“The five essentials that will make or break your CSS artworks” and other tweeted links…
The five essentials that will make or break your CSS artworks https://designtaxi.com/news/403658/UI-Engineer-Behind-Popular-CSS-Paintings-Shows-You-How-To-Create-Your-Own/
The CSS Working Group agreed this morning on adding many math functions. We now have:
- calc()
- min()
- max()
- clamp()
- sin()
- cos()
- tan()
- acos()
- asin()
- atan()
- atan2()
- hypot()
- sqrt()
- pow()
The face of CSS is rapidly changing.
🏎️ One of these deep-dive-in-monsters: “Designing A Perfect Responsive Configurator” — with everything from custom car configurators to salad builders, by yours truly. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/02/designing-a-perfect-responsive-configurator/ https://twitter.com/smashingmag/status/965572015489998848/video/1
The difference between #NgDoCheck and #AsyncPipe in OnPush components Max, Wizard of the Web https://indepth.dev/the-difference-between-ngdocheck-and-asyncpipe-in-onpush-components/ #Angular2 #Angular #JavaScript #Web #Development #Rxjs
🔥 In Angular CLI 8.0.0-beta.5+ you can use SVG files as component templates
@oocx shares more about this feature that he implemented himself ❤️
https://levelup.gitconnected.com/using-svg-files-as-component-templates-with-angular-cli-ea58fe79b6c1?gi=ddc906501028 https://twitter.com/mgechev/status/1104584374501036032/photo/1
✨ Angular CLI v8.0.0-beta.5 is out
Mostly incremental improvements. The best is yet to come:
🔸 Differential loading by @ManfredSteyer 🔸 Easier route-level code-splitting 🔸 ...and more
https://blog.angular.io/a-plan-for-version-8-0-and-ivy-b3318dfc19f7?gi=6a855c4d0584 https://twitter.com/mgechev/status/1103433231863431168/photo/1
Polling using RxJS by @HoverBaum ! Enjoy the read ! 🧘✌🏾
"Everything You Wanted To Know About package-lock.json But Were Too Afraid To Ask"
If you have not yet seen Jonya Blonksi's beautiful collection of Laws of UX yet I HIGHLY recommend you do so as I learned terminology I had no idea about. Beautiful web site as well. https://lawsofux.com/
In his post "The sad state of font rendering on Linux," Georgi Boiko comments as shown. To correct the author: OS X introduced sub-pixel font rendering in 10.3 Panther in 2005. (Though they've removed sub-pixeling in 10.14 Mojave (sadly).) https://pandasauce.org/post/linux-fonts/ #macOS #OSX https://twitter.com/blakespot/status/1103077089383731200/photo/1
Hotel showers might be one of the best arguments for usability testing.
Designer: Look at my cool new innovation! So sleek! So modern!
End user: The fact that this shower has no door means that water gets all over the floor and you stay cold the whole time
Get your Jupyter on and leave the Matlab in the dust. It's @talkpython 201: Choosing JupyterHub and Python over MATLAB with @pkazarinoff - https://talkpython.fm/episodes/show/201/choosing-jupyterhub-and-python-over-matlab
At Microsoft our docs are open source, awaiting your pull request. We now have a doc on how to contribute. https://twitter.com/docsmsft/status/1100835425562779648
The style binding allows you to specify a unit extension:
👨🏻🎨 Demo https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-9h1tkc 📚 Docs https://angular.io/guide/template-syntax#style-binding
#AngularDailyTip https://twitter.com/mgechev/status/1100630550186930178/photo/1
Some close-ups of my new work with @TrendMicro http://brendandawes.com/projects/artofcybersecurity
Got a bunch of great feedback last night about contributing to open source! I created an issue at least for NgRx to make the process easier. If you have anything else you'd like to see, feel free to comment. https://github.com/ngrx/platform/issues/1583
👀✍🏿📢 https://twitter.com/brandontroberts/status/1100789018298597376/photo/1
@brandontroberts @markgoho it is CLEAN, man 👍🏿and
sounds cool!
