“eagle.js: A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js” and other tweeted links…
eagle.js: A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js. Contribute to Zulko/eagle.js development by creating an account on GitHub. #vue ★2.1k [github.com][twitter.com]
Jan is at #ReactConf17 enjoying talks like cross-platform #dataviz possibilities with the victory react library (session by Peggy Rayzis). [twitter.com]
We’ve just released Create React App 2.0, including a year’s worth of improvements. [reactjs.org][twitter.com]
Tabulator: A Fully Featured, Interactive Table JavaScript Library - [tabulator.info] (Create interactive data tables quickly from any HTML table or JavaScript or JSON data source.)
TypeScript 3.1 is out! Now with mapped tuples, easier property declarations on functions, typesVersions, and some handy async/await refactorings! Read all about it on our blog! [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
@BerkeleyTrue I've yet to be convinced of Observables for the masses, but that doesn't mean they aren't the future!
“Sometimes you don’t have control of your back-end stack and you’re forced to force REST to behave for your client-side UIs. That sucks and Redux really helps in that environment.” @hackernoon[hackernoon.com][twitter.com]
i took 23 days to complete an @angular feature because of the number of unknowns; @github records the whole ordeal: [github.com] => @Meligy@yearofmoo@brandontroberts[twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Nice! You building this up as a learning exercise?
@brandontroberts@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Many thanks, man! This work is for v2 of my tiny company website: [songhaysystem.com] ---so this is a dogfood thing. BTW: you may notice that I am still using Http and Promises instead of HttpClient ---I'll move away from that later :)
@BryanWilhite@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Ahh ok cool. Progress is progress 👍🏿
@brandontroberts@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Thanks, again. I am using EventEmitter which the gateway drug into a pure-Observable RESTful strategy and then I will see what Redux and/or GraphQL brings to the table...
“Angular 5 - Copy to clipboard” [surprisingly hacky] [stackoverflow.com] => @meligy [is there a better way?] [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite This is not really Angular specific. I'm aware there's a JavaScript clipboard API but it probably requires asking the user for permission, which is a bit ugly, and might be the reason people are reverting to such workarounds.
@BryanWilhite This seems to be a good explanation of the browser limitations: [lucidchart.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Reactive Forms - The Basics
Azure Data Explorer: an internal software project "Kusto" now being made available for general use. Store large amounts of data (structured or not) and run fast queries [azure.microsoft.com]
Introducing Azure Premium Blob Storage (limited public preview): Today we are excited to announce the limited public preview of Azure Premium Blob Storage, which introduces a new performance tier in Azure Blob Storage, complimenting the existing Hot,… [dlvr.it]
Write Your First Program Using #Microsoft#Graph#SDK by @NileshR_Shah cc @CsharpCorner[goo.gl][twitter.com]
Want to start using the Microsoft Graph Security API to integrate data and intelligence from Microsoft products, services, and partners? Here's a sample app that shows how to connect a Node.js app to a Microsoft account using the Graph JavaScript SDK. [github.com]
I assume (as this article does) that @msonenote is excluded from the deprioritized MS Office UWP apps? Or is MS backtracking on their UWP #OneNote roadmap? Microsoft deprioritizes its touch-enabled Office Mobile apps for Windows [zd.net] via @ZDNet & @maryjofoley
#Python programming principle of the day: "The Law of Demeter" helps achieve looser coupling between classes. Generally, objects should avoid invoking methods on objects returned by another method. In order words, avoid multiple dots: a.b().c() [www2.ccs.neu.edu]
Task.Yield in .NET Core 3.0 will be completely allocation free when there's no sync context [github.com]
Interesting article that provides some insights into the world of compilers “How Microsoft rewrote its C# compiler in C# and made it open source” by Mads Torgersen [medium.com]#programming#SoftwareEngineer
"installing ad blocking extensions substantially increases both active time spent in the browser and the number of pages viewed." New research from Mozilla. [research.mozilla.org] Probably because ads/GDPR/cookie warnings now cover most of the content on big media sites.
On my way to #openfsharp in San Francisco! Very excited to be attending and speaking!
Tune in now to @stephen_wolfram on @Twitch for the first #geometry live design review series: [stephenwolfram.com][twitter.com]
If PowerShell has helped you, please take a couple of minutes and share your story with us at [aka.ms] I'd appreciate it!
Microsoft says it will no longer develop new features for touch-friendly Office apps for Windows, will instead prioritize the iOS and Android versions (@tomwarren / The Verge) [theverge.com][techmeme.com]
Microsoft Ignite 2018 Top Announcements: Build Azure Weekly Special - September 25, 2018 [buildazure.com] via @BuildAzure
Introducing Event Hubs for Azure Stack [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
GraphQL for .NET [github.com][twitter.com]
GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Queries [elanderson.net] via @elanderson21
Azure Service Fabric updates at Ignite 2018 [azure.microsoft.com]
Load test with the @Azure portal [docs.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
Skip is an experimental programming language developed at Facebook from 2015-2018. [skiplang.com][twitter.com]
2010: Readme Driven Development by Tom Preston-Werner [tom.preston-werner.com] via @jessitron [[youtube.com]]
@BryanWilhite@DonovanBrown Interesting - are you creating a tag as part of the build steps? If so I wonder if your trigger is firing on tag creation. (I notice that those builds are building for a tag, that’s why I’m asking.)
@ethomson@DonovanBrown i think you hit the nail on the head @ethomson; i failed to understand that tagging source touches my repo which causes a build (a loopy situation); i incorrectly assumed that i was tagging/naming my builds [twitter.com]
i have shut off the YAML for the time being [twitter.com]
@ethomson@DonovanBrown i see now the guidance provided by @docsmsft => [docs.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
agile factory approach vs. product approach [youtu.be]@arasb#ndc2018[twitter.com]
Instagram's Founders Say They're Resigning Because They Want New Challenges, But They May Also Want to Get Away From Zuckerberg | by @NinaZipkin[entm.ag]
Not learning to touch type is basically hindering your entire ability to work efficiently with computers. You can learn to type in a month with just 5–10 minutes practice a day. You’ll be slower at first, but then much faster [medium.freecodecamp.org][twitter.com]
microgrants: A list of microgrant programs for your good ideas. ★379 [github.com][twitter.com]
My physics professor once told me to always attend the visiting researcher talks even thought I didn't understand what they where talking about. His argument was that you learn the area like a child learns a language. First you listen in a confused state.
“Every medium-to-large company I have worked at has asserted ownership of everything I build, at work or away from work, using my own equipment, on my own time—it doesn't matter.” [news.ycombinator.com] => @megafunkmega