]
@davewiner@vcerf It is a slow, expensive, hijackable (by someone with more budget) and unreliable (in the face of no interest) distributed database :-)
I love this quote in the review of the Surface Book 2: "you can basically stop with the dongle hellscape" [medium.com]
Announcing .NET Framework 4.8 Early Access build 3632 [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
The Java type system is broken [wouter.coekaerts.be]
"The Lisa was amazing. The greatest testament to Apple’s genius is just how normal the Lisa interface still looks, how easily one can imagine oneself just sitting down and getting to work using it. It instantly made all other GUIs look hopelessly clunky." [filfre.net][twitter.com]
@csharpfritz@davidfowl If .NET is Marvel, then @davidfowl is the Captain America. @csharpfritz is Jubilee.
@davidfowl@terrajobst we need to see a worldwide heat map of IT shops by programming language—data Microsoft will never release: I suspect that (sadly) .NET is DC and Java-based-whatever is Marvel
Here’s a wild concept: you can like something and be critical of it at the same time.
I don't mind negative feedback, but it needs to be constructive. As far as I'm concerned you can even swear and use as many expletives you want, but got to make some points beyond ranting. Otherwise, all I can do is shrug and move on.
It boggles my mind that a few random, historically ignorant tech dudes at Google, Facebook, & Twitter have arrogated to themselves the power to define free speech instead of relying on
<gestures wildly>
the collective knowledge & wisdom of historians, sociologists & philosophers
Here is an OPEN SECRET ABOUT GETTING PROMOTED. Ready? Learn to write well. The higher you go the MORE YOU WILL WRITE. Emails. Proposals. Memos. Instructions. WRITING IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILLS.
@amazingrando Placing the writing skills in isolation might be a bit misleading. I am sure most candidates for promotion were heard speaking and presenting themselves first. The aesthetics of physical presentation backed up by great writing likely did the trick.
@BryanWilhite Writing isn’t the only skill for promotion, for sure.
This New York City store is selling 45-minute naps for $25 [bloom.bg]#tictocnews[twitter.com]
If you're looking for a new gig, this website let's you find companies based on what you're looking for in terms of company culture, team, etc: [keyvalues.com] Such a nice idea!
In Some US Cities, There Are Over Ten Times More Parking Spaces Than Households [motherboard.vice.com] via @motherboard => @Bike_LA
“I like my condo with extensive green walkways, pool, tennis courts and the exorbitant fee that pays for a management company to take care of all of this.” [news.ycombinator.com]