“overview of Promise combinators Promise.all, Promise.any, Promise.race, Promise.allSettled” and other tweeted links…
nice quick overview of Promise combinators
Promise.all, Promise.any, Promise.race, Promise.allSettled
https://v8.dev/features/promise-combinators #javascript
How to get #TypeScript errors and completions in supported editors and on the command line without having to integrate TypeScript into your build (by @sanders_n):
Happy to announce the new @typescript playground is shipped. Based on ts-play and with a few upgrades. The playground:
- Supports all compiler flags
- Supports different versions of TS
- Saves your code + settings to the URL
- Has a built-in formatter
https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/index.html#example/using-inheritance https://twitter.com/orta/status/1143622573512515585/photo/1
Must have lived under a rock not to know about this sticky stuff. https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/sticky-positioning-with-nothing-but-css--cms-24042 https://twitter.com/bamtastic/status/890838620264833024/photo/1
@jeremydmiller @emalamisura I think of and introduce the redux pattern as the implementation of the State Machine, Unit of Work, and Facade patterns for statement management in front-end apps. I don’t think it directly applies to the (generic) repository pattern either, though.
✨ Service worker precaching lets us speedup our applications by saving assets to the cache during SW installation
Using precaching with Angular
⚙️ ng add @angular/pwa 📝 Optionally configure "ngsw-config.json" 🏗 Build with: ng build --prod
Read more https://angular.io/guide/service-worker-intro https://twitter.com/mgechev/status/1139412226559709184/photo/1
LINQPad 6 for .NET Core 3 Desktop - an early preview is now available! https://www.linqpad.net/LINQPad6.aspx
Microsoft Flight Simulator finally returns; looks absolutely stunning - https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-flight-simulator-xbox-one-pc-2020/ https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1137823266217910274/photo/1
SVGs with Sara Soueidan @SaraSoueidan
http://syntax.fm/show/154/svgs-with-sara-soueidan https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1141516241586098176/photo/1
Create beautiful HTML5 web content. Interactive web content and animations made with Tumult Hype work on desktops, smartphones and iPads. No coding required. http://tumult.com/hype/ <= @reneritchie => @megafunkmega https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1138922765296103424/photo/1
Microsoft now allows education customers to sign in to Office 365 using their Google credentials - https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-now-allows-education-customers-to-sign-in-to-office-365-using-their-google-credentials/ https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1141734624642633728/photo/1
Microsoft announces OneDrive Personal Vault to protect your secret files - http://bit.ly/2LpfLjB https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1143555963150053376/photo/1
The Evolving Infrastructure of .NET Core AKA How we build .NET Core https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/the-evolving-infrastructure-of-net-core/ #dotnetcore #aspnetcore
Becoming the http://asp.net/ Architect with David Fowler | Careers Behind the Code https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Careers-Behind-the-Code/Becoming-the-ASPNET-Architect-with-David-Fowler?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter @ch9 https://twitter.com/edwardsdna/status/1136694888999690240/photo/1
Announcing Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 6 and Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 6 | .NET Blog » https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-entity-framework-core-3-0-preview-6-and-entity-framework-6-3-preview-6/
☕ Morning Coffee Link --
System .Net .HttpClient Design Pattern Guidance -
https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/system-net-httpclient-design-guidance/ba-p/709038 https://twitter.com/jdanylko/status/1143134306929389568/photo/1
Deep thoughts by @BenNadel - Using Double Not-Operator (!!) For Boolean Type Casting http://bjam.in/1784
not a single person or bot from the world of @msonenote should try to engage with me; just look at the screenshot and take action directly from it; your error messages should be more than sufficient
session: 63039a2b-5e70-4734-913f-66bfabd8deea[c][w] build: 16.0.11812.31676 https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1143608536515039232/photo/1
Wanna change how you view your objects and their properties in debugging windows? Check out my new blog post on DebuggerDisplay and Natvis, two underrated fan-favorite debugging features!
#VS2019 #debugging #DebuggerDisplay #Natvis
Docker embraces Windows Subsystem for #Linux 2 https://www.zdnet.com/article/docker-embraces-windows-subsystem-for-linux-2/ via @ZDNet & @sjvn If you're developing @Docker container-based apps on a #Windows desktop, this is a real game changer.
