
“The (not so) hidden cost of sharing code between iOS and Android” and other tweeted links…

Sarah Drasner [sarah_edo] Some of my favorite learning resources:

Ben Lesh [BenLesh] I've often seen people getting the first item out of an array using filter(fn)[0], when the really wanted find(fn).

The former will loop over all the items, and create an additional array. The latter will find the first one, return it, and stop.

Should be a lint rule 🤔

Addy Osmani [addyosmani] Rendering on the web is a spectrum: ⚡️- a performance-focused look at:

📡 Server rendering
📄 Static rendering
🖥 Client-side rendering
🛀 (Re)hydration
🚿 Partial rehydration

from a guide @_developit & I ✏️ this year.

./orta --tsc [orta] The @typescript playground now supports JavaScript parsing... Why? So you can explore JSDoc support with others!


.NET App Dev News [DotNetAppDev] Deployment, Health Monitoring, and Insights for WPF and WinForms Apps now available in Visual Studio App Center

Andrew Price [andrewpprice] One of the most entertaining Blender tutorials I've seen in a long while. Animating Huge Crowds in Blender... the lazy way

Javier Bonilla [javb92] Japanese anime studio Khara moving to Blender. Khara, Inc. is known as Hideaki Anno’s motion picture planning and production company. They are currently working on “EVANGELION:3.0+1.0”, film to be released in June 2020. #Blender3d #blender28 #evangelion

Ryan Singer [rjs] Incredible typography and attention to detail on this web reproduction of Byrne's 1847 edition of Euclid's Elements. It's even responsive. Raises the bar for what's possible on the web.

Plus how it was made:

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] must be too simple for the @angular team to list their own event bindings; must be silly of me to point this out

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] ng.probe($0) functionality

“Everything you need to know about debugging Angular applications” by @maxkoretskyi

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “By connecting Azure Boards with GitHub repositories, you enable linking between GitHub commits, pull requests, and issues to work items.”

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Get in on an ECRM that uses customer insight, data, and smarter email marketing automation at scale.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] We make customer data simple

Collect, clean, and control your customer data with Segment. Integrate all of your favorite tools.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] What is Windows Virtual Desktop Preview?

@maryjofoley has news for all those enterpises still running Windows 7

Niels Berglund [nielsberglund] We're getting closer to release: Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 8 #dotnetcore

Immo Landwerth [terrajobst] The stack data structure was invented by the German Friedrich Bauer. But he called it “basement”. Thinking of a basement as LIFO tells you something about how organized German basements are.

John A De Goes [jdegoes] I am a functional programmer & I aspire to write boring code.

Code that is free of surprises, clever tricks with nasty edge cases, & repetition; all firmly within the capabilities of the host language.

Code that is principled, composable & orthogonal; yet practical & ergonomic.

Krzysztof Cieślak [k_cieslak] What subjects I’d like to see in my “perfect” software development university program if I were to go back to uni:

  • Ethics
  • Philosophy
  • History of art
  • History of software development
  • Lots of math
  • Design (not software design, art one)
  • Public speaking
  • Teamwork

Richard Feynman [ProfFeynman] Understand, don't memorize. 🧠

Peter Kern [nrekretep] Microsoft is about to change licensing model for windows Server via @Quinnypig ... Is this also true for running windows containers in an on-premises/private cloud?

Maya Kaczorowski [MayaKaczorowski] "A rash of supply chain attacks hitting open source software over the past year shows few signs of abating, following the discovery this week of two separate backdoors slipped into a dozen libraries downloaded by hundreds of thousands"

Public Citizen [Public_Citizen] Weeks of paid maternity leave:

🇧🇬 59
🇬🇷 43
🇬🇧 39
🇭🇷 30
🇸🇰 34
🇨🇿 28
🇮🇪 26
🇮🇹 22
🇱🇺 20
🇵🇱 20
🇪🇪 20
🇦🇺 18
🇲🇹 18
🇷🇴 18
🇨🇱 18
🇱🇹 18
🇳🇿 18
🇩🇰 18
🇫🇮 18
🇫🇷 16
🇦🇹 16
🇨🇦 16
🇪🇸 16
🇱🇻 16
🇳🇱 16
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🇸🇮 15
🇧🇪 15
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🇨🇭 14
🇯🇵 14
🇮🇸 13
🇳🇴 13
🇸🇪 13
🇰🇷 13
🇲🇽 12
🇵🇹 6
🇺🇸 0

Dan Englishby [DanEnglishby] Which would you rather?

  1. A million dollars

  2. Ability to fix code by looking at it?


#Developer #coding #js #100DaysOfCode #webdev #coder #tech #javascript #womenwhocode #301DaysOfCode

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] @DanEnglishby Without even looking at the other responses, I would take the million bucks💸 because my fix for the code is in danger of being overruled/delayed/avoided by the political “reality” of the org accruing🚽 technical debt😇

tanjie thee coder 👩🏾‍💻 [TanjieTheCoder] @BryanWilhite @DanEnglishby And when you leave the org, folks being unable to follow the work you’ve done without you being there i.e. technical debt to the thousandth degree