- 2017-11
- “Creating Custom Tag Helper Components with Jass Bagga” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-10
- “Introduction to FlexJS—Yishay Weiss” and other Tweeted Links…
- “An Introduction to the `fr` CSS unit” and other Tweeted Links…
- My Current, Aurelia-Inspired, Web-App Technology Road Map
- “How to improve your site’s UX” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Tom Preston-Werner created Jekyll to enable people to blog using a simple static HTML website” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Introduction to Prism for Xamarin.Forms” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-09
- “Getting Started with Aurelia CLI and Boostrap” and other Tweeted Links…
- “If It Weren’t for Apple, Hybrid App Development Would Be the Winner Over Native” and other Tweeted Links…
- “React Native with Elm” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Support your app with background tasks—UWP app developer” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-08
- “Why Every User Experience Designer Needs to Think About UX In Real Life” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Why is React is taking over front-end development?” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Machine Learning for Developers” and other Tweeted Links…
- “How to Use Responsive Images” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-07
- “Introducing Aurelia in Action” and other Tweeted Links…
- “In response to ‘Electron is flash for the desktop’” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Designing a Usable Dashboard” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-06
- “Typescript: Angular 2’s Secret Weapon” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Where will UX Design be in 5 years?” and other Tweeted Links…
Introduction [@SaraSoueidan + @chriscoyier] - “Does CSS Grid Replace Flexbox?” and other Tweeted Links…
- my little git tricks
- “The JavaScript phenomenon is a mass psychosis” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-05
- “Introduction to Claims based security in .NET4.5 with C# Part 1” and other Tweeted Links…
- “General Availability: Azure Search parses JSON Blobs” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Huge number of announcement this morning at //Build” and other Tweeted Links…
- “New Git Features in Visual Studio 2017” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Douglas Crockford Envisions A Post-JavaScript World” and other Tweeted Links…
- “The SVG `path` Syntax: An Illustrated Guide ” and other Tweeted Links…
- WPF Prism: Migrating from MEF to Unity
- “Tour of F# | Microsoft Docs” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-04
- ASP.NET Web API Ready State (4/2017)
- “Deploying Azure Functions with Kudu and PowerShell” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Understanding the User in User Experience curated by @uxceo” and other Tweeted Links…
- “What is GitHub Pages?” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-03
- “Preparing and Exporting SVG Icons in Sketch” and other Tweeted Links…
- “ePubcheck on Linux” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Build a digital book with EPUB” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Designing Motion: Smart Transitions in UI Design” and other Tweeted Links…
- Using scriptcs to Generate EPUB XHTML
- 2017-02
- “ECMAScript 2017: the final feature set” and other Tweeted Links…
- “[masonry] layout isn’t a two dimensional grid.” and other Tweeted Links…
- “The most important reason people chose Aurelia is: Full support for Typescript built in” and other Tweeted Links…
- Chocolatey GUI is the way to go…
- The PowerShell Clear-History Command on Windows 10
- Using Swashbuckle to Generate Arbitrary XML Example Values
- Using Swashbuckle to Support Swaggerfied XML Production and Consumption
- “Working with SVG, A Primer by @SaraSoueidan” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2017-01
- “A Friendly Introduction to Machine Learning” and other Tweeted Links…
- First Encounter with scriptcs => @scriptcsnet
- “Rachel Andrew: Laying Out The Future With Grid And Flexbox” and other Tweeted Links…
- “CSS @supports [CSS feature queries] <= @rachelandrew” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Page the Doctor! When Entity Framework Paging Goes Rogue!” and other Tweeted Links…
- Generating a Junction (not technically a symbolic link) in Windows 10
- “Ok… let me explain: it’s going to be Angular 4” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2016-12
- Working in markdown, leaving behind typing a typeface…
- “Your First Angular 2, ASP.NET Core Project in Visual Studio Code” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Angular 2 War Stories” and other Tweeted Links…
- “What's new for UWP developers in Visual Studio 2017?” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Looking for the Goldilocks of Web Frameworks” and other Tweeted Links…
- “XD Essentials: Shadows and Blur Effects in Modern UI Design” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2016-11
- “Mathematica consulting: Point and click ‘Tableau-like’ visuals in Mathematica” and other Tweeted Links…
- Installed choco.exe on the Azure VM…
- “Andy Farnell designing sound procedural / computational audio lecture part 1” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Dark Patterns: User Interfaces Designed to Trick People” and other Tweeted Links…
- Mathematica and My Calculus Work from 1988
- “Angular 2 for Angular 1 developers @Meligy” and other Tweeted Links…
- MAGIX Sound Forge Pro 11 inherits a nasty bug from Sony
- 2016-10
- “Material Design In XAML Toolkit An Introduction” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Is jQuery Still Relevant?” and other Tweeted Links…
- “What’s new in Visual Studio ‘15’ Preview 5 for Universal Windows Developers” and other Tweeted Links…
- “The Troubles With JavaScript Modules” and other Tweeted Links…
- Songhay Studio: .NET Standard with Songhay.Standard.Core
- “Using Background Audio in a UWP App for Xbox” and other Tweeted Links…
- “New in the Wolfram Language: Audio” and other Tweeted Links…
- “I've repeatedly run into the following problem with Bootstrap's modal dialog” and other Tweeted Links…
- “AngularJS directive for syntax highlighting with highlight.js” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2016-09
- Songhay System: the conventional way to derive a file location…
- Songhay Studio: Mathematica Online and Markdown instead of Word (in Visual Studio)
- For Windows 10, I have a bunch of free-as-in-baby Ubuntu bash shells to maintain…
- My CodePen.io Angular Samples
- “Seriously, Don’t Use Icon Fonts” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Data pagination with WebAPI and AngularJS” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Taking Pictures from HTML” and other Tweeted Links…
- “PowerShell on Linux and Open Source” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Desktop App Converter Preview” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Practical SVG @ChrisCoyier” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Introducing Postman for Windows” and other Tweeted Links…
- “darkpatterns.org offers plenty of examples of deliberately confusing or deceptive user interfaces” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Understanding ASPNET Core Initialization” and other Tweeted Links…
- “The MP3 Clips widget lets you play song samples from Amazon’s DRM-free MP3 catalog” and other Tweeted Links…
- Windows 10 Enterprise “Anniversary” Upgrade Log
- “Everyday Fonts: These Typefaces Always Work” and other Tweeted Links…
- 2016-08
- “UX: Improving User Flow Through Page Transitions” and other Tweeted Links…
- Songhay Web App CSS Disorganization
- “CSS Instead of SVG: Creating, Animating, and Morphing Shapes” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Anime.js – Polyvalent JavaScript Animation Engine” and other Tweeted Links…
- “Angular 1.x 2014: How I've Improved My Angular Apps by Banning ng-controller” and other Tweeted Links…
- My Acer Liquid M330 ‘Crap’ Phone