also, you got two challenges going forward (just like me):
- what to do when your index file gets too huge
- consider http://angular.io/guide/universal
- considering the use of SVG sprites (bonus)
@brandontroberts What's your SEO story for your Angular-based Blog? Are you using server-side rendering?🐙
Me: Spends 2 hours putting together a simple blog built with Angular
Also Me: Spends 2 hours fiddling with css to get the theme right and the content container smaller 🤷🏿♂️ https://twitter.com/brandontroberts/status/1104423635081662465/photo/1
Example app with @Angular 7 + Angular CLI + Angular Material + #Firebase https://github.com/Ismaestro/angular8-example-app https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1101193029551972353/photo/1
ngx-markdown is an Angular library that uses marked [http://github.com/markedjs/marked] to parse markdown to html combined with Prism.js for syntax highlight. http://github.com/jfcere/ngx-markdown <= @brandontroberts https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1104959187153383424/photo/1
"Migrating AngularJS tests From Karma to Jest" by @abdoulayektr #DEVcommunity https://dev.to/abdoulayektr/migrating-angularjs-tests-from-karma-to-jest-45j1
ng serve
can run http://asp.net/ >=2.1 with spa.UseProxyToSpaDevelopmentServer("[http://localhost:4200](http://localhost:4200)")
in StartUp: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/client-side/spa/angular?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=visual-studio&utm_source=jeliknes&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=medium&WT.mc_id=medium-blog-jeliknes#run-ng-serve-independently https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1102260433094795264/photo/1
simdjson : Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second https://github.com/lemire/simdjson [C++ lib] https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1100230710902673408/photo/1
RAMSES is an abbreviation for "Rendering Architecture for Multi-Screen EnvironmentS". It implements a distributed system for rendering 3D content with focus on bandwidth and resource efficiency. https://github.com/GENIVI/ramses https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1100231363133825024/photo/1
#UX: i am glad that @YouTube stopped putting numbers next to channel updates and replaced them with blue "lights" —those numbers were often wrong because it is too expensive to keep them accurate https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1101643550825959424/photo/1
http://asp.net/ Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3 by @danroth27 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/aspnet/asp-net-core-updates-in-net-core-3-0-preview-3/ #AspNetCore https://twitter.com/aspnetcore_news/status/1103873230001995776/photo/1
Azure SignalR + Serverless ships today! https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6509348357620797440
We also added a new logger factory API for "non-hosted" applications. This exposes the same API as the generic host and web host so that all of the extension method wire up works. https://twitter.com/davidfowl/status/1104902740587606016/photo/1
http://asp.net/ Core 2.2 has auto-magical attributes for Swagger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDBmvOPfqzA&feature=youtu.be&t=1377 https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1102382284290719744/photo/1
Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate (RC) is now available, alongside Preview 4! https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/visual-studio-2019-release-candidate-rc-now-available/ Install the RC today to get ready for GA on April 2 (https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/#visual-studio-2019-launch-videos) #VisualStudio #VS2019
Integrated Terminal does not display prompt when started https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/61172 @code https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1099048850256326656/photo/1
Radical Change Is Coming To #DataScience Jobs https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/03/01/radical-change-is-coming-to-data-science-jobs/#63f274dfccc5
#machinelearning #AI #artificalintelligence #iot https://twitter.com/Ambient_Intel/status/1102988463404650497/photo/1
The best resources in Machine Learning & AI http://bestofml.com/ https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1103106933509120002/photo/1
Attackers are actively exploiting a “serious” Windows zeroday in the wild - Ars Technica: * Attackers are actively exploiting a “serious” Windows zeroday in the wild Ars Technica * Stop What You're Doing and Update Google Chrome PCMag * Google Confirms… http://dlvr.it/R0Pnww
Wi-Fi 6 is going to be awesome!!! Eventually. http://j.mp/2SddnMx 🔊 👉 #BufferOverflow http://j.mp/2ViHe7X https://twitter.com/Ned1313/status/1100163790417682434/photo/1