
“I just published ‘Implementing Search in GraphQL’"” and other tweeted links…

Nader Dabit [dabit3] I just published "Implementing Search in GraphQL" showing how to implement text-based searches that are both case-insensitive & full field! This is a 2 part series, the next will be advanced search using Elasticsearch for things like geospatial & time. []

Michael Hunger [mesirii] Published with @markhneedham "Building the 2018 World Cup GraphQL API" []#WorldCup2018#GraphQL#React#GRANDstack#Neo4j

Kiarash Irandoust [k_irandoust]#GraphQL made easy by #AWS AppSync - by @jorgenlybeck#ApolloClient#Serverless#React#AWSAppSync[]

Chidume Nnamdi🔥💻🎮🎵 [ngArchangel] I just published “Event Binding Mechanism in Angular” []

Steven Hook [StevenHook] After updating #Angular 6 -> 7 @AzureDevops Pipelines needed a Node Tool Installer task to go from 8.12.0 -> 10.13.0 in order to do npm run build --prod. I don't know why, but I lost 2 days to this. So hopefully you won't too.

angularlicious [angularlicious] ...A Recap of How Far We Have Come with Nx 7 by Jason Jean []

Tierney Cyren [bitandbang] Did you know: @nodejs now has an automagical bash autocompletion setup, which shipped in v10.12.0 and will be included in Node.js v10 LTS 🎉 $ node --completion-bash > node_bash_completion $ source node_bash_completion $ node --[tab] Where [tab] is you physically hitting tab 😁 []

Colin Ihrig [cjihrig] node 10.13.0 has been released. the node 10.x release line has entered long term support (LTS) with the Dubnium codename. you should officially be on or moving to node 10 at this time 😃 blog post: []

Tomasz Kucharski [qchardesign] Is front-end development having an identity crisis? []#frontend#webdesign[]

Kitze.d.ts [thekitze] This works ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Why would one need clipboard.js or react-clipboard? I'm genuinely curious. []

Raathigeshan [Raathigesh] 🎉 Introducing [] 🎈 Collection of React hooks curated by the community 🍭 Interactive examples 🥂 Contribute back with your hooks [] 🚨 React Hooks are a new feature proposal and still being discussed []

David Robinson [davidrdesign] The Next Big Thing In Design? Less Choice []

I Love Typography [ilovetypography] The third edition of The Month in Type will land in inboxes tomorrow. Lots of type news: new fonts, videos, interviews and even a 17th-century drunken monkey! [][]

thisispointless [thisispointless] I've worked a fair amount with JavaScript in the last month, so I'm now able to place it in context with my other experience. JavaScript is today's QuickBASIC. TypeScript is an attempt to bring JavaScript up to Visual Basic 4, circa 1995.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .@davidfowl on a huge thread about [] Core 3.0 [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Axiom is an extremely flexible node-based realtime audio synthesizer. It was originally designed for size-constrained environments such as PC intros in the demoscene, but is entirely open source and is becoming an excellent free tool for any musician. [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Primitive for macOS Recreate your photos with vector-based geometric primitives. [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction [] by Nathan Shedroff @scifiinterfaces and @chrisnoessel[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Design is [Sci-Fi] – How Design in Sci-Fi and the Real World Influence E... []

MSPoweruser [mspoweruser] Vimeo announces deep product integration with LinkedIn - [][]

TicToc by Bloomberg [tictoc] Some of your old photos on Flickr could be gone for good. The platform will "actively delete" your photos starting January 8, 2019 if you have more than 1,000 photos uploaded to a free account []

Rich DeMuro [richdemuro] Flickr goes from 1 TB of free storage to just 1,000 photos and is handling this transition in the biggest nightmare scenario for a free service. Download or they delete them for you. []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] notable players in ediscovery: Relativity [] and equivio [] there is an ediscovery @YouTube channel: [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] IBM now makes Watson available at fairly low cost on the Internet. Several experts weigh in on its potential impact on the legal and eDiscovery market. []

algoritmic [algoritmic] Algojammer is an experimental, proof-of-concept code editor for writing algorithms in Python, inspired by Bret Victor [][]

David Fowler [davidfowl] If your OSS .NET library is on github and isn't using source link, change it ASAP. I just set up a new machine and I can step into the BCL, [] and [] with pretty much 0 effort. []

Jens D. [PyLucid] RT Malicious Python libraries found on PyPI: [] – 12 libraries affected – mainly typo-squatting is used []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Understanding the asterisk(*) of Python by mingrammer []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Python: “Better way to swap elements in a list?” [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] A Primer on Using LaTeX in Jupyter Notebooks [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] List of maths symbols, including LaTex markup: []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] 21 years of income as a Software Engineer in San Francisco (via throwaway) [OC] [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Xunit.Runner.LinqPad 1.0.0 Run XUnit tests within LinqPad [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Approved Verbs for PowerShell Commands [][]

Bloomberg [business] IBM’s purchase of Red Hat is a $33 billion bid to catapult itself as a key player in the lucrative cloud market []

The Best Linux Blog In the Unixverse [nixcraft] Why There Will Never Be Another Red Hat: The Economics of Open Source [2014] []#linux#opensourcesoftware#business#CloudComputing

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@saronyitbarek what is your statement about the IBM-RedHat deal? just curious...

Saron [saronyitbarek]@BryanWilhite Don't have one, but wishing success to both companies!

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@saronyitbarek you got a great podcast and IBM better keep it!

Jay Wyatt [jay_wyatt] Microsoft hikes Office 2019 retail prices by up to 10% Microsoft raised prices for the retail versions of Office 2019 by as much as 10% when it began selling the application suite earlier this month. The price increases were similar to those announced ... [][]

O := [VariableO] Microsoft has regularly shared India bank customers’ data with US intelligence agencies, says report. Well, time to follow EU & China to save customer data within India? []

Benj Edwards [benjedwards] Mario Segale, the namesake of Nintendo’s Mario character, dies at age 85 [] This is the first labeled photo of him as an adult on the Internet []

VANITY FAIR [VanityFair] Until Netflix's ruthless corporate culture seriously harms the business, shareholders are unlikely to care []

Gizmodo [Gizmodo] Working at Netflix sounds like hell [][]

Bloomberg [business] Apple will stop reporting unit sales of iPhones, iPads, and Macs []

foone [Foone] It is 2018 and this error message is a mistake from 1974. This limitation, which is still found in the very latest Windows 10, dates back to BEFORE STAR WARS. This bug is as old as Watergate. []

420 Cyber, Inc. [420Cyber] The Rise of Remote, and Demise of San Francisco [][]