“Getting to Know the Angular CDK Drag and Drop Feature” and other tweeted links…
Getting to Know the Angular CDK Drag and Drop Feature. By @NetanelBasal[bit.ly]
Easier scrollytelling with position sticky [pudding.cool]
Just how many kinds of boxes are there in CSS? @fantasai@tabatkins@meyerweb content-box padding-box border-box margin-box line-box marker-box fill-box stroke-box view-box geometry-box (?) What's missing?
Another awesomely simple circular motion demo, this time showing that when the centripetal force is removed the object follows a tangent to the circle. Src: YouTube/ISLE Physics [twitter.com]
What's the most developer-friendly React animation library? #reactjs#webdev[bit.ly]
Clean React Toggle @CodePen[codepen.io]@greensock@reactjs#svg#animation#ui#minimal[twitter.com]
Not sure how to handle animation with React? Check out velocity-react: [github.com]#reactjs#JavaScript
react-native-animation-book by @browniefed: WIP Book full of examples, demos. [react.rocks]#reactjs[twitter.com]
Building a Complex UI Animation in #reactjs | CSS-Tricks [buff.ly]#Webdesign[twitter.com]
Are instances of @angular AnimationPlayer observed by some internal registry that destroys them auto-magically or must we use ngOnDestroy to prevent memory leaks? => @yearofmoo@Meligy
looks like the answer to my question should be no @yearofmoo and his crew are still working on the reason why
is not behaving as expected => [github.com]
these local instances of player might be stacking up in memory; i thought i was being clever by doing this: player.onDone(() => player.destroy()); but this throws errors likely due to race conditions [github.com][twitter.com]
my player-getter, getPlayer(), has been re-factored to use its arguments to uniquely ID players; when a duplicate is found it is destroyed before returning a new replacement instance (which might have new param values) [twitter.com]
there are three AnimationPlayer issues outstanding at Google that should address my whining: [github.com][twitter.com]
@Meligy Did your React projects have tests or was it plain-ol F12 stuff?
@BryanWilhite Of course they did have tests :)
@Meligy just checking to see how minimal React projects on your plate are willing to go🤠 ---what was the test tool? ---was there a React CLI in play?
@BryanWilhite Jest for testing. Not React CLI. Actually I wasn't very impressed with project boilerplate but I had no enough reason to change what they had already
@Meligy cool. I will use this mix when I start to mess around with React in my nodejs repo: [github.com]
I used Angular 2-4 for over a year, helped a big customer teams use it & build several production apps. Devs were happy with framework & CLI. I contributed to CLI too Then joined big React project for months, & now Angular choices feel too much & overengineered Maybe practice…
here is what i have (my responsive @angular sliding animation): [github.com][twitter.com]
“Typescript method overloading” by Kevin Kreuzer [medium.com]
Do's and Don'ts of @typescriptlang[typescriptlang.org][twitter.com]
"Compared to the amount of paid time off afforded to workers in other countries, American employees are woefully undercompensated." [cnb.cx]
Microsoft splits VSTS five ways to build new Azure DevOps platform [arstechnica.com]
This is a big deal. Microsoft ship over 78,000 deployments a day using Azure Pipelines and now we are giving it away for free to open source projects. Unlimited build minutes on fully managed Linux, Windows or macOS build servers. #AzureDevOps[azure.microsoft.com]
Very, very excited about the new GitHub Pull Request extension for @code. I will be demo'ing tomorrow as part of the Azure DevOps keynote. [code.visualstudio.com]
Thanks to a PR, vscode now folds #markdown lists and fenced code blocks! Try it out in the latest @code insiders and let me know if you run into any issues [twitter.com]
Python in Visual Studio Code – August 2018 Release #python#dev#visualStudioCode[blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
licecap is probably the most unhygienic name for an App ever: [superuser.com][twitter.com]
.@shotcutapp, glad to see FOSS for video is still going strong! [[twit.tv]] => @megafunkmega[twitter.com]
Today I learned that TensorFlow users are called “TensorFlowers” 🌺
Developers are worth more to tech companies than cash #remotework#marketing via [boingboing.net] ☛ [amp.gs][twitter.com]
Google’s cloud-computing star is leaving her post after controversy over AI tech and a Pentagon deal [bloom.bg]
Microsoft details for the first time how it classifies Windows security bugs: [zdnet.com] (by ZDNet's @campuscodi)
I was the only Black person in all of my classes for all 4 years of college. The words "master" and "slave" were used so liberally and every time made me feel like shit. None of my hundreds of classmates or professors cared. [twitter.com]
@bria_sullivan It is never “useless poetry” to always see imperative programming for what it is: imperial programming, based on a false Greco ideal of perfection and central control that goes a long way toward making overclocked chips overheat.
@bria_sullivan BTW I did a five-year sentence at UCSB as the only Black physics major. Most white folks of all skin colors looked away in silence and most Black folks were too busy to care. Remember that old novel Invisible Man? Ellison?
“Master/slave” isn’t even a good metaphor, unless I’m missing the historical example where slaves lived a life identical to their master’s with sub-second delays just in case one of them suddenly needed to step in and replace the master if he died...
.@shanselman is respecting the Bill Gates maxim to use DATA to characterize a population of systems: [hanselminutes.com]@nicolefv blows me away with this fact: IT moves fast successfully by making small testable changes => @bizmonger