“Get started with Angular Grid in 5 minutes” and other tweeted links…
Get started with Angular Grid in 5 minutes. By @maxim_koretskyi[bit.ly]
Sal.js - A lightweight scroll animation library [mciastek.github.io]
Combining #fonts is one of the trickiest parts of #typography. Here’s a guide, combined with an example to help you get font combinations right. [betterwebtype.com]
Dark #UX Patterns in Advertising [icons8.com]
If you're doing @angular development and want to learn more about features that you may not be taking advantage of, I suggest you check out the Demos with Angular youtube channel by @stephenfluin. He's got a lot of great content there. [youtube.com]
Variadic functions at work. Took us four years to get expressive enough to fix this one! @typescriptlang#TypeScript[github.com]
Mappable tuple and array types / Announcing TypeScript 3.1 RC | TypeScript [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
The recent introduction of worker threads in Node ( V 10.5 ) allows CPU intensive tasks to be carried out in separate threads. Here is a library for using the feature in your code. #nodejs[lnkd.in]
My biggest regret with Redux is explaining it in terms of API instead of how to “think in it”. I underestimated the temptation to twist it into a familiar conceptual model — and that it’s flexible enough to allow these contortions.
@amberweinberg@AmeliasBrain Grid-gap was invented to create gaps between grid tracks. Multicolumn already has gaps. FLEXBOX needs gaps. It's crazy it doesn't already. So rather than creating
, or making grid-gap
work in Flexbox (wtf?), a new naming convention was created to work everywhere.
Tomorrow I will be doing my "[retro.net]" talk on Channel9 as part of .NET Conf. Showing how to build terminal/console apps in all their glory, tune in here: [channel9.msdn.com][twitter.com]
Always wanted to create a coffee brand. Thanks to the #AdobeHiddenTreasures#Contest I was able to do just that. Once again I’ve used Reross Quadreatic, my favorite from the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. Work out your dream project too! [adobe.ly]#AdobePartner[twitter.com]
The Kusto Query Language (KQL) is used to query Azure Services. It's what's behind Azure Monitor and Log Analytics. We now have a free course to teach you this language from scratch; courtesy of @pluralsight[pluralsight.com]
10 UX portfolios done right [creativebloq.com]
🍉 Next-gen database for powerful React and React Native apps that scales to 10,000s of records and remains fast ⚡️ [github.com][twitter.com]
StREST [github.com] [testing REST APIs] [twitter.com]
Folks at @docsmsft have been hard at work on documentation for #Azure#DevOps. Check out: ✅ Artifacts [jlik.me] ✅ Test Plans [jlik.me] ✅ Boards [jlik.me] ✅ Repos [jlik.me] ✅ Pipelines [jlik.me]
Plex shutters its cloud service after months of technical issues: mt: @Mikequindazzi[theverge.com][twitter.com]
How to (really) migrate from .NET Core 2.0 to 2.1 by JellyHive [dotnetkicks.com]#dotnet via DotNetKicks
...just heard at #dotNETConf New goodies coming in .NET Core 3 [twitter.com]
A (Belated) Welcome to C# 7.3 [dlvr.it]
Ever need to shuffle an array? Sure, things like arr.sort(a => Math.random() - .5); are short, but produce biased results. Same with the naïve loop you may be thinking. Use Fisher-Yates shuffle instead. @codinghorror wrote a great post on it, 11 years ago! [blog.codinghorror.com]
Have you downloaded today's free eBook? [bit.ly]#FreeLearning[twitter.com]
YAML: Its JSON, but for people who like squinting at whitespace and counting spacebar presses
Announcing PowerShell Core 6.1 by PowerShell_Team [dotnetkicks.com]#dotnet via DotNetKicks
PowerShell v6.1and its cross-platform wonderfulness is now officially available! GO!!! [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Google To Kill Its Developer Platform Fabric in Mid-2019, Pushes Developers To Firebase - Slashdot [buff.ly]
Finally, eSIMs go mainstream. Apple adds eSIM to new iPhones [fiercewireless.com]
Apparently, new iPhones will be able to run several eSIMS, and a nanoSIM but only after they include that feature in an IOS 12 update - maybe later this year. But which cellular companies will play; and which will obstruct? Wait to be sure! #apple[support.apple.com]
Do functional languages cope well with complexity? [stackoverflow.com][twitter.com]
How to register multiple implementations of the same interface in [asp.net] Core? => [stackoverflow.com] [will
IServiceCollection.AddSingleton<Func<string, ...>>(...)
work? when yes, very cool] [twitter.com]
Bash that JSON (with jq) [blog.librato.com]
Bash Scripting - Arrays with Examples -- [yourownlinux.com]
.@ethomson awesome! @DonovanBrown has the hook up: up to 1800 minutes of FREE build time for PRIVATE repos! 🤠 [twitter.com]
Introducing @AzureDevOps[azure.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
.@MadsTorgersen shows how to use the Elvis operator and the null coalescing operator together [conk forehead] => [channel9.msdn.com]@ch9[twitter.com]
[module:NonNullTypes] turns off nullability for all reference types on the module level [twitter.com]
In 1967, Manuel Blum formulated a set of axioms (now known as Blum axioms) specifying desirable properties of complexity measures on the set of computable functions and proved an important result, the so-called speed-up theorem. [twitter.com]
What type of software engineer are you: - One that gets blocked then complains about it and stops. - One that gets blocked then hacks around everything without asking questions. - One that gets blocked then hacks around everything and then complains.
@davidfowl Option 3, but I'd call it constructive criticism, not complaining :)
@davidfowl as you can tell from my world-famous social media threads, i solve my coding problems through my international network of beer-hall techie buddies where we all use our deep knowledge of the history of algorithms and data structures to white board everything into submission
It seems like all the job-spam that comes to me on LinkedIn is for 'full-stack software developers'. Where are the opportunities for the half-stack or quarter-stack person? I've never understood a full-stack in my life ;-)
Tech workers say poor leadership is number one cause for burnout [bit.ly][twitter.com]
if someone rebranded “doing the dishes” as “Sink Zero” there would be a lot more guys in Silicon Valley with clean kitchens
I hate twitter so much now. So happy over at Mastodon after spending a bit of time onhere today. Go follow me there. I'm much nicer, I talk about my cat a lot, and it's more often than not about something other than writing stuff that makes pictures move around little on a screen
Sony Finally Admits It Doesn’t Own Bach and It Only Took a Bunch of Public Pressure [eff.org]
SanFran has more game studios than LA! <= @andrewpprice[youtube.com] => @megafunkmega[twitter.com]
a problem that can be solved in practice is called a tractable problem, literally "a problem that can be handled" => tractatus andronicus [twitter.com]