
“React Native Vs. Xamarin Vs. Ionic Vs. Flutter” and other tweeted links…

Vedran Mandić [vekzdran] TypeScript 3.7 adds some fantastic features to decrease the boilerplate code we write, i.e. elvis operator, nullish coalescing and better recursive type definitions, amazing work again!

#javascript #js #ts #typescript #jscommunity #software #news

RVS Tech [rvsittech] TypeScript 3.7 is finally here!

✔ Optional Chaining & Coalescing
✔ Assertion Functions
✔ .d.ts Emit From .js Files
✔ Smarter Control Flow Analysis
✔ Flatter Error Messages

and more! Check out the blog post today!

Hacker News YC [newsycbot] Show HN: I created a portable lightweight replacement for Microsoft HTML Help (cmts

ⓀⒾⒺⓉⒶ [typex20] Google曰く、DoHを使ってもコンテンツフィルタリングが出来るらしいのだが、どうやって実現するんだろう。。 / “Chromium Blog: Addressing some misconceptions about our plans for improving the security of DNS”

MSPoweruser [mspoweruser] YouTube is pretty broken in latest Edge Canary Build -

Tracy Lee | ladyleet [ladyleet] I’m so pissed. @Angular Taiwan’s organizer told me just now that he’s cancelled my speaking slot AND that I have NO HOTEL accomodations because I’m not speaking.

With no comm prior. And I’m already here stranded in a foreign country.

What. The. Hell. Is. This. Bullshit.

Saron [saronyitbarek] I thought vue would get more love! Did some research and watched a ton of videos on both, and I think I'm gonna start with vue. Seems like a friendlier way to start with front end frameworks. One day I'll work myself up to react 😅

Yury Fedorov [FedorovYury] #Orleans is a cross-platform framework for building #distributed applications with #dotnet

Microsoft Azure [Azure] Explore the new release of the unified #Azure Data client libraries. Get started and share your feedback:

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Announcing Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), an open source project to make it easier for every developer to build microservice applications

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Netflix open-sources Polynote to simplify data science and machine learning workflows via @VentureBeat

Ben Watson [benmwatson] RecylableMemoryStream v1.3.0, a high-performance, pooled MemoryStream replacement has finally been released!

Visual Studio [VisualStudio] Learn the basics of creating and reviewing a pull request for #VisualStudio, including:

  • Creating new pull requests
  • Reviewing pull requests
  • Providing expressive comments using markdown, emojis, and likes
  • and more!


Hans Geurtsen [HansGeurtsen] SQL Server 2019 is now generally available - SQL Server Blog - this blog contains some details on the performance records SQL Server 2019 achieved, like process over a trillion rows in under two minutes and the TPC-H world record 30TB. #MSIgnite

Mike Nelson [nelmedia] Goodbye screens of red error text! Get-Error & ConciseView are EPIC in #PowerShell v7p5!

Joel Lindsey [JoelLindsey] RT wictor: #MSIgnite is a wrap for me! Most busy conference for me so far! Had so much fun delivering the sessions,meeting clients, colleagues and friends. My two big takeaways are #ProjectCortex and resource based consent. So excited to take this to Ava…

DwaynePhillips [DwaynePhillips] AMD releases new 24-core processors aimed at desktop computers. The $749 price tag, however, is a bit much for the machines sold at Best Buy

Saron [saronyitbarek] I was thinking the other day that almost all of my close friends started as work-related contacts. Just a friendly reminder that networking doesn't have to be gross. It can lead to real friendships and good relationships!

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] @saronyitbarek you have hit upon quite an interesting thing because this has not been my 25+ years California experience at all😇

i think it's a generational thing💀👽 and an aesthetic capacitance thing😔🕖

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Clyde W. Ford on THINK BLACK: a memoir about the first Black software engineer by Hanselminutes - Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers #nowplaying

Joel Pomales ✊🇵🇷🔥 [joelpomales] Hope you were using a password manager!

NordVPN Users' Passwords Exposed In Mass Credential-Stuffing Attacks -

Alyson //东京黑客/แฮกเกอร์โตเกียว [Alyson__T] イイハナシダナー まさに「旦那の秘密」の現代版だ ‘Juice Jacking’ Criminals Use Public USB Chargers to Steal Data | Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office

Arabian Science [ArabianScience] Five months after returning rental car, man still has remote control #tech

Ahmed Ali [MrAhmednurAli] California’s blackouts reveal health care’s fragile power system. #HealthPolicy #PolicyBrief20

überfahr [uberfahr] After Spike in Deaths, New York to Get 250 Miles of Bike Lanes

The Cycle Collective [cyclecollective] UCI accused of ‘discrimination against women’s cycling’ by Velon

Jeffrey Snover [jsnover] My Dad passed this week. He was one of the world's kind souls and will be greatly missed.

The Independent [Independent] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grills former Exxon scientists on oil giant's climate change denial