
“eagle.js: A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js” and other tweeted links…

GithubTrending [GithubTrending] eagle.js: A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js. Contribute to Zulko/eagle.js development by creating an account on GitHub. #vue ★2.1k [][]

CLEVER°FRANKE [cleverfranke] Jan is at #ReactConf17 enjoying talks like cross-platform #dataviz possibilities with the victory react library (session by Peggy Rayzis). []

React [reactjs] We’ve just released Create React App 2.0, including a year’s worth of improvements. [][]

JavaScript Daily [JavaScriptDaily] Tabulator: A Fully Featured, Interactive Table JavaScript Library - [] (Create interactive data tables quickly from any HTML table or JavaScript or JSON data source.)

TypeScript [typescriptlang] TypeScript 3.1 is out! Now with mapped tuples, easier property declarations on functions, typesVersions, and some handy async/await refactorings! Read all about it on our blog! [][]

Ben Ilegbodu ⛹🏾‍♂️ [benmvp]@BerkeleyTrue I've yet to be convinced of Observables for the masses, but that doesn't mean they aren't the future!

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Sometimes you don’t have control of your back-end stack and you’re forced to force REST to behave for your client-side UIs. That sucks and Redux really helps in that environment.” @hackernoon[][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] i took 23 days to complete an @angular feature because of the number of unknowns; @github records the whole ordeal: [] => @Meligy@yearofmoo@brandontroberts[]

Brandon [brandontroberts]@BryanWilhite@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Nice! You building this up as a learning exercise?

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@brandontroberts@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Many thanks, man! This work is for v2 of my tiny company website: [] ---so this is a dogfood thing. BTW: you may notice that I am still using Http and Promises instead of HttpClient ---I'll move away from that later :)

Brandon [brandontroberts]@BryanWilhite@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Ahh ok cool. Progress is progress 👍🏿

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@brandontroberts@angular@github@Meligy@yearofmoo Thanks, again. I am using EventEmitter which the gateway drug into a pure-Observable RESTful strategy and then I will see what Redux and/or GraphQL brings to the table...

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Angular 5 - Copy to clipboard” [surprisingly hacky] [] => @meligy [is there a better way?] []

Meligy, GuruStop, ng-sydney [Meligy]@BryanWilhite This is not really Angular specific. I'm aware there's a JavaScript clipboard API but it probably requires asking the user for permission, which is a bit ugly, and might be the reason people are reverting to such workarounds.

Meligy, GuruStop, ng-sydney [Meligy]@BryanWilhite This seems to be a good explanation of the browser limitations: []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Reactive Forms - The Basics

Tim Anderson [timanderson] Azure Data Explorer: an internal software project "Kusto" now being made available for general use. Store large amounts of data (structured or not) and run fast queries []

Callum Foster [CallumFoster_] Introducing Azure Premium Blob Storage (limited public preview): Today we are excited to announce the limited public preview of Azure Premium Blob Storage, which introduces a new performance tier in Azure Blob Storage, complimenting the existing Hot,… []

C# Corner [CsharpCorner] Write Your First Program Using #Microsoft#Graph#SDK by @NileshR_Shah cc @CsharpCorner[][]

Windows Defender Security Intelligence [WDSecurity] Want to start using the Microsoft Graph Security API to integrate data and intelligence from Microsoft products, services, and partners? Here's a sample app that shows how to connect a Node.js app to a Microsoft account using the Graph JavaScript SDK. []

Jeffrey S. Bennion [JeffSBennion] I assume (as this article does) that @msonenote is excluded from the deprioritized MS Office UWP apps? Or is MS backtracking on their UWP #OneNote roadmap? Microsoft deprioritizes its touch-enabled Office Mobile apps for Windows [] via @ZDNet & @maryjofoley

Raymond Hettinger [raymondh]#Python programming principle of the day: "The Law of Demeter" helps achieve looser coupling between classes. Generally, objects should avoid invoking methods on objects returned by another method. In order words, avoid multiple dots: a.b().c() []

David Fowler [davidfowl] Task.Yield in .NET Core 3.0 will be completely allocation free when there's no sync context []

Max Koretskyi, aka Wizard [maxim_koretskyi] Interesting article that provides some insights into the world of compilers “How Microsoft rewrote its C# compiler in C# and made it open source” by Mads Torgersen []#programming#SoftwareEngineer

POST /malone [mikemaccana] "installing ad blocking extensions substantially increases both active time spent in the browser and the number of pages viewed." New research from Mozilla. [] Probably because ads/GDPR/cookie warnings now cover most of the content on big media sites.

Don Syme [dsyme] On my way to #openfsharp in San Francisco! Very excited to be attending and speaking!

Wolfram [WolframResearch] Tune in now to @stephen_wolfram on @Twitch for the first #geometry live design review series: [][]

Jeffrey Snover [jsnover] If PowerShell has helped you, please take a couple of minutes and share your story with us at [] I'd appreciate it!

Techmeme [Techmeme] Microsoft says it will no longer develop new features for touch-friendly Office apps for Windows, will instead prioritize the iOS and Android versions (@tomwarren / The Verge) [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Microsoft Ignite 2018 Top Announcements: Build Azure Weekly Special - September 25, 2018 [] via @BuildAzure

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Introducing Event Hubs for Azure Stack []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] GraphQL for .NET [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Queries [] via @elanderson21

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Azure Service Fabric updates at Ignite 2018 []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Load test with the @Azure portal [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Skip is an experimental programming language developed at Facebook from 2015-2018. [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] 2010: Readme Driven Development by Tom Preston-Werner [] via @jessitron [[]]

Edward Thomson 🤧😷🤒 [ethomson]@BryanWilhite@DonovanBrown Interesting - are you creating a tag as part of the build steps? If so I wonder if your trigger is firing on tag creation. (I notice that those builds are building for a tag, that’s why I’m asking.)

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@ethomson@DonovanBrown i think you hit the nail on the head @ethomson; i failed to understand that tagging source touches my repo which causes a build (a loopy situation); i incorrectly assumed that i was tagging/naming my builds []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] i have shut off the YAML for the time being []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@ethomson@DonovanBrown i see now the guidance provided by @docsmsft => [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] agile factory approach vs. product approach []@arasb#ndc2018[]

Entrepreneur [Entrepreneur] Instagram's Founders Say They're Resigning Because They Want New Challenges, But They May Also Want to Get Away From Zuckerberg | by @NinaZipkin[]

John Arundel [bitfield] Not learning to touch type is basically hindering your entire ability to work efficiently with computers. You can learn to type in a month with just 5–10 minutes practice a day. You’ll be slower at first, but then much faster [][]

GithubTrending [GithubTrending] microgrants: A list of microgrant programs for your good ideas. ★379 [][]

Jeffrey Snover [jsnover] My physics professor once told me to always attend the visiting researcher talks even thought I didn't understand what they where talking about. His argument was that you learn the area like a child learns a language. First you listen in a confused state.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Every medium-to-large company I have worked at has asserted ownership of everything I build, at work or away from work, using my own equipment, on my own time—it doesn't matter.” [] => @megafunkmega