“React Native Vs. Xamarin Vs. Ionic Vs. Flutter” and other tweeted links…
React Native Vs. Xamarin Vs. Ionic Vs. Flutter: Which Is Best For Cross-Platform Mobile App Development?
Let's look WinUI 3.0 alpha http://dlvr.it/RHhLtW https://twitter.com/PaulomorgadoN/status/1191816871407833088/photo/1
.NET Core with Jupyter Notebooks #BreakingNews #games #rdt http://dlvr.it/RHrfTW https://twitter.com/GoodVibra/status/1192586286797713411/photo/1
TypeScript 3.7 adds some fantastic features to decrease the boilerplate code we write, i.e. elvis operator, nullish coalescing and better recursive type definitions, amazing work again!
#javascript #js #ts #typescript #jscommunity #software #news
TypeScript 3.7 is finally here!
✔ Optional Chaining & Coalescing
✔ Assertion Functions
✔ .d.ts Emit From .js Files
✔ Smarter Control Flow Analysis
✔ Flatter Error Messages
and more! Check out the blog post today! https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-3-7/ https://twitter.com/typescript/status/1191766259035189249/photo/1
Show HN: I created a portable lightweight replacement for Microsoft HTML Help https://www.dmitripopov.com/introducing-litehelp/ (cmts https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21379640)
DNS-over-HTTPS Will Eventually Roll Out in All Major Browsers, Despite ISP Opposition - https://it.slashdot.org/story/19/11/08/189243/dns-over-https-will-eventually-roll-out-in-all-major-browsers-despite-isp-opposition?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
Google曰く、DoHを使ってもコンテンツフィルタリングが出来るらしいのだが、どうやって実現するんだろう。。 / “Chromium Blog: Addressing some misconceptions about our plans for improving the security of DNS” https://b.hatena.ne.jp/-/redirect?code=77502f725e506b4a4d2052727743304377214f725e503059&location_id=4676482638942748674&signature=30d7c9ea69cb8cacb81a92ba35e27849d1426cf1f21cc10e206227da147dcf2b
💯🔛🖥@Microsoft: Microsoft Reveals New Logo for Microsoft Edge https://www.thurrott.com/cloud/web-browsers/221226/microsoft-reveals-new-logo-for-microsoft-edge $MSFT #Microsoft #Technology #Tech #MSFT #digitaltransformation https://twitter.com/sjoerdapp/status/1190744058416816134/photo/1
YouTube is pretty broken in latest Edge Canary Build - http://bit.ly/2JnDZZF https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1188126599390154752/photo/1
I’m so pissed. @Angular Taiwan’s organizer told me just now that he’s cancelled my speaking slot AND that I have NO HOTEL accomodations because I’m not speaking.
With no comm prior. And I’m already here stranded in a foreign country.
What. The. Hell. Is. This. Bullshit.
I thought vue would get more love! Did some research and watched a ton of videos on both, and I think I'm gonna start with vue. Seems like a friendlier way to start with front end frameworks. One day I'll work myself up to react 😅 https://twitter.com/saronyitbarek/status/1194350320815501312
"CSS-only horizontally-scrolling cards with snapping" by @allanwhite #DEVcommunity https://dev.to/allanwhite/css-only-horizontally-scrolling-cards-with-snapping-pl0
Introducing Microsoft Q&A (Preview) | Microsoft Docs https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/teamblog/introducing-microsoft-qanda?WT.mc_id=twitter
#Orleans is a cross-platform framework for building #distributed applications with #dotnet.
Explore the new release of the unified #Azure Data client libraries. Get started and share your feedback: http://msft.it/6014TrnhA https://twitter.com/Azure/status/1187476868037042176/photo/1
Mark Russinovich on future of Azure and databases | Data Exposed https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Data-Exposed/Mark-Russinovich-on-future-of-Azure-and-databases--Data-Exposed via @ch9
Announcing Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), an open source project to make it easier for every developer to build microservice applications https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/opensource/2019/10/16/announcing-dapr-open-source-project-build-microservice-applications/
Netflix open-sources Polynote to simplify data science and machine learning workflows https://venturebeat.com/2019/10/23/netflix-open-sources-polynote-to-simplify-data-science-and-machine-learning-workflows/ via @VentureBeat
RecylableMemoryStream v1.3.0, a high-performance, pooled MemoryStream replacement has finally been released! http://www.philosophicalgeek.com/2019/10/18/announcing-microsoft-io-recyclablememorystream-1-3-0/
Learn the basics of creating and reviewing a pull request for #VisualStudio, including:
- Creating new pull requests
- Reviewing pull requests
- Providing expressive comments using markdown, emojis, and likes
- and more!
