“You asked, we answered. MSFT open sources WPF, Windows Forms and Windows UI XAML Library” and other tweeted links…
You asked, we answered. MSFT open sources WPF, Windows Forms and Windows UI XAML Library [blogs.windows.com]
Microsoft ❤️ OpenSource - the UI toolkits, Windows.Forms and WPF are now open source: [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Some big news for developers at Microsoft's Connect(); event today: WPF, Winforms and WinUI are going open source. And VS 2019 public preview 1 is now available: [zdnet.com]
SVG Filters Generator [yoksel.github.io]
Today we’re releasing all Fontsmith typefaces as free trial fonts. Head to our website to browse our library. Trials can be downloaded from each of the font pages [buff.ly][twitter.com]
My biggest concern is people being encouraged to code for Autoprefixer, as in not using things so they can use Autoprefixer. [rachelandrew.co.uk][twitter.com]
Microsoft is looking to Google for help replacing its underwhelming browser [tcrn.ch]
ICYMI, 📉 new release w/ themes, animations, great guides, and more... "echarts4r: Powerful interactive visualisations in R" by @jdatap[buff.ly]#rstats#dataviz#echarts /* crazy cool Flow GL ex. by @divadnojnarg */ [twitter.com]
.@dangoodin001 of @arstechnica covers new @ForcepointSec research on why AutoCAD malware keeps chugging on [arstechnica.com]
Get the best Git yet! This release includes the new algorithm for
git log --graph
to be EXTREMELY FAST. Use these tricks: git config --global core.commitGraph true git config --global gc.writeCommitGraph true git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --graph" [twitter.com]
Once again, I'm coming to the conclusion that the core problem in front-end web development is that people don't understand progressive enhancement. There are so many crazy ideas about what to do about IE/older browsers. Here's the real answer: learn progressive enhancement.
ngAir 186 - Angular Performance Anti-Patterns With Bonnie Brennan @bonnster75[youtu.be]
faker.js - generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js [github.com] via @bonnster75[twitter.com]
Perfume.js JavaScript library that measures First (Contentful) Paint (FP/FCP) and First Input Delay (FID). [zizzamia.github.io] via @bonnster75[twitter.com]
Webpack Bundle Analyzer: Visualize size of webpack output files with an interactive zoomable treemap. [github.com] via @bonnster75[twitter.com]
Beneath A Surface [amazon.com] by @bdsams[twitter.com]
[asp.net] Core in Action [amazon.com] by @andrewlocknet[twitter.com]
Introduction · TypeScript Deep Dive [basarat.gitbooks.io]@basarat
Phrase Match and Proximity Search in Elasticsearch [t.co]
AWS has open sourced Firecracker: the foundation for provisioning and running Serverless workloads in a micro virtual machine. Extra dope! [aws.amazon.com]
Amazon Walks Into Microsoft's Backyard with FSx for Windows File Server - [petri.com][twitter.com]
How will #InSight navigate the topology on Mars? One of our #WolframCommunity contributors takes on visualizing the #InSightLanding on Mars: [wolfr.am][twitter.com]
Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules - by @jaffathecake - [jakearchibald.com][buff.ly] | I still refer coworkers to this post everytime someone asks me about nextTick.
Microsoft has released its first Windows Server 19H1 Insider test build, No. 18282. What's new? Good question: [zdnet.com]
CS-Notes: :books: Computer Science Learning Notes. ★41k [github.com][twitter.com]
When you write a test, think about the next developer who will see the test break. They don’t want to read your entire test suite; they should be able to diagnose the problem by reading the test function in a straight line from top to bottom [mtlynch.io]
In an effort to increase the nostalgia-factor of our data-driven boybands experiment, we drew design inspiration from some of our favorite teen magazines. @TigerBeatNow and @J14Magazine, we're looking at you 💗 [pudding.cool]
Design Thinking for eDiscovery: A Creative Holistic Approach to Addressing Client Needs [prosearch.com]#DesignThinking#LegalTech#eDiscovery
F# Tooling Updates for Visual Studio 2017 [youtu.be] via @ch9
okay @code people, what is the deal with tomoki1207.pdf? [twitter.com]
How to Estimate Story Points in Agile? | TO THE NEW Blog [tothenew.com] [a story point uses one of the following scales for sizing... Fibonacci sequence: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21] [twitter.com]
No time to look into this now: “Consider using the .Net Core language services by setting
to netcore
” @code#fsharp[twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@code Why should netcore be considered over the other options?
We cross the Atlantic to talk about Kathleen Booth, writer of the first Assembly Language, Machine Learning Pioneer, Machine Translation Pioneer, and the list goes on. Truly amazing. #aco3#STEM[medium.com]
Don't measure developers, measure projects [goo.gl][twitter.com]
Competition is dying in the America. Here's how big companies control what you drink and eat [twitter.com]
5 Developments After Ubuntu Unity Fiasco [itsfoss.com] via @itsfoss2 [GNOME 3 as the primary desktop]
okay @carlfranklin you might know ex-microsoftie @Barnacules: he is finally ready to come on to your keto-dudes podcast because he has finally announced he likes the keto diet—talk amongst yourselves🤠😇
@BryanWilhite@carlfranklin I can’t sign up for any new podcasts at this time but hit me up after the holidays.
@Barnacules@BryanWilhite Very cool.
Linux[.]org admin explians DNS hijacking incident and the subsequent site defacement from last week [linux.org][twitter.com]
Qualcomm said it won a ruling in China against Apple that bans the sale of some iPhone models in that country [bloom.bg]
Depressing, if enlightening, summary of why people use reason to reinforce social belonging rather finding the best course of action [economist.com]
.@NASA is reinventing the wheel. Here's why. #Space#NASA#Mars#Lunar[twitter.com]