“Building Fluid Interfaces” and other tweeted links…
Building Fluid Interfaces [medium.com]
Who’s a UX writer? [invisionapp.com]
How To Set an Apple Touch Icon for Any Site — All in the head: This week, Apple rolled out an update to the ... http://bit.ly/ms8Tui#ux
Your CSS Layout Toolkit for 2019 [noti.st] via @rachelandrew#CSS
tiptap: A rich-text editor for Vue.js. #javascript ★857 [github.com][twitter.com]
Went into RC for Angular v7 last Friday. I expect it to be a non-event for upgraders where you just get to enjoy the new fixes and features. I'd love to hear from any early adopters who have a different experience so we can fix things before final! [github.com]
📣 Hot off the press: React Router 4.4.0-beta.2 👍 - Fully compatible with
- Optimized bundles for both CJS and ESM - Fix for SSR leak $ npm i react-router@next react-router-dom@next react-router-native@next[github.com]
Microsoft explains what's new for Edge with the new Windows 10 October 2018 update - [mspu.co][twitter.com]
“Announcing the First Stable Release of Angular Console — The UI for the Angular CLI” by @victorsavkin[blog.nrwl.io]
Facebook’s #React is “running away with the Web,” downloaded by over 60% percent of @npmjs’ 10 million users. About 40% users use #Angular, which peaked in 2017 — @seldo#NodeJSInteractive cc @LawrenceHecht[twitter.com]
Angular - Auto Unsubscribe For Pros —Class decorator that will automatically unsubscribe from observable subscriptions when the component is destroyed [github.com][twitter.com]
Create React App 2.0: Babel 7, Sass, and More [reactjs.org][twitter.com]
okay, close to releasing my new, @angular 6 dashboard [github.com] will try to make it look “easy” later => @meligy@Bizmonger[twitter.com]
Calls between JavaScript and WebAssembly are finally fast 🎉 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog [hacks.mozilla.org] via @mozhacks
#DotNetNews#DotNet#AutoTweet | Announcing Orleans 2.1 [goo.gl]
Use an Azure file share with Windows | Microsoft Docs [docs.microsoft.com]
discovered from an interview a few minutes ago: the ApiVersion attribute [hanselman.com] [i agree with @shanselman on this one 🤠😂] [twitter.com]
.@msonenote live is broken now; verify this with the people you trust find someone at MSFT that understands the screenshot below😂🤠 [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@msonenote Bryan, are you still experiencing this issue? You can DM me: [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@msonenote Can you DM me now, Bryan?
@BryanWilhite Hi, Bryan. Will you please DM us if you are still experiencing this? Thanks! [twitter.com]
f-strings can be nested until you run out of quoting characters: >>> f"{f'{len(dir(list))}'*5}" '4646464646' #Python tip: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should ;-)
Async tip don't [task.run] for long running work that blocks the thread. You'll be blocking a thread pool thread. Instead, use Task.Factory.StartNew with TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning or spawn a Thread and run that instead. #dotnet#dotnetcore#aspnetcore
beware: .NET Core 2.0 has reached end of life [github.com]
awesome-vscode: 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. #javascript ★7.1k [github.com][twitter.com]
oh I somehow missed that CosmosDB SLA for reads was bumped from 99.99% to 99.999% last year [azure.microsoft.com]
Posted - Thoughts on Azure DevOps [odetocode.com][twitter.com]
Coupled with rapid change, crushing complexity, and a severe shortage of devs who can cope with both, large scale software development is just as risky (or more) as any time I've seen in my career. I created this humorous diagram years ago, and it doesn't just apply to Microsoft: [twitter.com]
About to deliver 3 hours of PowerShell training. This NEVER gets old. Every time I talk about PS, I rediscover how wonderful it is.
"Visual Studio Code can now convert your long chains of Promise.then()'s into async/await automagically" by @bendhalpern#DEVcommunity[dev.to]
TLA+ [en.wikipedia.org] 😂[the language of mathematics is superior to ALL programming languages?] [twitter.com]
Beware of HackerRank [linkedin.com]
the “holy trinity” of computer science: ✳ proof theory (logic) ✳ type theory (programs) ✳ category theory (algebra) —Robert Harper [youtu.be][twitter.com]
6th HLF – Lecture: Leslie Lamport [youtube.com] [Heidelberg Laureate Forum]
VS Code local-user install cannot update:
error while deleting a directory
%LocalAppData% #60697[github.com]
this @code error reminds of the @azure deployment errors that also cannot deal with locked files; this locked file thing goes all the way back to DLL-hell of the 1990s—i ignorantly assumed that such a fundamental problem has been solved in the era of Windows 10 and the cloud [twitter.com]
reminding myself of the
keyword through the definition of the out
keyword: “It is like the ref keyword, except that ref requires that the variable be initialized before it is passed.” [docs.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
“In general, any recursive algorithm can always be reduced to an iterative one through the use of stack or queue data structures.” [stackoverflow.com][twitter.com]
just got an interview question about “runtime constants”; i assume this was a clever way of referring to
static readonly
members [arungudelli.com][twitter.com]
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages by Robert Harper [amazon.com][twitter.com]
Windows Server 2019 is available today! Check out the pre-announcement from last week to learn about its cool enhancements: [cloudblogs.microsoft.com]
Neat: Application Pinning for Win Machines with META Tags [t.co]
Despite speculation, a Canadian company - backed by @BillGates - is making successful strides in technologies that "suck" #CO2 from the air but experts warn the method still distracts from the more important task of reducing overall #carbonemissions[bbc.com]
Introducing Microsoft @surface Headphones [youtu.be]
“I’m Leaving Google — and Here’s the Real Deal Behind Google Cloud” [medium.com]
Netlify Raises $30 Million to Replace Web Servers with a Global 'Application Delivery Network' #News[dlvr.it][twitter.com]
Will AI take over recruitment? No. Not ever. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women [reut.rs]