“Flexbox - The Animated Tutorial” and other tweeted links…
Flexbox - The Animated Tutorial [medium.com]
Everything You Need To Know About Alignment In #Flexbox[smashingmagazine.com]#Layouts
Carousels on #Mobile Devices [nngroup.com]
Toggle-Switch Guidelines [nngroup.com]#InteractionDesign
CSS-only double-click [codepen.io]
Designing Illustrations for Small Screens [medium.com]#Design
Style the Cursor Color in CSS 🤩 Use the
to change the color of the cursor (caret). It's the blinking cursor when you click on the <input>
or <textarea>
. Now you can change the color to match the theme of your website 👍 #100DaysOfCode#CodeNewbie#301DaysOfCode[twitter.com]
What Happens When You Create A Flexbox Flex Container? The start of a series of articles by @rachelandrew. In this article, she will take a detailed look at what actually happens when you add display: flex to your stylesheet. [smashingmagazine.com]
Watch the video of my talk at Frontend Conf Zurich, on this @benotist page which also includes all the resources and code for the talk. [noti.st]
Firefox 62: tomorrow. We are shipping support for CSS Shapes (
and shape-margin
) along with a Developer Tools for editing your shape (which also works with clip-path
). Also shipping support for Variable Fonts. And in @FirefoxNightly have a new Font Editor.
What is
in Angular and why we need it. By @maxim_koretskyi[bit.ly]
Dear npm community ❤️ I want to drop support for Node.js 4 as much as the next person, but when I do, rest assured that I'll do so in a major release. Sneaking it into a patch release is not cool 😢
I have now seen the stupidest thing yet on my stupid, stupid, #Android phone. I set an alarm for 7:00AM. Because that's when I want to wake up. The phone "helpfully" sounds the notification tone at 6:00AM: "You've got an alarm coming up at 7:00AM".
Introducing Skype call recording—now you can capture, save and share special moments [dlvr.it][twitter.com]
Hair combing in Blender 2.8. I don't have to launch cycles renders every 10 minutes. [twitter.com]
Writing a Blazor App [davidpine.net] via @davidpine7
[vuematerial.io] Build beautiful apps with Material Design and Vue.js [twitter.com]
Exploring the Fluent Design System [channel9.msdn.com]
What I've learned since quitting Elm [qiita.com]#Qiita
let me guess: i am the only person on Earth who can new up a @stackblitz project for @angular and get a failure to load [unpkg.com] error [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@stackblitz@angular Nope not just you, looks like @unpkg is having issues. 6.3.2 is a valid version but it says it doesn't exist 🤔 cc/ @mjackson
@ericsimons40@BryanWilhite@stackblitz@angular@mjackson Fixed! Sorry for the inconvenience.
.@Microsoft shifts cloud strategy for German towards @Azure services geolocated in the EU--including forthcoming options in Germany--and away from "data trustee" model announced in 2015. [news.microsoft.com]
Google search takes 3x more memory than DuckDuckGo and Google Maps takes 10x more memory than OpenStreet Maps. Is it the tracking or just bad programming? [twitter.com]
Being a bit lazy here, but anyone know if there's a graphql backend mock server that can run from a JSON file (possibly with support to write to JSON file)? Wanted for dev whilst "real" backend is built out.
@rem Pretty sure this is built directly and automagically into any Apollo Server :)
@rem I had a similar use case with Prisma and ended up using [github.com]
Google Wants to Kill the URL - (For reading levels above DNS and Internet Protocol) [wired.com]
VMware Cloud on AWS [cloud.vmware.com][twitter.com]
Introduction to VMware Cloud on AWS [youtube.com]
if you don't build great moderation tooling, you won't get great moderation [nolanlawson.com]
The most underrated algorithm in data science is “go talk to people who deal with the problem every day and learn from them.” Modeling customer churn? Talk to people working at the store Optimizing a website? Talk to users Looking at just tables of data is so limiting!
Linus Torvalds talks frankly about Intel security bugs [zd.net] via @ZDNet & @sjvn There was no love lost between the #Linux developers and #Intel when the #Spectre#security holes first popped up.
Microsoft shares a few specifics about Windows Server 2019 Essentials Edition. It is coming, as officials said, later this year alongside the other Win Server 2019 releases: [cloudblogs.microsoft.com]
I’ve had a Synology Server in our closet for 8 years. It just emailed me that disk 3 of 4 failed. I hot swapped in a new disk. One of the best tech purchases I’ve made. Highly recommended. Don’t trust just the cloud. Backup your life & photos local. [amzn.to]
So Windows 10 has "Game Mode" to optimize when playing and streaming. It has "Presentation Mode" when you're using PowerPoint and projecting. I propose Developer Mode. I want Indexing off, Virus checking off, max filesystem speed, optimized caches, etc. IDE/Text editor priority.
@KinteSpace Assessing the Impact of Bias in Artificial Intelligence [Timnit Gebru @timnitGebru] [youtube.com]
Git on Linux: “SSH is more secure (and although I have not confirmed this officially, it seems to transfer faster than HTTPS). If it is at all possible, use SSH instead of HTTPS.” [blog.iqandreas.com][twitter.com]
.@mark_heath explores #morelinq[markheath.net]
“Latest Memo: Most people will be disappointed by the second edition” The Second Edition of "Refactoring" ➙ [martinfowler.com]@martinfowler
Open Position: Entry-Level Front-End Dev Must have: - 6 yrs experience - Fluent in React, Haskell and COBOL - 15 Github commits each day - 12 references 6 month contract with no potential for hire $8/hr 🤔 Am I the only one who finds job postings as unrealistic as this?
The skills programmers need now are drastically different from what they were in the 1990s. They need less mathematics and algorithms, and more ‘sociotech’ skills: navigating relationships between people and communities [cacm.acm.org]
"Useful modern education is not the work of rote. When you tell someone the answer and then give them a test to see if they remember what you told them, that’s not education, it’s incented memorization." – #SethGodin[seths.blog]
Great article about @scottgu: "The man in the red polo: Meet Scott Guthrie, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's front-line general in the cloud wars with Amazon and Google" [businessinsider.com]
Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley (As Told by the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom) [amazon.com] by @adamcfisher[twitter.com]
Triangulation 356: Adam Fisher, Valley of Genius [youtube.com]