“AngularJS and Jest” and other tweeted links…
AngularJS and Jest. Three steps to improve your legacy frontend tests
This really getting a little too much, React Hooks people.
First, classes are BAD. We can make component functions stateful not just pure, enter Hooks.
Now, event emitters are BAD, even DOM events, enter Hooks.
A question I receive regularly is there anything you recommend that teach the basic principles of graphic design.
This class by Ellen Lupton has lots of useful examples for beginners and as a refresher. https://www.skillshare.com/site/join?clickid=xchXed2DRxyOWEvwUx0Mo34GUknUrMUJQ1qsRQ0&irgwc=1&utm_content=4650&utm_term=Online+Tracking+Link&utm_campaign=315218&affiliateRef=6595003&utm_medium=affiliate-referral&utm_source=IR&t=Graphic-Design-Basics-Core-Principles-for-Visual-Design&sku=1539782161 https://twitter.com/vpieters/status/1094995140043788288/photo/1
Using FFmpeg to convert image sequences to video http://brendandawes.com/blog/ffmpeg-images-to-video
TypeScript 3.3 is here with easier calling for union types, faster builds for composite projects, and broader support for editing JavaScript! https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/typescript/2019/01/31/announcing-typescript-3-3/ https://twitter.com/typescript/status/1091072061802332160
Hello, my name is Graeme, I have a PhD in computing, and I am a senior accessibility consultant, but when I want to type "é" on a Windows laptop I go to Beyoncé's Wikipedia page and copy/paste the letter from there.
notable: The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck. #typescript ★7k https://github.com/notable/notable https://twitter.com/GithubTrending/status/1090827309475598336/photo/1
We are hiring a Senior Software Engineer to join our Forms team, come build a write-once-run-anywhere platform that will make your aunts, uncles and friends at the Golf Club want to learn C#: https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/job/553959/Senior-Software-Engineer
The missing documentation tool for your Angular application http://compodoc.app/ https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1091494622516428801/photo/1
Please stop using console.log(), it’s broken… by Luc Claustres https://medium.com/better-programming/please-stop-using-console-log-its-broken-b5d7d396cf15?
Spread Operator — in depth! @Gobinda_Thakur https://medium.com/@gobindathakur/spread-operator-in-depth-8189c322fe9b? https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1098385927204855809/photo/1
SOLID Principles of UX, Part 1: Make Software Understandable http://www.telerik.com/blogs/solid-principles-of-ux-part-1-make-software-understandable
We’re writing a JSON stack as part of .NET Core 3.0. We’ll have a reader/writer, a JSON DOM and a full serializer. It’s the first JSON parser I’ve seen that supports async without a huge performance hit and I haven’t seen any third party json library do this.
blogged: Be careful when manually handling JSON requests in #aspnetcore
blogged: Enabling [ApiController] globally in http://asp.net/ Core 2.2 #aspnetcore
Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches breaks down the most important Azure concepts into bite-sized lessons with exercises and labs—along with project files available in GitHub—to reinforce your skills. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/learn-azure-in-a-month-of-lunches/en-us/ https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1098703345240367105/photo/1
🔥Dev Tip: Use the strategy pattern in place of if/else structures to make your code easier to understand and easier to modify later on.
This image shows a really simple example in JavaScript. Imagine if there were many more options how much easier the bottom would be to read! https://twitter.com/jamesmh_dev/status/1092132607289118720/photo/1
You can find the full list of blog posts we released for Visual 2019 Preview 2 here in case you missed any: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2019/02/15/visual-studio-2019-preview-2-blog-rollup/
Can't get .NET Core 3 to work in #VisualStudio 2017? Well, I have the answer you've been looking for. Watch this video to learn more. #wpf #dotnetcore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN3i_J4UfIs&feature=youtu.be
🕵️♀️🕵️♂️A new Visual Studio @code release has been detected with loads of great features. Let's investigate further in this month's highlight video...
Release notes 👉 https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_31?WT.mc_id=vscodejan2019-twitter-brcl
📹 Highlights rolling 👇 https://twitter.com/_clarkio/status/1095021989880680448/video/1
There's a difference between computer science and software engineering. Real projects tend to need a combination of both. Companies will often confuse this, advertising/interviewing for a computer scientist, when they really want a software engineer and vice versa.