Microsoft’s new Windows Terminal now available to download for Windows 10 http://dlvr.it/R75zh3 https://twitter.com/RaidGadgets/status/1142589983665975296/photo/1
Why Apple, Google, and Facebook are luring animal kingdom neuroscience experts with seven-figure salaries. https://www.bloomberg.com/tosv2.html?vid=&uuid=2dd55fc0-3aed-11ea-aea0-ef55e8e14814&url=L25ld3MvZmVhdHVyZXMvMjAxOS0wNi0xOC9hcHBsZS1nb29nbGUtYW5kLWZhY2Vib29rLWFyZS1yYWlkaW5nLWFuaW1hbC1yZXNlYXJjaC1sYWJzP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9dHdpdHRlciZjbXBpZD1zb2NpYWxmbG93LXR3aXR0ZXItYnVzaW5lc3MmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9YnVzaW5lc3MmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1zb2NpYWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXNvY2lhbGZsb3ctb3JnYW5pYw==
50 – Unwittingly obfuscating the fact that you're not doing AI https://breakitdownto.earth/2019/06/06/Obfuscating_a_lack_of_AI.html
FiraCode is more of thing with the @code team than Monoid🧐
http://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1138842286731620352/photo/1
Microsoft takes down massive facial recognition database from the internet - https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-takes-down-massive-facial-recognition-database-from-the-internet/ https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1136939052161257472/photo/1
Microsoft and Oracle announce major cloud partnership - https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-and-oracle-announce-major-cloud-partnership/ https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1136258416782057472/photo/1
When I started on the Windows team looking at Linux source code could get you fired - now we're shipping a @Microsoft supported Linux kernel in @Windows. I've said it before. You, our customers/developers/partners, made it possible for this to happen - Thank you! https://twitter.com/craigaloewen/status/1138915113090420736
The Linux Foundation Fires All Staff and Editors at http://linux.com/. Future Uncertain.
Another day, another dead or dying Google product.
Google is killing YouTube’s “Hangouts on Air” this year - Livestreaming group video calls on YouTube will be a lot more complicated.
Bye, bye Amazon Restaurants https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/11/18661240/amazon-restaurants-discontinued-usa-uber-eats-deliveroo-food-delivery @verge @amazon #tech
The Black Girls CODE journey from a bar basement to an office at Google. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 @6Gems via @AngelList https://angel.co/blog/how-kimberly-bryant-started-black-girls-code-with-her-401k-and-taught-14?utm_campaign=platform-newsletter&utm_medium=email
League of Legends dev Riot Games is officially under investigation for discrimination http://j.mp/2WIF0nJ https://twitter.com/ruhanirabin/status/1139192222052626432/photo/1
If you want to move your family to Silicon Valley today, and you want to own a (modest*) home you must:
- Have > $300K in the bank
- AND have a collective, liquid (not stock), household income of > $200K/year
- AND Ideally be under 35*
Otherwise, turn back. (1/5)
Last day! Goodbye Google! 👋 This was an amazing experience! https://twitter.com/BenLesh/status/1139678557783781376/photo/1
Banning books that teach prisoners basic computer skills or basic programming skills that they will need when they re-enter society is just wrong. Would be interesting to see if @LambdaSchool launches its courses for prisoners in the future! cc @Austen
Hey friends! Please don't secretly try to test someone's knowledge. If you have a genuine question, I'm happy to help. But trying to trick someone to see if they know something isn't cool. Thanks! 👋 https://twitter.com/EmmaBostian/status/1139890359373352960
The longer I work the more I am realizing how much the people you work with matter. I used to look at big, flashy companies and think oh I want to work for them! Now, instead, it's the amazing people I meet that make me think, someday I want to work with them.
I'm so done with tech entitlement. You aren't a fundamentally better person than others because you make computers beep-boop correctly. Just get over yourself, enjoy your work, and be a reasonable person.
@the_thagomizer On the contrary: we should be ashamed as tech just killed two airliners full of innocent people; tech is going to redefine the voting machine; tech is still making CPUs and they are still too hot; tech still needs the password; tech...😇