is SO useful” and other tweeted links…
is SO useful. Really great selector.
Our Almanac entry: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/selectors/f/focus-within/ Recent from @davidwalshblog https://davidwalsh.name/css-focus-within
A note though! Careful not to use in comma-separated selectors lest you might break all the selectors in non-supporting browsers
Flexbox is for taking a bunch of different sized things and returning the most reasonable layout for them. - @rachelandrew #aeadc
CSS Scroll Snap on @MozDevNet https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Scroll_Snap #AEADC
Native lazy loading just launched on Chrome 76 ✨
http://web.dev/native-lazy-loading https://twitter.com/hdjirdeh/status/1158984255214460928/photo/1
Tropiline Font Family of 29 Beautiful Fonts - only $9! http://dlvr.it/R96TbL https://twitter.com/JonathanTorke/status/1154657384540676096/photo/1
20 years ago, people tried to convince me that learning HTML was pointless because we had FrontPage and Dreamweaver.
Ignoring them was the best decision I ever made.
TypeScript is inconsistent about allowing unknown properties in objects. It does not allow extra properties on object types by default (different from Flow), but doesn't always error properly.
Flow has both exact and normal object types, and errors properly. https://twitter.com/devongovett/status/1157039457037512704/photo/1
I HATE HATE HATE when Twitter surreptitiously switches back from Latest Tweets to Home view. Why doesn't Twitter respect my choice? Stupid, manipulative, abusive, user-hostile design is a sure sign the company has our worst interests at heart.
Discovered a new kind of fraud in the iOS Poptropica app. It offers in-app purchases as a decoy- the real purchases happen on a separate web site, circumventing the AppStore and more importantly, subverting the easy cancellation of the service. https://twitter.com/migueldeicaza/status/1155977306742984705/photo/1
Blender 2.80 is shipping - here's what you need to know about it https://www.blendernation.com/2019/07/30/blender-2-80-is-shipping/ #b3d https://twitter.com/BlenderNation/status/1156240273648885761/photo/1
Why the new Blender is a big deal. #b3d Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyxWDHy4ppY https://twitter.com/andrewpprice/status/1157041256591052800/video/1
Just published an updated version of my Blender cheatsheet for 2.8. Get the full 7 page PDF here: https://mailchi.mp/ef5b15a32043/subscribe-to-the-newsletter #b3d (existing subscribers: check your inbox! Should already be there) https://twitter.com/andrewpprice/status/1159326989188128770/photo/1
Jen Simmons @jensimmons | Writing Modes | CSS Day 2017
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orgz5cOIXIg https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1159204912707751936/photo/1
Writing Modes And CSS Layout by @rachelandrew
https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/08/writing-modes-layout/ https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1159204918336483328/photo/1
i can recommend http://wyam.io/, a @daveaglick project over whatever DocFX is doing
my Wyam docs: https://bryanwilhite.github.io/SonghayCore/api/Songhay.Tests/ https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1158522593143476224/photo/1
http://wyam.io/ is Rebranding to Statiq · Issue #857 https://github.com/Wyamio/Wyam/issues/857 https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1158522598726098945/photo/1
bad news if you are doing deep, complex http://asp.net/ Core or http://asp.net/ Core MVC customizations
Pubternal APIs have been removed https://github.com/aspnet/Announcements/issues/377
Azure Cost Management updates – July 2019 https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-cost-management-updates-july-2019/
New Azure DevOps CLI preview and feature updates in Pipelines - Sprint 148 Update #azuredevops https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/release-notes/2019/sprint-148-update
Microsoft is rolling out doubled storage, Personal Vault for OneDrive users starting today - MSPoweruser https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-is-rolling-out-personal-vault-for-onedrive-users/
🔍Google Discontinues Hangouts on Air: https://joelx.com/google-discontinues-hangouts-on-air/15177/ #google $GOOG $GOOGL #alphabet #TechNews #tech @google #digitaltransformation https://twitter.com/sjoerdapp/status/1158487882186678272/photo/1
is it just me, or is most of website development just obsessing over small details because you're too intimidated to start on the larger features?
i COULD implement lazy loading, but am i 100% settled on what shade of magenta the headings should be?