@jweisber Yes but I feel like they need a UX rockstar to touch it up a bit so when it calls, say, the Wolfram cloud we know that it is actually doing something instead of appearing frozen for a few seconds —“little” things like that😶😇
@saronyitbarek the ‘dirty secret’ of computer science is the case study of algorithms in the same manner that lawyers study previous legal actions—my physics background clearly shows me that “too much” math is not the issue: it is finding the joy studying recipes to formal problems🍱
Working with Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/jupyter-support https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1093244982536765440/photo/1
Gita: a command-line tool to manage multiple git repos https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1094039198795845632/photo/1
The Era of General Purpose Computers is Ending #gpu #deepLearning #nanotechnology https://www.nextplatform.com/2019/02/05/the-era-of-general-purpose-computers-is-ending/
I use a white desktop background when I need to take interface screenshots. This freeware allows you to change the desktop icon text color and other stuff. | Iconoid - Hide and show desktop icons, make transparent backgrounds https://www.sillysot.com/
It's the end of the road for the Essential phone, but a successor is coming https://www.techradar.com/news/its-the-end-of-the-road-for-the-essential-phone-but-a-successor-is-coming
How can I open an OXPS file in Windows 10? https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-files/how-can-i-open-an-oxps-file-in-windows-10/b6a69e03-6232-4403-b3ca-a82433c5865e?auth=1 https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1095023222255345664/photo/1
RIP Florence Knoll Bassett - incredible life story and a pioneer in the field of design. We may be have misgivings about open office plans of late, part of the problem is a lack of attention to detail (common to all of modernism) up to her standards.
Episode #197 Modern Python Standard Library Cookbook - [Talk Python To Me Podcast] https://talkpython.fm/episodes/show/197/modern-python-standard-library-cookbook https://twitter.com/robvaldezcpa/status/1093162909591580673/photo/1
Remembering Roger Boisjoly: He Tried to Stop Shuttle Challenger Launch
(Discussion on HN - http://bit.ly/2B8vjSQ) https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/02/06/146490064/remembering-roger-boisjoly-he-tried-to-stop-shuttle-challenger-launch
Tech Salaries Stagnant, Despite Low Unemployment: Dice Salary Survey - Average annual salaries in 2018 remained flat, at $93,244. That’s a mere 0.6 percent increase from 2017 http://bit.ly/2CYgxhE
I've been laid off from my day job, along with about 80% of the office. No severance. No health insurance. Is America great yet? https://twitter.com/KameronHurley/status/1091035362825256960/photo/1
A clueless jerk said women were in charge of programming when it was tedious, manual labor. In fact, women liberated themselves of the manual tedium inventing assemblers (Kathleen Booth) and compilers (Grace Hopper). Then programming got easier and men took over.
One thing that sucks about getting old in tech is that you see a lot of your colleagues become the people shooting down new ideas and trashing whatever the next thing is that might displace them. They become the same people we had to fight against when we came up.
Facebook has been paying teens $20 a month for total access to their phone activity https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/29/18202880/facebook-research-enterprise-root-certificate-onavo-techcrunch?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter https://twitter.com/verge/status/1090403844314546176/photo/1
Nearly 60,000 Data Breaches Reported Since the Launch of GDPR http://bit.ly/2MVnLHD
“Too often we celebrate the martyrs at work. Good product management means that no one has to be a martyr. ” https://medium.com/swlh/fixed-time-fixed-scope-projects-always-end-in-1-of-3-ways-none-of-them-good-9fa66e7d129e https://twitter.com/jboogie/status/1098600233838301185/photo/1
I've gotten so used to editing podcasts that I can now tell what word I'm going to say by the way I breathe.
Idk what to do with this information, just wanted to share ... k bye.
@saronyitbarek This is a self realization of your sense of soul and rhythm along with your technical abilities, making you an actual human being—you dig?😁😇
@BryanWilhite I dig 😎
@soniagupta504 Too bad for me you have no idea who I am but welcome to LA anyway🍣🍕😇
@dataandme The worst thing I am capable of calling child is “big baby”—so whenever she says that just whisper under your breath “big baby: bringer of babiness” and you will feel right as rain😁😇
@Wintermute21 It is a red flag when the advice your new organization gives you is not helpful and/or not reflecting what you are seeing in realtime😬