Read: http://msft.social/ad9HtN https://twitter.com/VisualStudio/status/1153423500042018822/photo/1
Announcing Visual Studio Online Public Preview | Visual Studio Blog https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/announcing-visual-studio-online-public-preview/ https://twitter.com/wittywolfstudio/status/1191665725456420864/photo/1
SQL Server 2019 is now generally available - SQL Server Blog - this blog contains some details on the performance records SQL Server 2019 achieved, like process over a trillion rows in under two minutes and the TPC-H world record 30TB. #MSIgnite https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2019/11/04/sql-server-2019-is-now-generally-available/
Goodbye screens of red error text! Get-Error & ConciseView are EPIC in #PowerShell v7p5! https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/powershell-7-preview-5/
#Python Creator #GuidovanRossum Retires, Heads To Python Conference https://developers.slashdot.org/story/19/11/02/044204/python-creator-guido-van-rossum-retires-heads-to-python-conference?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
RT wictor: #MSIgnite is a wrap for me! Most busy conference for me so far! Had so much fun delivering the sessions,meeting clients, colleagues and friends. My two big takeaways are #ProjectCortex and resource based consent. So excited to take this to Ava… https://twitter.com/wictor/status/1192850398308122625/photo/1
AMD releases new 24-core processors aimed at desktop computers. The $749 price tag, however, is a bit much for the machines sold at Best Buy
Microsoft and Nokia announce a new strategic partnership - https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-and-nokia-announce-a-new-strategic-partnership/ https://twitter.com/mspoweruser/status/1191726721860612096/photo/1
I was thinking the other day that almost all of my close friends started as work-related contacts. Just a friendly reminder that networking doesn't have to be gross. It can lead to real friendships and good relationships!
@saronyitbarek you have hit upon quite an interesting thing because this has not been my 25+ years California experience at all😇
i think it's a generational thing💀👽 and an aesthetic capacitance thing😔🕖
Clyde W. Ford on THINK BLACK: a memoir about the first Black software engineer by Hanselminutes - Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers
https://player.fm/series/hanselminutes-fresh-talk-and-tech-for-developers/clyde-w-ford-on-think-black-a-memoir-about-the-first-black-software-engineer #nowplaying
Microsoft vows to "honor" California’s sweeping privacy law across entire US https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/11/20960113/microsoft-ccpa-privacy-law-california-congress-regulation?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter https://twitter.com/verge/status/1194011691694080001/photo/1
Microsoft wins the Pentagon’s $10 billion JEDI cloud contract, beating out Amazon https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/25/20700698/microsoft-pentagon-contract-jedi-cloud-amazon-details?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter https://twitter.com/verge/status/1187868688583741442/photo/1
Hope you were using a password manager!
NordVPN Users' Passwords Exposed In Mass Credential-Stuffing Attacks - https://it.slashdot.org/story/19/11/01/219231/nordvpn-users-passwords-exposed-in-mass-credential-stuffing-attacks?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
‘Juice Jacking’ Criminals Use Public USB Chargers to Steal Data | Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Five months after returning rental car, man still has remote control #tech https://arstechnica.com/?p=1592603 https://twitter.com/ArabianScience/status/1188933854893096970/photo/1
As 5G Rolls Out, Troubling New Security Flaws Emerge https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/11/12/1845229/as-5g-rolls-out-troubling-new-security-flaws-emerge?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
Intel's major chip flaw still hasn't been fixed http://dlvr.it/RJCXGN https://twitter.com/TLITFranklin/status/1194659458841890817/photo/1
California’s blackouts reveal health care’s fragile power system. http://ow.ly/lBkK30pNuRl #HealthPolicy #PolicyBrief20
After Spike in Deaths, New York to Get 250 Miles of Bike Lanes https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/28/nyregion/nyc-biking-deaths-lanes.html
UCI accused of ‘discrimination against women’s cycling’ by Velon http://dlvr.it/RHtsyW https://twitter.com/cyclecollective/status/1192817441438674945/photo/1
My Dad passed this week.
He was one of the world's kind souls and will be greatly missed. https://twitter.com/jsnover/status/1190196627841191936/photo/1
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grills former Exxon scientists on oil giant's climate change denial https://twitter.com/Independent/status/1187719206562910209/video/1