Hi @ethomson! Is there some kind of cool AzDO add-in that can report on versions of NuGet packages across an entire Organization?
great #ndc Oslo quickie from @ethomson on git
Five Ways to Break a Git Repository - Edward Thomson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqcReFElr4E https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1159159929153867777/photo/1
Just blogged - A Look at JsonDocument and System.Text.Json https://stu.dev/a-look-at-jsondocument/
Microsoft: New Windows Terminal update is out and it's 'huge' | ZDNet https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-new-windows-terminal-update-is-out-and-its-huge/
Microsoft aims to make it easier for you to discover relevant code examples to get started, no matter what MS product or service you're using http://bit.ly/2GBRovQ http://bit.ly/2GCYJLl https://twitter.com/JDWade/status/1156615765950435328/photo/1
Microsoft is retiring MSDN Magazine after 30 years - https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-is-retiring-msdn-magazine-after-30-years/ https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1159078657819906048/photo/1
I Blogged: "Goodye MSDN Magazine - You Meant So Much To Me" https://wildermuth.com/2019/08/02/Goodbye-MSDN-Magazine-You-Meant-So-Much-To-Me
.@DotNetRocksShow 1645 Automated Text Summarization with Masa Nekic https://dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?showNum=1645
extractive? abstractive? call the whole thing off? #AI
Automatic text summarization - Masa Nekic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d0OXm0dRZ4
Abstractive Text Summarization Using Sequence-to-Sequence RNNs and Beyond | TDLS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i29ckCz1XTw
Be a Git ninja: the .gitattributes file https://medium.com/@pablorsk/be-a-git-ninja-the-gitattributes-file-e58c07c9e915 https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1159159933557886976/photo/1
This past week we found what results when a @surface Hub II is coupled with a @SalamanderD lift/tilt stand: an inviting piece of interactive adaptive furniture which fits one's work. A 1992 dream becomes a reality and a catalyst to inspire ever-more worthy UX design & research. https://twitter.com/wasbuxton/status/1154824422764814337/photo/1
CTO of Purism on the Librem 5 smartphone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiItd6I3VHU
An Open Source Smart Phone Supported by All Major Linux Phone Projects http://www.pine64.org/pinephone/ [far less expensive than the Librem with similar specs] https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1159311224405807106/photo/1
“By purchasing a Librem 5 phone you are supporting a future of digital privacy, invested in supporting an open, community-driven environment… support a future safe from digital exploitation and create a secure and respectful environment…”
http://puri.sm/products/librem-5/ https://twitter.com/BryanWilhite/status/1159256637208580097/photo/1
Biggest lesson I learned when teaching programming to beginners:
An actual beginner was so far away from what I thought a beginner was.
When you know stuff well you forget what it was like to not know it.
Knowing this will help you calibrate and support learners better.
Teach what you practice and practice what you teach. One without the other doesn’t complete the journey of a professional.
"Whiteboard exercises" in an interview are idiotic. Don't know about you, but I work at this device called a computer. it's hooked up to this other thing called the "internet." When I forget something, I look it up. Why should I memorize things I can look up?
@allenholub Rote memorization, solving problems most people would never have in a recital format and showing up to work in person early in the morning are all work-“ethic” rituals of ceremonial obedience that likely come from a Prussian military school and not from decent Quakers😇
Do y’all remember, before the internet, that people thought the cause of stupidity was the lack of access to information?
Yeah. It wasn’t that. 🤦🏼♀️
Its with a heavy heart I have to announce my retirement from shitposting on twitter. I need to be a thoughtleader (™) and be super serious with all my hot takes on this website from now on.
Micro services.
Carry on.
@marionpdaly I look forward to your soft-spoken, under-stating Medium post on serverless shitposting with AR headset Minecraft and machine learning😇 kubernetes.