“Testing with the Angular HttpClient API” and other tweeted links…
“Testing with the Angular HttpClient API” by @cironunesdev[medium.com]
a very nice read, recommended for people building and designing HTTP APIs Developing Restful APIs: A Comprehensive Set of Guidelines by Zalando [opensource.zalando.com]
What is the CSS ‘ch’ Unit? @meyerweb explains how the CSS 'ch' unit works. [meyerweb.com]
🌟 Lazy-loading images and iframes are coming to the web platform and I'm excited that this will soon be possible:
<img lazyload="on" src="cool.jpg" /><iframe lazyload="on" src="cool.html" />
Check the issue on whatwg/html: [github.com]
I've spent the last like 2.5 hours working in Vue and I feel like I've learned so much and it's so nice to be working with a nice frontend framework again. I haven't enjoyed frontend dev this much in years, I think.
📝 I wrote a short post about why I think HSL is great, and hence why I recently converted all my #CSS colors to use the hsl() format: On Switching from HEX & RGB to HSL [sarasoueidan.com]
Don't use
display: contents
on a real project yet. It removes the content from the accessibility tree. Can I Use now reflects this: [caniuse.com], so we can track when the bug fix lands in browsers. It'll be in Firefox 62 Sept 5. (More info: [hiddedevries.nl])
Published my first #elmish#xamarin forms app! ElmishContacts is live on Play Store (App Store pending review). All sources are on Github, take a look and see why EXF is great. #fsharp@dsyme[github.com][twitter.com]
哈哈 everyone thinks they are making cool stuff for React and then you go to China and see State Change graphs automatically generated for your applications. 😳 [twitter.com]
“Static members are declared using the static modifier and are members of the constructor function type…” [github.com][twitter.com]
“Defining static properties and methods of a class is described in 8.2.1 of the Typescript Language Specification…” [stackoverflow.com][twitter.com]
“This post takes a cursory look at reflection with TypeScript. Its primary focus is how reflection can be used with TypeScript decorators. It introduces Reflect, reflect-metadata, and some miscellaneous related components.” [blog.wizardsoftheweb.pro]@wizardsoftheweb[twitter.com]
Arrow function expressions in TypeScript [piotrwalat.net]
“Angular Services do NOT have to be Singletons” by Netanel Basal [netbasal.com]
Decorators & metadata reflection in TypeScript: From Novice to Expert (Part I) [blog.wolksoftware.com][twitter.com]
3 ways to communicate between Angular components [medium.com][twitter.com]
from a historical point of view, i will assume that Node.js was the earliest implementation of the JavaScript module concept—any cats out there have better information? [docs.npmjs.com] <= @maybekatz[twitter.com]
this 2012 article by @flaviencharlon opened my eyes to see beyond the IEnumerable-IObservable relationship; there is also a subtle relationship/comparison between
and Task<T>
comparison is most important in the @angular world where Task<T>
is Promise<T>
—and IObservable<T>
is Observable<T>
in @typescriptlang—and the debate around whether to use promises or observables has been far more active and opinionated => @Meligy
Is your @msexcel workflow feeling sluggish? Upgrade your #spreadsheets with Wolfram CloudConnector for Excel! Find out how to use it here: [wolfr.am][twitter.com]
#python tip: It is easy to capture the output of functions that print to the terminal: with open('help.txt', 'w') as f: with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f): help(pow)
a couple of @ohshitgit comics: what to do if you commit to the wrong branch! [twitter.com]
“Pull requests are a medium for discussion, to both improve the code and improve all of the contributors’ understanding of it. Of course, this annoys those programmers who dislike communicating and/or discussing code. But programming is a team sport.” [codacy.com]
1. Implement new feature 2. Run the tests 3. Failing test 4. Spend time trying to figure out what change caused it 5. Revert changes 6. Test still fails 7. Spends rest of time figuring out a different issue 8. Submit PR to fix issue 9. Go to 1.
Azure File Sync is now Generally Available [petri.com]
Twitter is shutting down its legacy third party app APIs this week - [mspoweruser.com]
recommended by @Barnacules: Input Director enables the control of multiple Windows systems using the keyboard/mouse attached to one computer [inputdirector.com][twitter.com]
SAL SOGHOIAN #applescript on Triangulation #359[twit.tv][twitter.com]
new @code feature: Run npm scripts from package.json [twitter.com]
In ignorance and pessimism, the flippant assumption here is that instructors fail to teach the history behind many data structures because it will lead into details of how memory is/was managed (heap) and how databases have worked (hash table?).
there are quite a few data structures for even more algorithms: [en.wikipedia.org]
Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers [amazon.com] [recommended by @JasonSwett => legacy code is code without tests!] [twitter.com]
215: Ruby Testing Culture with Jason Swett [joecolantonio.com] via @jcolantonio
Project Natick [natick.research.microsoft.com] [fish cams] [twitter.com]
Making health data interoperable will make all of us healthier. @Microsoft is pleased to join Amazon, Google, and others to advance tech for health data interoperability. Our new Chief Architect for Health Data, Josh Mandel, explains our commitment. [cloudblogs.microsoft.com]
I was busy documenting Nigeria's first international developer conference, called Concatenate Conference on Friday and Saturday. Here's a photo of me taking the final group shot yesterday evening. I was standing on @devfunsho's car, in order to get a gre… [ift.tt][twitter.com]
Hey underrepresented folks in technical roles! Performance review season is upon us. I want to take a few moments to remind you about some practical tips that can help you be evaluated more fairly in this and future seasons.
Google tracks your location data even when you've asked it not to, @AP report says [bloom.bg]
My daughter started 9th grade yesterday. Her first class of the day was Computer Science. A class of 19 boys and her. The teacher thought she was lost, and asked which room she was looking for. And we wonder why this industry has a diversity problem.
When interviewing engineers people love to say, "I want to see how the candidate solves problems," when what they really mean is, "I want to make sure the candidate solves problems like I do, or I'll assume incompetence." And sadly, this perpetuates the monoculture.
A generation of developers may have grown to ignore quality partly due to their business environments, but the bigger concern is the lack of skills, that they have failed to develop, to care for quality even when placed in situations that facilitate or necessitate high quality.
"Cost Per Reasonable Decision (CPRD)" - @johncutlefish[hackernoon.com][twitter.com]
Ramanujan discovered this peculiar way to represent 1/π. [twitter.com]
The three ages of bureaucrat: Age 25: Why don’t I get to go to any meetings? Age 35: I feel so validated by attending all these important meetings Age 42: I will do anything legal to avoid godforsaken meetings
Michael Dell gambled billions and saved his company — but can he do it again? [theverge.com] via @Verge
Oracle has been named in a lawsuit alleging the company’s executives lied to shareholders when they explained why cloud sales were growing. [bloomberg.com] via @technology
Australian teen stole 90 gigabytes of private data from Apple servers [theverge.com] via @Verge